Rio Olympics 2016 (Non Tennis Events)


Apr 14, 2013
that means they were pretty evenly matched maybe.

In that game they were. On paper there is no team that can match up with the US. The same Serbian team lost by almost 40 points to the US in the World Championship final 2 years ago. This is not the same US team but talent wise it is similar to that 2014 team which was also missing most of the very top players. This team has not played as well as that one...talent can only carry you so far and this year they have been unimpressive even though they are still 7-0. They can't put together a complete game yet except a nice blowout of Argentina in the quarterfinals. It'd be nice to see more than 1 scorer step up big tomorrow.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Kieran said:
Men's 200m final later tonight. No Gatlin! Bolt says he's gonna try run a sub-19 second race, but his fastest time this year is from the semifinal, 19.78, or something like that. There are men in the final who have run faster than him this season. The world record looks safe: 19:19...

Gatlin would be the Villain of these games isn't wasn't for the absolute arrogant stupidity of Lochte which will be quickly be forgotten due to his celebrity.


Apr 14, 2013
This is the Kevin Durant we all know and love. When he is like this against these international teams with the short 3 point line it gets ugly quickly. And Cousins is finally staying on the court long enough to make a big impact. He is a big bruiser who can actually finish around the hoop and shoot free throws unlike Jordan. Hopefully they keep pouring it on and win by 40+, save their best game for last.


Apr 14, 2013
30 point win but it was 45 before total garbage time. Great performance today, they saved their best for last, now they can come home and rest for about 1 month before another season of what will be 90+ games for many of them that do well in the playoffs. That's why I think they're nuts for doing this but it means a lot to them clearly.
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Apr 14, 2013
Late to the party here but glad that Team USA turned it around after a few ugly games in the preliminary round. They saved their best for last and blew out Serbia today, and it would've been a lot worse than 30 points except for extended garbage time. I think the Aussies would've provided much more resistance but hats off to Serbia for pulling off the upset in the semis. They made the final of the 2014 World Championships too so they are on the rise but they lack the talent of teams like Spain, Australia, and Argentina.

Now it's time for some much needed rest for the players, they get barely one month before practice for the new season starts.


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
Hi everybody! Did you enjoy the games? They are getting more and more political, but it's nothing new.

I couldn't watch all of it, but I thought that Brazilians came through with flying colors, with all the problems they had. The Canadians were happy, judging by the final remarks. I had 2 countries to cheer for and they were really successful in their own right. Canada should really do much better, in my opinion.

Serbia is a nation of just over 7 million people and lots of economical problems, but their 8 medals were marvelous. They sent 4 teams and all 4 won medals (a gold, 2 silver and a bronze). I am so happy for the men's waterpolo team, after winning European and World championships, and World Cup, they are now the Olympic champions. With only having 2 world class swimming pools in the country. :pompoms:
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Apr 14, 2013
It was very enjoyable Billie. I ended up seeing more than I thought I would. Phelps and Bolt are really inspirational, just incredible to watch. The latter is especially entertaining. I was left thinking that watching him run might be the most entertaining thing in all of sports, it is certainly up there.

The US did especially well and as you know I'm a big basketball fan and was glad to see them get their act together late in the tournament. They heard all the noise back home from reporters and fans like me of how horrible they were doing early on and played with a chip on their shoulder. Serbia did well to take Silver, that was quite a beatdown of a strong Australia team in the semis.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Hi everybody! Did you enjoy the games? They are getting more and more political, but it's nothing new.

I couldn't watch all of it, but I thought that Brazilians came through with flying colors, with all the problems they had. The Canadians were happy, judging by the final remarks. I had 2 countries to cheer for and they were really successful in their own right. Canada should really do much better, in my opinion.

Serbia is a nation of just over 7 million people and lots of economical problems, but their 8 medals were marvelous. They sent 3 teams and all 3 won medals. I am so happy for the men's waterpolo team, after winning European and World championships, and World Cup, they are now the Olympic champions. With only having 2 world class swimming pools in the country. :pompoms:

hi Billie.

i tried to catch as many events as i could -- it was indeed wonderful - and brazil did very , very well in hosting it - GREAT opening and closing ceremonies.

and they did well in their medals too . and true - serbia is small but again,,did VERY well. even if NOLE didn't do well at all - and such a hurt for him -- no worries -- in sad defeat or winning - your country HAS made a mark in the world in so many ways -- and GOOD things you can all be proud of as SERBS...

but ONCE MORE --

KUDOS TO ANDY MURRAY -- he really deserved to win his defense of his OLYMPICS GOLD!! competed so well in every round - and WON by virtue of his simply being the BEST in the whole week of tennis.
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Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
Honestly NBA USA team and Bolt in sprinting are unfair to all other competitors. :D

Bolt is participating in the Paralympic games as well, he will lead a blind Brasilian lady in her competition. Yeah he is special.

I am glad you are happy, Twisted, with your teams.

Are you getting ready? I am swamped with work these days, but I'll find some time and post some photos from LV, I had a great time and I am sure you will too.:drums:


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
hi Billie.

i tried to catch as many events as i could -- it was indeed wonderful - and brazil did very , very well in hosting it - GREAT opening and closing ceremonies.

and they did well in their medals too . and true - serbia is small but again,,did VERY well. even if NOLE didn't do well at all - and such a hurt for him -- no worries -- in sad defeat or winning - your country HAS made a mark in the world in so many ways -- and GOOD things you can all be proud of as SERBS...

but ONCE MORE --

KUDOS TO ANDY MURRAY -- he really deserved to win his defense of his OLYMPICS GOLD!! competed so well in every round - and WON by virtue of his simply being the BEST in the whole week of tennis.

Hi Teddy, absolutely. Really nice and deserving champions in all competitions. I couldn't watch a lot of tennis as I was on vacation, but I heard about it. It was amazing that Andy won back to back gold medals for his country. Some people don't think tennis should even be a part of the Olympics, but it means a lot to them personally, if not for the tennis community.

That's the thing with the major event that goes on every 4 year. You have to plan for it and make sure you are your best when it is held. Some people do it, some don't. It's the nature of the sport. I was happy for Delpo, even if he did beat Nole. They were so emotional after the match. I am glad he got to win a silver medal after all.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Hi Teddy, absolutely. Really nice and deserving champions in all competitions. I couldn't watch a lot of tennis as I was on vacation, but I heard about it. It was amazing that Andy won back to back gold medals for his country. Some people don't think tennis should even be a part of the Olympics, but it means a lot to them personally, if not for the tennis community.

That's the thing with the major event that goes on every 4 year. You have to plan for it and make sure you are your best when it is held. Some people do it, some don't. It's the nature of the sport. I was happy for Delpo, even if he did beat Nole. They were so emotional after the match. I am glad he got to win a silver medal after all.

del potro did VERY well -- considering the circumstances he has had in his career and even as LATE as the rio itself -- so PLEASANTLY surprising to see he was NEARLY in FULL ''the TANK" mode.

but ANDY was simply phenomenal , imo. sheer competitive FIRE!! that was wonderful to see. and he displayed that amazing athleticism that i always love to watch when he is ON!
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Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
I always hoped I'll for once see Serbia vs US basketball final without the US players doped, but it will never happen. They are cowards too much to play finals clean.

Also Bartoletta and Reese, neither of which who can jump over 6.50, often bellow 6.30, in Diamond League all year long before and after the Olympics, both jump over 7.15 at the Olympics. C'mon!!!!
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I always hoped I'll for once see Serbia vs US basketball final without the US players doped, but it will never happen. They are cowards too much to play finals clean.

Also Bartoletta and Reese, neither of which who can jump over 6.50, often bellow 6.30, in Diamond League all year long before and after the Olympics, both jump over 7.15 at the Olympics. C'mon!!!!

MARK MY WORD -- the only reason the USA gets to send such large contingents authorized as ''clean" - to up their chances of medalling - is because the USA is so powerful and controls practically all the federations (not different from its fingers in governments and institutions) --

that the ''evaluation" or ''decision" system ITSELF is rigged. tha'ts how you control everything -- control the TOP bodies -- and you get everything done as you please.

for example: the simple question:

why were the russian athletest - even if SOME of them were doped , even by acknowledgement of THEIR own very strict regimen that gets sent in results to the world bodies for approval -- ALL group banned? and russian athletes who were found years ago but ever since - either CLEARED OR had paid penalties -- NOT given the same ''clearance"

as USA athletes under EXACTLY the same penalties or discovery of doping?

ONLY a system - global - ruled and controlled by western - primarily american bodies and officials and rule making and STANDARD creating -- can make such decisions - NO OTHER explanation.

but since countries are NOT powerful enough to REFORM that system (as putin called for while also improving the russian system to ensure compliance as much as possible) -- who would dare challenge the USA ''officiating?"

THAT/'S how they get away with these things. right in front of everyone.

they DO IT - s the saying goes "because we CAN" -- not unlike the USA prints DOLLARS out of thin air WITHOUT collateral behind it -- just 'BECAUSE WE SAID SO".

which of course was initially put in ''effect" by TWISTING the arms of governments for decades (such as the 1940's post WW2 bretton-woods monetary system)

to simply accept the USA dollar as a ''trusted money" absolutely without complaint - and 1971 - removing the need for collateral gold ..''just our say so -- as good as gold" ...

if people can not or have NOT yet seen that -- they are FOOLS to believe the USA actually is worth the SPIT it spends telling the world "our standards are the best".

IF -- NOVAK -- EVER dared open his mouth more about srebrenica - or milosevic -- in death -- ''ACQUITED OF WAR CRIMES" -- buried deep near theend of the recent ''WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL" (also controlled by BRUSSELS and ANGLO-SAXON west) -

you better believe the ENTIRE WEIGHT of the USA/WEst GOVERNMENT and media would SHRED him to pieces with accusations of one sort or another -- FACT OR EVIDENCE free of course -- except what they COOK UP.

JUST LIKE ''the russian STATE doping program"

when -- in all likelihood if there'/s ANY ''state program" in doping -- it's none other than the USA'S.

MARK MY WORD -- now that rio is OVER -- as a warned and predicted weeks ago --

russia IS NOT DONE with this thing yet...first of all

1) because it's RUSSIA'S citizens and she WILL protect them..
2) because russia KNOWS it is part of the USA'S ''all options are on the table" TOTAL war against russia which has already started in so many ways...military war being onloy ONE of them - but economic is already there. diplomatic -- AND media as well as in all sorts of activities INCLUDING above all what else but


it's not as if this is NEW From the USA:

the olympics in russia in the 1970.s which forced russia to retaliate in the 1980's -- but NOTE who instigated it...
the SOCHI to smear russia's reputation including in ''construction and organizing with efficiency" (which ATTEMPT FAILED to distract people from seeing how WELL russia did it)...
maria sharapova --

and now - it turns out -- american athletes HAVE been taking meldonium for decades -- 'only it's a weaker form" -- oh...really?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I always hoped I'll for once see Serbia vs US basketball final without the US players doped, but it will never happen. They are cowards too much to play finals clean.

Also Bartoletta and Reese, neither of which who can jump over 6.50, often bellow 6.30, in Diamond League all year long before and after the Olympics, both jump over 7.15 at the Olympics. C'mon!!!!
it may sound ''unrelated or farfetched"

but as i said -- this SMEAR of RUSSIA under the banner

"russian STATE doping policy" -- is PART of the american/allies' war against russia.

i repeat that -- this IS REAL WAR that has ALREADY been waged by the US AND ITS ''elites" against the Russian state and its people -- and along with it -- ALL others that bear any 'leaning" towards the russian independence from american rule over the globe.

the tone and wording might sound ''innocent'' enough - couched in ''corporate" , businesslike talk --

but we ALL know by now , as example GEORGE SOROS as responsible for

plenty of misery around the world -- with his profiteering based on chaos and regime change -- PARTICULARLY in the ''near - abroad" of russia...


NOTE that the smearing done on SOCHI OLYMPICS is one such example straight from the bowels of hell of george soros and the USA.

Leaked Memos Show George Soros Plotted to Oust Putin, Destabilize Russia
01:25 28.08.2016(updated 01:37 28.08.2016) Get short URL

The recent DC Leaks document dump of over 2,500 documents from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations illustrates a disturbing trend by the billionaire of using his wealth and influence to sow chaos across the world in a bid to profit off of global suffering and impose neoliberal ideas on an international scale.

The leaks have already exposed Soros’ efforts to destabilize the European Union by promoting a policy of open borders and mass migration and fracturing Ukraine’s government by fomenting an illegal coup of a democratically elected government using neo-Nazi hardliners. Once dubbed the “puppet master” by the fanatical Glenn Beck, Soros has also been linked to both corruption in the United States and, according to some, positive social reform in his funding of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Yet the man who has brought regimes around the world to their knees has long wanted to bring Putin’s government crashing down, but has proven unsuccessful time and again. New memos from the DC Leaks file dump show that this failure to oust Putin wasn’t for lack of trying on the part of Soros.

In a November 2012 document titled “OSF [Open Society Foundation] Russia Strategic Planning Meeting Notes” a team of anti-Putin international experts sat down to discuss how to "identify joint priorities for OSF’s Russia activities in the coming year. How can we most effectively collaborate, considering the deteriorating political environment for our partners?"

© REUTERS/ Xinhua, Li Gang

Whereas that seems benign, the document minutes show that the meeting’s participants hoped that Medvedev’s years as president would provide "an opening" for the Open Society Foundations to influence and rattle the Russian government. A hope that disappeared when Putin returned to office.

"The Medvedev period allowed for a number of improvements and significant openings for NGOs… However, pressure has come back very quickly in the short time that Putin has been back in power."

The NGO operation became quickly distrusted in Russia following the botched "Maidan like" protests which were immediately dismantled before it could threaten the Russian government.

"The Russian protests deeply affected the life of NGO’s," read the minutes. The meeting explains that the government had attempted to encourage civil opposition by providing funds, "but by encouraging self-organization, they had opened up Pandora’s Box… the door was opened for self-mobilization."

© Sputnik/ Ildus Gilyazutdinov

The document proceeded to provide an extensive bullet point list of "what must be done" in order to destabilize Russia including working to flood the country with migrants and influencing the country’s media operations.

The memo was followed up with what was called "the Russia Project" which called for identifying and organizing opponents to Putin, advancing principles of globalism, and undermine Russia’s image in the lead up to the Sochi Winter Olympics.


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
Also Bartoletta and Reese, neither of which who can jump over 6.50, often bellow 6.30, in Diamond League all year long before and after the Olympics, both jump over 7.15 at the Olympics. C'mon!!!!

I was wondering about this after the final two events in Diamond League this past week. It's not a difference of 10-15 cm or so, we are talking about almost a meter shorter than what they did at the Olympics. Maybe they don't care about the only professional competition in the world.;)

After Carl Lewis, Florance Griffith-Joyner, Marion Jones, Justin Gatlin, Tyson Gay revelations, I am skeptical about a lot of them, frankly. By his own admission, Lewis was one of the hundreds American athletes allowed to escape bans for testing positive for banned substances. Only a few of them were stripped of their medals.
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Apr 14, 2013
I always hoped I'll for once see Serbia vs US basketball final without the US players doped, but it will never happen. They are cowards too much to play finals clean.

Also Bartoletta and Reese, neither of which who can jump over 6.50, often bellow 6.30, in Diamond League all year long before and after the Olympics, both jump over 7.15 at the Olympics. C'mon!!!!

The US could play one-handed and on crack and still beat Serbia at basketball. World of difference in ability, I figured another ass kicking could've taught you that.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I was wondering about this after the final two events in Diamond League this past week. It's not a difference of 10-15 cm or so, we are talking about almost a meter shorter than what they did at the Olympics. Maybe they don't care about the only professional competition in the world.;)

After Carl Lewis, Florance Griffith-Joyner, Marion Jones, Justin Gatlin, Tyson Gay revelations, I am skeptical about a lot of them, frankly. By his own admission, Lewis was one of the hundreds American athletes allowed to escape bans for testing positive for banned substances. Only a few of them were stripped of their medals.

standard american behavior's a PATTERN of decades if anyone cares to look at perspective and history.

when caught - profuse ''non-apology apologies"..hand in hand with standard:
"they are just bad apples in a barrel -- the barrel of apples is really all GOOOOD".

when in fact -- it's ENDEMIC. this is after a country that doesn't bat an eyelash at putting ''sports performance" above REAL academic performance in its ENTIRE highschool culture -- and literally rewards DUMB athletes a college scholarship solong as they make the 'passing mark...because it means a BIG BUSINESS of sponsorships, AND performance enhancing ''diet" -- ''sometimes known as drugs".

and again -- when caught -- makes the profuse excuses that ''this is not who we are".

so - is it any surprise that the actual violation are swiftly passed over, forgotten, careers even forgiven and ''resurrected"

WHILE contrasting it with the barrage of unfounded accusations with a political underlining when it comes to another country --PARTICULARLY russia BECAUSE of what russia represents - far behyond JUST SPORTS?

THAT IS: REFUSING to bend the knee to american dictates in global affairs?

people need to pay attention - because these ARE part of something so critical to everyone - and that is WAR that the USA has ALREADY waged not just on russia but on any country that dares REFUSE obedience to the usa....

just look at what is exctly happening around russia right now with NATO..the massing of nuclear weapons and massive troops at the border

in the Exact configuration by Hitler..what did it lead to? do people really think that usa is NOT eager to go that route if, in the calculation of american elites - THAT is what it takes to make the ONE country bow -- that no one could make bow - russia?

fortunately (if - tragically - that is the word one must use)

a REAL WAR that is provoked by the USA behind its NATO ''front lines" - like the baltics and poland who are STUPID to allow themselves to be the ''war front" --

would result in retaliation from russia so swift - it WILL literally wipe them out in UNDER 30 MINUTES. AND THAT IS THE END of eastern europe.

AND RETALIATION doesn't stop there- however -- russia CAN reach anywhere in the USA (basically anywhere on earth) in UNDER an hour...

it is not that far-fetched folks. and all this talk of tennis of ours means nothing .

this whole matter of the USA -- and UK - really an ''angl0american " thing about russia -- has been going on for 600 hundred years...right from the days when the first british emissaries landed in ST petersburg centuries ago ..

including one of englands greatest POETS - JOHN MILTON - WHO went back to his kings with reports --

so disdainful of russia -- already calling them "barbarians, filthy, unelegant, unschooled, backward, unlettered..unworthy" --

didn/t people know that?

fast-forward to today -- does anyone HONESTLY wish to say ''it's not like that anymore?" or it's because of the ''former USSR threat?" (which was itself actually a DEFENSIVE reaction to the SAME centuries of constant pressure from the west?)

who do you think started all the caricatures so popular today about the ''BIG BAD RUSSIAN BEAR THAT WILL EAT YOU? "

it's the british centuries ago ...that's how DEEP it goes, folks. it goes so far back they actually

SUCCEEDED in LANDING troops - some battalions or platoons from the FAR EAST - pacific coasts OF russia in the early 20th century , along with americans -- since that was naturally far less developed and defended --

except that thinking to establish some outpost to start the ''carving up of russia into smaller pieces" (reminds you of other 'map-remaking" such as in the middle east , doesn't it?)

they got caught in the notorious siberian winter and literally froze and starved tod eath or died from disease by the time russian natives found them...

in the meantime -- in history - after russia destroyed HITLER -- russia's increasing resurgence was so swift they could EASILY have raced straight up to the atlantic coast IF they wanted...

but -- upon request by telegraph by UK AND USA -- stopped AT as to give the 'allies' the chance to CLAIM some ''victory'' -- i don't have time to guide peop;le as to the documents -- but they ARE there, u know. literal REQUESTS for russia to ''slow down" - lol.

yet -- LOOK at what the WEST -- led by the ANGLO-AMERICANS -- continue to do -- UNABLE to get rid of their obsession with making 'those SLAVIC RUSSIANS" submit!

and because she WON'T and therefore REPRESENTS the rest of the world that DOESN'T want to submit (syria, iran, china, serbian PEOPLE, for example -- unlike the Poles, kievans, baltics, germans today, etc) -

do people not BEGIN to understand what the TRUE meaning of all these MERE sports matters really are?

the reason is simple:

RUSSIA -- is NOT just a 'territory" (big and rich as it is that the angl0-americans ALWAYS wanted ) - it is a COMPLETELY ALIEN INDEPENDENT WORLD of its own that stands in DIRECT opposition to what the other represents...and STANDS as a SYMBOL that all other countries, far weaker CAN look to as a model of INDEPENDENCE and to have THEIR own unique cultures thrive and survive and find their own destiny.

that's WHAT RUSSIA REPRESENTS..always did since centuries ago - and THAT is why she IS the most IMPORTANT target to be conquered -- apart frm china or india.
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Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
I was wondering about this after the final two events in Diamond League this past week. It's not a difference of 10-15 cm or so, we are talking about almost a meter shorter than what they did at the Olympics. Maybe they don't care about the only professional competition in the world.;)

After Carl Lewis, Florance Griffith-Joyner, Marion Jones, Justin Gatlin, Tyson Gay revelations, I am skeptical about a lot of them, frankly. By his own admission, Lewis was one of the hundreds American athletes allowed to escape bans for testing positive for banned substances. Only a few of them were stripped of their medals.

Many of those were never caught, but they simply admitted doping themselves. And not only that US government lets their own athletes dope, they even protect those from selected countries/occupied regions.

Did you read about that wrestler from Kosovo who won gold in Rio after refusing to be tested at a competition in France just 2 months earlier?
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