The hate thread


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
Why, if it is just so fine?
Some people hate it. I feel freakish sometimes thinking in rhyme when a lot of people have to sit down & think before they come up with a rhyme. I do like rhyme though as I think it's beautiful.
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Apr 14, 2013
Just like tennis.... Tennis has aesthetical aspects too that you could argue about 'til kingdom come..... like blablabla's strokes are so ugly watching him play makes me puke etc etc..... Watching someone play pleases one and horrifies someone else.... But there are things that you can quantify about tennis...... Same with guitar players....... Certain things can be quantified others no....

Replying here as it is about things I hate. Yes, you gotta a point, it has similarities to tennis, and as I said I hate both kinds of lists. I hate lists so much that I will make a list of things I hate which are related to lists:

1) Lists
2) People that compile lists (oh, wait...)
3) People that take lists seriously.
4) Myself for once in a while forgetting not to even look at lists
5) The stupid arguments that in general people use to justify their fucking lists entries
6) All the things I always forget on the supermarket because I don't make lists
7) All the things I buy and don't need on the supermarket because I don't make lists
8) PC people. They remind me of lists
9) The fact that most lists are "top 10".
11) Consistency. I hate being consistent enough to make a logical list.
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Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
Replying here as it is about things I hate. Yes, you gotta a point, it has similarities to tennis, and as I said I hate both kinds of lists. I hate lists so much that I will make a list of things I hate which are related to lists:

1) Lists
2) People that compile lists (oh, wait...)
3) People that take lists seriously.
4) Myself for once in a while forgetting not to even look at lists
5) The stupid arguments that in general people use to justify their fucking lists entries
6) All the things I always forget on the supermarket because I don't make lists
7) All the things I buy and don't need on the supermarket because I don't make lists
8) PC people. They remind me of lists
9) The fact that most lists are "top 10".
11) Consistency. I hare being consistent enough to make a logical list.
I only use shopping lists when I've got that many things to get to make what I want. I like treats. Lol. I just got your joke. You skipped from 9 to 11 without 10. I agree about 11.


Replying here as it is about things I hate. Yes, you gotta a point, it has similarities to tennis, and as I said I hate both kinds of lists. I hate lists so much that I will make a list of things I hate which are related to lists:

1) Lists
2) People that compile lists (oh, wait...)
3) People that take lists seriously.
4) Myself for once in a while forgetting not to even look at lists
5) The stupid arguments that in general people use to justify their fucking lists entries
6) All the things I always forget on the supermarket because I don't make lists
7) All the things I buy and don't need on the supermarket because I don't make lists
8) PC people. They remind me of lists
9) The fact that most lists are "top 10".
11) Consistency. I hare being consistent enough to make a logical list.
:lulz1::lulz2::laugh::lol3: :good:


Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Things I hate

I hate people who to animals & children are cruel.
I hate people who always instead of defusing an argument pile on more fuel.
I hate ignorant people & people who act like fools.
I hate people who are cruel to horses, ponies, donkeys, zebras, asses & mules.
I know I'm very articulate so hate it when capable people don't understand me although I've spoken well.
I'm sure for some others this feeling will ring a bell.
I hate people who kill others or steal.
I hate people who aren't real.
I hate people who lie.
I hate people who know you & just pass by.
I hate people who don't tell the truth.
I hate people who for the slightest reason go through the roof.
I hate people who no matter what you say don't know right from wrong.
I hate it when new singers spoil an old song.
I hate people who twist your words & not in fun.
The last 3 words in the last line are important because I like the odd pun.
I hate it when people don't consider other people's feelings.
I hate it when people aren't civilised in all their dealings.
I hate people who are rude.
I hate people who always talk crude.
I hate people who never show gratitude.

I'm very sorry it's all in rhyme as not everyone likes rhyme but I find myself thinking in rhyme sometimes. I really must stop thinking in rhyme.

Do you hate green eggs and ham, EquineAnn?


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
Do you hate green eggs and ham, EquineAnn?
Haha! I loved that book as a girl, I. Haychew. Not as much as I loved Black Beauty, Greyfriars Bobby, Anne of Greengables & the works of Edith Blyton. I've forgot the answer to the question but I prefer fresh eggs & ham. Lol.


lol Bogus the Rodent on muggaysworld is like the caricature of a jew.... he took screenshot of his account, he also loves to talk about his portfolio..... It's just fucking childish and ridiculous..... Like let's look at jewish kids in the tennis community, like there's Freak3yman on mtf, he was 16, spoiled and bratty but even he didn't do things like that....

Bogus the Rodent's IQ is so low that he can't see the subtle jokes people like Aileen pull off against him, like you can afford that boogers right? and the idiot jumps on the bait like yes yes, i can afford it (because i have lots of money) hahaha what a joke person :lulz1::laugh::whistle:

And some people like sons of anarchy muggy, althusser and buttberry hill act like tools and puppets to that disgusting clown.... If i were them i would just dig a very deep hole and bury myself, lol.....


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I hate people who go on buses & put their feet up when the bus is full & people have to stand & they can see that & they won't put their feet on the floor. I hate people who ask you a question then when you answer it they say they know nastily. I hate people who are rude. I hate people who just tut at others for no reason & I hate people who don't use their manners. Manners cost nothing & aren't hard to use. It's not hard to say "excuse me.", "please" & "thank you". I also hate people who still argue the toss when they're wrong & they know it & won't admit they're wrong, apologise & learn from their mistakes. I hate prejudiced people & by prejudice I mean all prejudices. I hate non-constructive criticism. I hate uncivilised people.
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Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I hate when the bus doors stop working & the driver can't get them working & won't ring the repair man then you get told the nearest repair man is 1/2 an hour away, then someone goes to try to get on it even when he sees everyone sitting down waiting & you've tried telling him that everyone is waiting for the bus but can't get on as the doors won't work & he just ignores you then you've got 1 hr. to wait for that same No. bus & 2 hours for a bus that takes you where you want to go but you've got to walk a bit further so you decide to get on a bus to a town 1/2 way to where you want to be as you haven't got as long to wait & buses are more regular from there. Leading on from that I hate when you're trying to tell someone something but they won't listen to you although you're right especially when what you're telling them could save a life like when an old man started feeling funny but didn't know why in a café I was in then suddenly went quiet so we went to see if he was o.k. but he wasn't responding & his face went lop-sided. They phoned for an ambulance but didn't tell them about his face being lop-sided. I kept telling them that the telephonist needed to know that but they said it was nothing to do with it. When the paramedics came in they asked if he was having a fit or something I said it looked more like a stroke to me. I was still wrong. He got checked out. It was a stroke he had & everyone apologised but it's still not nice to be ignored & told you're wrong & it could have been more serious. Luckily the man survived & went back to normal.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I hate it when you're trying to lose weight & everyone is buying you chocolate, sweets & biscuits & expecting you to eat them. I'm sick of telling friends & family I'm on a healthy eating plan.
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Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I hate it when someone goes in between the bus drivers cab & elderly & disabled seats on a bus & just stands there chatting when there's a queue behind them waiting to get on & everyone else on the bus wants the driver to get the queue down so they can get to where they want to go & the chatter wonders why people are looking at them especially when it's 1/2 day closing where you're going to 1st. I'm like you're holding the queue up. Other people want to get on the bus & everyone wants to go somewhere. Some people may have appointments to go to or be meeting someone


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I hate it when your eczema flares up on your ears (caused by me having them pierced & being allergic to all the earrings. I let them heal up but the Dr. said it caused eczema on my ears & it flares up when it gets too hot or too cold) especially when you've got an interview the next day & don't know whether to flout the "no make-up" rule & put concealer on it or the minimal jewellery rule & put clip-on earrings on, put a bandana on & wear your hair in a bun at the back & just dress for the interview like you normally do with your hair in a bun & hope that the interviewer either understands, doesn't notice or doesn't comment on it or just asks you so you can explain.

I hate personality tests because they have awkward questions which can back-fire whatever way you answer them like "Do you prefer to work quickly or to perfection?" & "Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team?" To question 1 if you answer you prefer to work quickly they could think that your results are rather slapdash, if you answer that you prefer to work to perfection they could think you're slow & have trouble completing things & if you answer neutral you could be seen as unwilling to commit. To question 1 if you answer you prefer to work alone you could be seen as unsocial yet if you answer you prefer to work as part of a team you could be seen as someone who leaves all the work to others & yet again if you answer neutral you could be seen as unwilling to commit. I nearly got somewhere twice after filling out my application & customer service form with 1 company & after filling in my application form & doing a maths & English test with another then got rejected because of personality tests. Mind you the maths & English test was that easy a 5 year old could have done it & the customer service test wasn't that much harder.

I hate it when it's too hot especially if it's as hot as Malta here as I'm not used to weather that's too hot as I'm British.

I hate getting heatstroke.
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