USA Elections 2016


Jul 23, 2013
Chicago, IL
Kieran said:
Fiero425 said:
I expected nothing less from her when the family dynasty was put in jeopardy! She had big plans and so far, every dream has come true; though delayed by 8 yeas of Obama! If it meant Bill's bimbos would get their feelings hurt and their reputations tarnish, SO BE IT! It may have been hypocritical of her now to talk about victims being believe, yadda, yadda, yadda, but she's much too close to blow it all with "consistency!"

Thanks for the insight there. You consider yourself a Hillary supporter? :laydownlaughing :lolz:

Not really, but I'd just assume the world get blown up than deal with a Republican as president ever again! They've shown themselves to be collectively insane, repeating the same idiotic cutting of taxes, deregulating Wall Street so they can "tank" again, and think nothing of starting conflicts somewhere in the world, forcing more residual forces after they're done! We're spread so thin as it is trying to clean up the last mess of "W's!" I have nothing but contempt for Republicans after the way they've treated Obama! I'm no fan of his, coming out of nowhere to steal it from Hillary back in '08! They treated him shabbily; pretty much outright hatred and bigotry! It was like they felt he wasn't entitled to be in that chair as "commander-in- chief" and they showed every way possible to show they not only had no respect for themselves, they had none for him or the office!

The Republican Party went "commando" determined to make Obama's political life as impossible as they could make it! When not in power, everything was filibustered, normal budget housekeeping was held up causing gov't shutdowns, and 1 by 1 they spit in his face! Boehner would make an agreement, the T-Baggers would tell him to "get lost" and he'd go back on his word which was useless soon after taking over as Speaker! He was weak and obviously couldn't count votes allowing his own caucus to have initial failures in passing bills! One despicable character actually screamed out at Obama "you lie" in the middle of the "State Of The Union!" Half those animals stoked the belief that Obama was Kenyan, a Muslim, unpatriotic, & some kind of Manchurian Candidate! That's for starters! Funny how they say "en masse," WE'RE NOT RACIST! What do you call how the hierarchy of the party has treated this President? :puzzled


Apr 14, 2013
What do I call it? Well, they're elected Republicans. The president has his role, and they have theirs. It isn't "racist", a low card to deal: it's what the electorate wanted.

But you know, if you don't want so many wars, maybe Obama should stop drone striking, close Gitmo, etc?

I see you like Hillary, more as an ideal of some sort, than as an actual candidate who's shown integrity, honesty, consistency, etc. I don't mind that, because that's your choice, but in this matter of Trump, she's being a pious hypocrite, and media are enabling her. She's not going to win the election because she's a great candidate. She was struggling in the polls until the media went into killer mode. I wonder do you ever worry about the fact that American has presented us with the two least popular candidates imaginable, just at a moment in modern history when we need somebody great?


Jul 23, 2013
Chicago, IL
Kieran said:
What do I call it? Well, they're elected Republicans. The president has his role, and they have theirs. It isn't "racist", a low card to deal: it's what the electorate wanted.

But you know, if you don't want so many wars, maybe Obama should stop drone striking, close Gitmo, etc?

I see you like Hillary, more as an ideal of some sort, than as an actual candidate who's shown integrity, honesty, consistency, etc. I don't mind that, because that's your choice, but in this matter of Trump, she's being a pious hypocrite, and media are enabling her. She's not going to win the election because she's a great candidate. She was struggling in the polls until the media went into killer mode. I wonder do you ever worry about the fact that American has presented us with the two least popular candidates imaginable, just at a moment in modern history when we need somebody great?

Seek serious help guv'nor! I always SMH when I hear or see this BS about the media protecting the Clintons! Mon Dieu, they've been put through the ringer for over 20 years! What haven't they been accused of; murder, drug running, influence peddling, illicit use of gov't offices, etc.? After hundreds of investigations and Congressional hearings, they still got nothing! I'm no fan of Hillary's, but I have sympathy for what she's had to go thru in this "man's world" trying to penalize her for being smart and ambitious! There's the hypocrisy and it's on the other side; her disgusting detractors! Nothing short of their deaths will appease some of you I'm sure; after all the backbiting, attacks, & slander! They will go down in history as the most successful couple in the history of the world! You guys can't stand it so you're trying to undermine her victories by deflating her competition along the way! They may have been pathetic, but what other woman has gotten this close w/ so many animals nipping @ her heels? :puzzled :nono


Apr 14, 2013
Fiero425 said:
Kieran said:
What do I call it? Well, they're elected Republicans. The president has his role, and they have theirs. It isn't "racist", a low card to deal: it's what the electorate wanted.

But you know, if you don't want so many wars, maybe Obama should stop drone striking, close Gitmo, etc?

I see you like Hillary, more as an ideal of some sort, than as an actual candidate who's shown integrity, honesty, consistency, etc. I don't mind that, because that's your choice, but in this matter of Trump, she's being a pious hypocrite, and media are enabling her. She's not going to win the election because she's a great candidate. She was struggling in the polls until the media went into killer mode. I wonder do you ever worry about the fact that American has presented us with the two least popular candidates imaginable, just at a moment in modern history when we need somebody great?

Seek serious help guv'nor! I always SMH when I hear or see this BS about the media protecting the Clintons! Mon Dieu, they've been put through the ringer for absolute crap for over 20 years! What haven't they been accused of; murder, drug running, influence peddling, illicit use of gov't offices, etc.? After hundreds of investigations and Congressional hearings, they still got nothing! I'm no fan of Hillary, but I have sympathy for what she's had to go thru in this "man's world" trying to penalize her for being smart and ambitious! There's the hypocrisy and it's on the other side; her disgusting detractors! Nothing short of their deaths will appease some of you I'm sure; too bad after all the backbiting, attacks, and slander, they will go down in history as the most successful couple in the history of the world! You guys can't stand it so you're trying to undermine her victories by deflating her competition along the way! They may have been pathetic, but what other woman has gotten this close with so many animals nipping at her heels? :puzzled

Actually, she admitted wrongdoing, my friend, with regards to the emails, but when pushed closer she came out with a classic equivalent of "the dog ate my homework."

I had concussion. :cover

Bill then stepped on a plane with a crony and made these things disappear. It really doesn't get much more shady than this, and if she was a Republican, you'd be nodding your head in agreement.

There are a lot of reasons why she's unpopular, and her shadiness in the email matter only highlighted how she's also untrustworthy at the job of protecting Americans. She's secretive to the extent that she couldn't even be honest about her health issues recently. She needed a conference with her team to see how to spin it.

But the issue I was more thinking about was GSM's funny post about Trump and all the wimmin complaining about him. I thought that post was funny, because similarly to Bill, Trump now needs an exhaustive list to show who's who, and what's what. It made me think of Hillary's hypocrisy in this regard, something you highlighted when you mentioned Gingrich and his own hypocrisy.

God bless America, indeed...

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Kieran said:
Fiero425 said:
Kieran said:
What do I call it? Well, they're elected Republicans. The president has his role, and they have theirs. It isn't "racist", a low card to deal: it's what the electorate wanted.

But you know, if you don't want so many wars, maybe Obama should stop drone striking, close Gitmo, etc?

I see you like Hillary, more as an ideal of some sort, than as an actual candidate who's shown integrity, honesty, consistency, etc. I don't mind that, because that's your choice, but in this matter of Trump, she's being a pious hypocrite, and media are enabling her. She's not going to win the election because she's a great candidate. She was struggling in the polls until the media went into killer mode. I wonder do you ever worry about the fact that American has presented us with the two least popular candidates imaginable, just at a moment in modern history when we need somebody great?

Seek serious help guv'nor! I always SMH when I hear or see this BS about the media protecting the Clintons! Mon Dieu, they've been put through the ringer for absolute crap for over 20 years! What haven't they been accused of; murder, drug running, influence peddling, illicit use of gov't offices, etc.? After hundreds of investigations and Congressional hearings, they still got nothing! I'm no fan of Hillary, but I have sympathy for what she's had to go thru in this "man's world" trying to penalize her for being smart and ambitious! There's the hypocrisy and it's on the other side; her disgusting detractors! Nothing short of their deaths will appease some of you I'm sure; too bad after all the backbiting, attacks, and slander, they will go down in history as the most successful couple in the history of the world! You guys can't stand it so you're trying to undermine her victories by deflating her competition along the way! They may have been pathetic, but what other woman has gotten this close with so many animals nipping at her heels? :puzzled

Actually, she admitted wrongdoing, my friend, with regards to the emails, but when pushed closer she came out with a classic equivalent of "the dog ate my homework."

I had concussion. :cover

Bill then stepped on a plane with a crony and made these things disappear. It really doesn't get much more shady than this, and if she was a Republican, you'd be nodding your head in agreement.

There are a lot of reasons why she's unpopular, and her shadiness in the email matter only highlighted how she's also untrustworthy at the job of protecting Americans. She's secretive to the extent that she couldn't even be honest about her health issues recently. She needed a conference with her team to see how to spin it.

But the issue I was more thinking about was GSM's funny post about Trump and all the wimmin complaining about him. I thought that post was funny, because similarly to Bill, Trump now needs an exhaustive list to show who's who, and what's what. It made me think of Hillary's hypocrisy in this regard, something you highlighted when you mentioned Gingrich and his own hypocrisy.

God bless America, indeed...

Kieran, I noticed that you are very non Clinton. Did you know that the Clinton years was the most profitable time in US history. The DoT coms, banking, housing, auto industry flourished( better than the Reagan years because his administration didn't do a damn thing to help minorities(blacks,mexicans,women and etc).
Bill Clinton sexual transgressions was no different than JFK or Thomas Jefferson. I always felt that was between him and his wife to resolve.


Apr 14, 2013
I think they're fakes, buddy. I think they're frauds. From Bill saying about Obama, "this guy would have been carrying our bags", to Hillary's use of the term "bimbo eruptions", it betrays their true nature, which is casually racist (Bill) and not feminist, as Hillary likes to portray herself. They're power hungry and deceitful, and although many folks have been both of these things and still been great leaders, I think Hillary is unsuited to the presidency. And Bill's affairs aren't simply "between them", when he using a young intern in the Oval Office. Sorry, but that's an abuse of power, and their treatment of Monica afterwards was shocking, and callous.

I see now that because Michelle Obama has criticised Trump, and by obvious implication, Bill, some people are now ludicrously suggesting an Obama dynasty would be a good thing. Please, lads. We've had the Bushes, and hopefully they're done. Hillary has struggled throughout all the primaries and election, and now they want another dynasty? :cover

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Kieran said:
I think they're fakes, buddy. I think they're frauds. From Bill saying about Obama, "this guy would have been carrying our bags", to Hillary's use of the term "bimbo eruptions", it betrays their true nature, which is casually racist (Bill) and not feminist, as Hillary likes to portray herself. They're power hungry and deceitful, and although many folks have been both of these things and still been great leaders, I think Hillary is unsuited to the presidency. And Bill's affairs aren't simply "between them", when he using a young intern in the Oval Office. Sorry, but that's an abuse of power, and their treatment of Monica afterwards was shocking, and callous.

I see now that because Michelle Obama has criticised Trump, and by obvious implication, Bill, some people are now ludicrously suggesting an Obama dynasty would be a good thing. Please, lads. We've had the Bushes, and hopefully they're done. Hillary has struggled throughout all the primaries and election, and now they want another dynasty? :cover
Michelle Obama criticized Trump's language on the tape and how it impacted her as a mother, wife and woman. What was wrong with that?

Kieran, Trump is not a politician. Yes, he is running as a Republican but he was a Democratic when Rafa wrestled the Wimbledon crown from Roger.


Apr 14, 2013
the AntiPusher said:
Kieran said:
I think they're fakes, buddy. I think they're frauds. From Bill saying about Obama, "this guy would have been carrying our bags", to Hillary's use of the term "bimbo eruptions", it betrays their true nature, which is casually racist (Bill) and not feminist, as Hillary likes to portray herself. They're power hungry and deceitful, and although many folks have been both of these things and still been great leaders, I think Hillary is unsuited to the presidency. And Bill's affairs aren't simply "between them", when he using a young intern in the Oval Office. Sorry, but that's an abuse of power, and their treatment of Monica afterwards was shocking, and callous.

I see now that because Michelle Obama has criticised Trump, and by obvious implication, Bill, some people are now ludicrously suggesting an Obama dynasty would be a good thing. Please, lads. We've had the Bushes, and hopefully they're done. Hillary has struggled throughout all the primaries and election, and now they want another dynasty? :cover
Michelle Obama criticized Trump's language on the tape and how it impacted her as a mother, wife and woman. What was wrong with that?

Kieran, Trump is not a politician. Yes, he is running as a Republican but he was a Democratic when Rafa wrestled the Wimbledon crown from Roger. It's not fair or good of you to keep bashing all the American presidents from a far.

It's a thread on a public forum, buddy, and I have said that my interest is prompted by the fact that whoever America elects affects the whole western world, and beyond. It's a problem for all of us. You're no longer living in "splendid isolation", and nor are we. America interferes abroad, sometimes benignly, sometimes not, but they have a world stage responsibility, either taken on by themselves, or thrust upon them. For example, I feel the world is a much less safe place since Obama became president. Does it affect us? Of course it does, and I'm not the only non-American citizen or resident to post about the elections.

As for being "from afar", surely we're all commenting from afar, when it's an elitist system? And haven't I said that the problem of quality among the candidates isn't only an American problem, but also found here in Europe? So I'm not just "bashing American presidents" - but I'm not gonna praise racists and bigots, be they Bill or Donald, or Jeremy Corbyn, or Gerry Adams in Ireland...

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Kieran said:
the AntiPusher said:
Kieran said:
I think they're fakes, buddy. I think they're frauds. From Bill saying about Obama, "this guy would have been carrying our bags", to Hillary's use of the term "bimbo eruptions", it betrays their true nature, which is casually racist (Bill) and not feminist, as Hillary likes to portray herself. They're power hungry and deceitful, and although many folks have been both of these things and still been great leaders, I think Hillary is unsuited to the presidency. And Bill's affairs aren't simply "between them", when he using a young intern in the Oval Office. Sorry, but that's an abuse of power, and their treatment of Monica afterwards was shocking, and callous.

I see now that because Michelle Obama has criticised Trump, and by obvious implication, Bill, some people are now ludicrously suggesting an Obama dynasty would be a good thing. Please, lads. We've had the Bushes, and hopefully they're done. Hillary has struggled throughout all the primaries and election, and now they want another dynasty? :cover
Michelle Obama criticized Trump's language on the tape and how it impacted her as a mother, wife and woman. What was wrong with that?

Kieran, Trump is not a politician. Yes, he is running as a Republican but he was a Democratic when Rafa wrestled the Wimbledon crown from Roger. It's not fair or good of you to keep bashing all the American presidents from a far.

It's a thread on a public forum, buddy, and I have said that my interest is prompted by the fact that whoever America elects affects the whole western world, and beyond. It's a problem for all of us. You're no longer living in "splendid isolation", and nor are we. America interferes abroad, sometimes benignly, sometimes not, but they have a world stage responsibility, either taken on by themselves, or thrust upon them. For example, I feel the world is a much less safe place since Obama became president. Does it affect us? Of course it does, and I'm not the only non-American citizen or resident to post about the elections.

As for being "from afar", surely we're all commenting from afar, when it's an elitist system? And haven't I said that the problem of quality among the candidates isn't only an American problem, but also found here in Europe? So I'm not just "bashing American presidents" - but I'm not gonna praise racists and bigots, be they Bill or Donald, or Jeremy Corbyn, or Gerry Adams in Ireland...

It's not about an elitist system. I deleted my initial post but you attached it subsequently. I will not debate the bashing of all the American Presidents.


Apr 14, 2013
the AntiPusher said:
Kieran said:
the AntiPusher said:
Michelle Obama criticized Trump's language on the tape and how it impacted her as a mother, wife and woman. What was wrong with that?

Kieran, Trump is not a politician. Yes, he is running as a Republican but he was a Democratic when Rafa wrestled the Wimbledon crown from Roger. It's not fair or good of you to keep bashing all the American presidents from a far.

It's a thread on a public forum, buddy, and I have said that my interest is prompted by the fact that whoever America elects affects the whole western world, and beyond. It's a problem for all of us. You're no longer living in "splendid isolation", and nor are we. America interferes abroad, sometimes benignly, sometimes not, but they have a world stage responsibility, either taken on by themselves, or thrust upon them. For example, I feel the world is a much less safe place since Obama became president. Does it affect us? Of course it does, and I'm not the only non-American citizen or resident to post about the elections.

As for being "from afar", surely we're all commenting from afar, when it's an elitist system? And haven't I said that the problem of quality among the candidates isn't only an American problem, but also found here in Europe? So I'm not just "bashing American presidents" - but I'm not gonna praise racists and bigots, be they Bill or Donald, or Jeremy Corbyn, or Gerry Adams in Ireland...

It's not about an elitist system. I deleted my initial post but you attached it subsequently. I will not debate the bashing of all the American Presidents.

I don't bash them all, brother: I liked Carter, Reagan and Bush Sr (who I thought was a noble man, even if he wasn't a great president). I have great admiration for Carter in particular, because the man has always been dignified and honest, and he's still serving the country in a humble and unassuming way. He's old school, courteous and hardworking.

As for Clinton, Obama, the current candidates, these are affecting the world I live in, and although I don't have a vote, it terrifies me to think of power being in their hands...

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Kieran said:
the AntiPusher said:
Kieran said:
It's a thread on a public forum, buddy, and I have said that my interest is prompted by the fact that whoever America elects affects the whole western world, and beyond. It's a problem for all of us. You're no longer living in "splendid isolation", and nor are we. America interferes abroad, sometimes benignly, sometimes not, but they have a world stage responsibility, either taken on by themselves, or thrust upon them. For example, I feel the world is a much less safe place since Obama became president. Does it affect us? Of course it does, and I'm not the only non-American citizen or resident to post about the elections.

As for being "from afar", surely we're all commenting from afar, when it's an elitist system? And haven't I said that the problem of quality among the candidates isn't only an American problem, but also found here in Europe? So I'm not just "bashing American presidents" - but I'm not gonna praise racists and bigots, be they Bill or Donald, or Jeremy Corbyn, or Gerry Adams in Ireland...

It's not about an elitist system. I deleted my initial post but you attached it subsequently. I will not debate the bashing of all the American Presidents.

I don't bash them all, brother: I liked Carter, Reagan and Bush Sr (who I thought was a noble man, even if he wasn't a great president). I have great admiration for Carter in particular, because the man has always been dignified and honest, and he's still serving the country in a humble and unassuming way. He's old school, courteous and hardworking.

As for Clinton, Obama, the current candidates, these are affecting the world I live in, and although I don't have a vote, it terrifies me to think of power being in their hands...
this President Obama has seen 14 million jobs created in his 7/12 years,( only 1 million during Bush's 8 years), saved the auto industry and thousands of jobs, healthcare for 21 millions of Americans that didn't have anything before, record stock market, medium household income up 1st time in 20 years, Killed bin Laden( with Hilary Clinton Secretary of State ( where BUSH FAILED).

All of this with a Republican dominated House and Senate..

Plus this President has a 57 % approval rating.:clap


Apr 14, 2013
the AntiPusher said:
Kieran said:
the AntiPusher said:
It's not about an elitist system. I deleted my initial post but you attached it subsequently. I will not debate the bashing of all the American Presidents.

I don't bash them all, brother: I liked Carter, Reagan and Bush Sr (who I thought was a noble man, even if he wasn't a great president). I have great admiration for Carter in particular, because the man has always been dignified and honest, and he's still serving the country in a humble and unassuming way. He's old school, courteous and hardworking.

As for Clinton, Obama, the current candidates, these are affecting the world I live in, and although I don't have a vote, it terrifies me to think of power being in their hands...
this President Obama has seen 14 million jobs created in his 7/12 years,( only 1 million during Bush's 8 years), saved the auto industry and thousands of jobs, healthcare for 21 millions of Americans that didn't have anything before, record stock market, medium household income up 1st time in 20 years, Killed bin Laden( with Hilary Clinton Secretary of State ( where BUSH FAILED).

All of this with a Republican dominated House and Senate..

Plus this President has a 57 % approval rating.:clap

Brother, the world is a less safe place because of Obama. Israel, the only liberal democracy in the ME, has been abandoned by his regime, and not only that, Iran has been encouraged to develop nuclear energy, even though their intentions have been long stated. The ME is less safe now. Nato allies in the Baltics are under constant threat and harassment from an emboldened Putin, who obviously took a look in the Nobel peace prize winners eyes, and liked what he saw. To be frank, Putin has run rings around him.

Although I believe him to be a triumph of style over substance, exemplified by his receipt of that Nobel prize for doing feck all, I do acknowledge that Obama was a better candidate than the Republicans put forward against him...

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Kieran said:
the AntiPusher said:
Kieran said:
I don't bash them all, brother: I liked Carter, Reagan and Bush Sr (who I thought was a noble man, even if he wasn't a great president). I have great admiration for Carter in particular, because the man has always been dignified and honest, and he's still serving the country in a humble and unassuming way. He's old school, courteous and hardworking.

As for Clinton, Obama, the current candidates, these are affecting the world I live in, and although I don't have a vote, it terrifies me to think of power being in their hands...
this President Obama has seen 14 million jobs created in his 7/12 years,( only 1 million during Bush's 8 years), saved the auto industry and thousands of jobs, healthcare for 21 millions of Americans that didn't have anything before, record stock market, medium household income up 1st time in 20 years, Killed bin Laden( with Hilary Clinton Secretary of State ( where BUSH FAILED).

All of this with a Republican dominated House and Senate..

Plus this President has a 57 % approval rating.:clap

Brother, the world is a less safe place because of Obama. Israel, the only liberal democracy in the ME, has been abandoned by his regime, and not only that, Iran has been encouraged to develop nuclear energy, even though their intentions have been long stated. The ME is less safe now. Nato allies in the Baltics are under constant threat and harassment from an emboldened Putin, who obviously took a look in the Nobel peace prize winners eyes, and liked what he saw. To be frank, Putin has run rings around him.

Although I believe him to be a triumph of style over substance, exemplified by his receipt of that Nobel prize for doing feck all, I do acknowledge that Obama was a better candidate than the Republicans put forward against him...
Iran is at the same place it was doing the Bush/Cheney years..remember 911 happened doing Bush/Cheney time during their 1st administration. Come on Brotha for your homework , the facts are outthere..There is a large contingent in the US that wanted those two clowns tried on war crimes. If you noticed, Dick Cheney NEVER leaves the US border, why you think. Terrorisms attacks occurred during Reagan, Carter, Bush squared and Clinton.


Apr 14, 2013
the AntiPusher said:
Kieran said:
the AntiPusher said:
this President Obama has seen 14 million jobs created in his 7/12 years,( only 1 million during Bush's 8 years), saved the auto industry and thousands of jobs, healthcare for 21 millions of Americans that didn't have anything before, record stock market, medium household income up 1st time in 20 years, Killed bin Laden( with Hilary Clinton Secretary of State ( where BUSH FAILED).

All of this with a Republican dominated House and Senate..

Plus this President has a 57 % approval rating.:clap

Brother, the world is a less safe place because of Obama. Israel, the only liberal democracy in the ME, has been abandoned by his regime, and not only that, Iran has been encouraged to develop nuclear energy, even though their intentions have been long stated. The ME is less safe now. Nato allies in the Baltics are under constant threat and harassment from an emboldened Putin, who obviously took a look in the Nobel peace prize winners eyes, and liked what he saw. To be frank, Putin has run rings around him.

Although I believe him to be a triumph of style over substance, exemplified by his receipt of that Nobel prize for doing feck all, I do acknowledge that Obama was a better candidate than the Republicans put forward against him...
Iran is at the same place it was doing the Bush/Cheney years..remember 911 happened doing Bush/Cheney time during their 1st administration. Come on Brotha for your homework , the facts are outthere..There is a large contingent in the US that wanted those two clowns tried on war crimes. If you noticed, Dick Cheney NEVER leaves the US border, why you think. Terrorisms attacks occurred during Reagan, Carter, Bush squared and Clinton.

Nice sidestep there, buddy, though I'd tag Clinton's neglect of the intelligence agencies as being culpable for 9/11. Anyway, Democrats don't like to acknowledge the failings of their team. Wikileaks have just tapped Hillary's and her campaign crew's emails, it'll be interesting to see how much traffic this gets in the media. It's surely more relevant than any allegations against Trump, particularly since Hillary seems unassailable, not only in the polls, but in proper scrutiny of both candidates...

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Kieran said:
the AntiPusher said:
Kieran said:
Brother, the world is a less safe place because of Obama. Israel, the only liberal democracy in the ME, has been abandoned by his regime, and not only that, Iran has been encouraged to develop nuclear energy, even though their intentions have been long stated. The ME is less safe now. Nato allies in the Baltics are under constant threat and harassment from an emboldened Putin, who obviously took a look in the Nobel peace prize winners eyes, and liked what he saw. To be frank, Putin has run rings around him.

Although I believe him to be a triumph of style over substance, exemplified by his receipt of that Nobel prize for doing feck all, I do acknowledge that Obama was a better candidate than the Republicans put forward against him...
Iran is at the same place it was doing the Bush/Cheney years..remember 911 happened doing Bush/Cheney time during their 1st administration. Come on Brotha for your homework , the facts are outthere..There is a large contingent in the US that wanted those two clowns tried on war crimes. If you noticed, Dick Cheney NEVER leaves the US border, why you think. Terrorisms attacks occurred during Reagan, Carter, Bush squared and Clinton.

Nice sidestep there, buddy, though I'd tag Clinton's neglect of the intelligence agencies as being culpable for 9/11. Anyway, Democrats don't like to acknowledge the failings of their team. Wikileaks have just tapped Hillary's and her campaign crew's emails, it'll be interesting to see how much traffic this gets in the media. It's surely more relevant than any allegations against Trump, particularly since Hillary seems unassailable, not only in the polls, but in proper scrutiny of both candidates...
Not concerned about any campaign emails..can't take a chance on a racist bigot moron like Trump leading the world. Putin would have a field day with the guy who has a man crush on him. 9 women have been sexually exploited or etc by Trump. Everyone knows they aren't lying because he knows if he tries to sue them he will loose..Btw..did you know he pulled a Front, he wants Hilary to be drug tested beforehand of their next debate on Wednesday. Good Grief, come on November 8th and send this clown back to Trump towers.


Apr 14, 2013
They're only allegations against Trump, my friend, just as there have been very serious allegations against Bill. Of course, you're not interested in any rape allegations against Bill. But racist? This also applies to Bill, and Hillary. Remember her campaign against Obama? "This bloke would be parking the car?" And the rest of it? :cover

Anyway, the emails will be scanned, but not scrutinised. The machine is doing Hillary's bidding, not its job. It's a pity, because she's going to win the election, and she's wholly unsuitable for the job. I'm sure there's members of both parties who wish they could go back 12 months and try again... :nono

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Kieran said:
They're only allegations against Trump, my friend, just as there have been very serious allegations against Bill. Of course, you're not interested in any rape allegations against Bill. But racist? This also applies to Bill, and Hillary. Remember her campaign against Obama? "This bloke would be parking the car?" And the rest of it? :cover

Anyway, the emails will be scanned, but not scrutinised. The machine is doing Hillary's bidding, not its job. It's a pity, because she's going to win the election, and she's wholly unsuitable for the job. I'm sure there's members of both parties who wish they could go back 12 months and try again... :nono

Allegations by more than 11 women saying the same thing he said in his own words how he treat women. Okay my friend, I have nothing more to offer on the election but hopefully the Cubs will win so The President Obama can have them come to the White House. They're the biggest underdogs in the history of any sport. They haven't won anything in more than 108 years


Apr 14, 2013
the AntiPusher said:
Kieran said:
They're only allegations against Trump, my friend, just as there have been very serious allegations against Bill. Of course, you're not interested in any rape allegations against Bill. But racist? This also applies to Bill, and Hillary. Remember her campaign against Obama? "This bloke would be parking the car?" And the rest of it? :cover

Anyway, the emails will be scanned, but not scrutinised. The machine is doing Hillary's bidding, not its job. It's a pity, because she's going to win the election, and she's wholly unsuitable for the job. I'm sure there's members of both parties who wish they could go back 12 months and try again... :nono

Allegations by more than 11 women saying the same thing he said in his own words how he treat women. Okay my friend, I have nothing more to offer on the election but hopefully the Cubs will win so The President Obama can have them come to the White House. They're the biggest underdogs in the history of any sport. They haven't won anything in more than 108 years

You'll only hear the allegations on one side, buddy. Party allegiance is fascinating. But...because of this I hope the Cubs lose! :snicker :hug

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Kieran said:
the AntiPusher said:
Kieran said:
They're only allegations against Trump, my friend, just as there have been very serious allegations against Bill. Of course, you're not interested in any rape allegations against Bill. But racist? This also applies to Bill, and Hillary. Remember her campaign against Obama? "This bloke would be parking the car?" And the rest of it? :cover

Anyway, the emails will be scanned, but not scrutinised. The machine is doing Hillary's bidding, not its job. It's a pity, because she's going to win the election, and she's wholly unsuitable for the job. I'm sure there's members of both parties who wish they could go back 12 months and try again... :nono

Allegations by more than 11 women saying the same thing he said in his own words how he treat women. Okay my friend, I have nothing more to offer on the election but hopefully the Cubs will win so The President Obama can have them come to the White House. They're the biggest underdogs in the history of any sport. They haven't won anything in more than 108 years

You'll only hear the allegations on one side, buddy. Party allegiance is fascinating. But...because of this I hope the Cubs lose! :snicker :hug

No :basiate::heart:for the Cubs, KS and the rest of the Chicago folks will be :devil at you, even ole Darth he may be pulling for the Cubbies :laydownlaughing


Jul 9, 2013
Kieran said:
the AntiPusher said:
Kieran said:
They're only allegations against Trump, my friend, just as there have been very serious allegations against Bill. Of course, you're not interested in any rape allegations against Bill. But racist? This also applies to Bill, and Hillary. Remember her campaign against Obama? "This bloke would be parking the car?" And the rest of it? :cover

Anyway, the emails will be scanned, but not scrutinised. The machine is doing Hillary's bidding, not its job. It's a pity, because she's going to win the election, and she's wholly unsuitable for the job. I'm sure there's members of both parties who wish they could go back 12 months and try again... :nono

Allegations by more than 11 women saying the same thing he said in his own words how he treat women. Okay my friend, I have nothing more to offer on the election but hopefully the Cubs will win so The President Obama can have them come to the White House. They're the biggest underdogs in the history of any sport. They haven't won anything in more than 108 years

You'll only hear the allegations on one side, buddy. Party allegiance is fascinating. But...because of this I hope the Cubs lose! :snicker :hug

Yes, those are allegations only. We don't even know how many of them will actually sue Donald and how many will be able to win. My guess is that this is just going to be tried on the court of public opinion. There Trump comes out badly in view of his "Bus Video" and several interviews to Howard Stern. But, not all of these girls are saints either and there are many holes already in several stories.

1. Jill Harth had a lawsuit against Trump many years ago which she withdrew as soon as Trump settled another law suit by Jill's partner. Sounds the issue is mostly about money. Further even after Trump announced his candidature more than 1.5 years ago and until as recently as Jan 2016, she seemed to have supported Trump and even requested to get a job as his make-up artist. Hardly, the behavior of someone who is disgusted by Trump. There are emails from her to Trump which proves that.

2. Summer Zervos's cousin has given a statement that she is actually lying. We don't know who is telling the truth, but at least there is some confusion.

3. Apparently, there were fixed arm-rests in First Class unlike in the Economy class which contradicts Jessica Leeds's story. Again this could be just an error in the detail and not the substance.

I am not a Trump supporter and am not trying to defend him from these allegations. The point that I am driving at is that not all allegations should be taken at face value and each one should be investigated in detail separately. May be some are true and some are false.