

Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
meanwhile PENTAGON and obama decide to SEND 200 MORE american ''special ops to join our already 300 in syria to bring the fight to ISIL IN RAQQA?"

ya? trying STILL to carve out a PIECE of syria to be ''american real estate? " YA? inside a SOVEREIGN country that DIDN'T INVITE THEM?

good riddance to THAT . there is a REASON PUTIN has sent hundreds of those CHECHEN warriors to ostensibly ''guard the russian airbases" in hmeimim...there will be NO MORE AMERICAN HANKY-PANKY allowed...

AND THOSE 4,000 american MARINES in those 2 big US LANDING SHIPS transferred from the Persian GULF fleet to the mediterraenan 6th fleet AIN'T LANDING in syria any time soon. roflmao!!

maybe BROKENSHOELACE will let them land in LEBANON AND BEIRUT instead so they can get into syria and damascus so ''ASSAD MUST GO"...roflmao!!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I see Kerry is urging Russia and the Syrian government to urgently implement a ceasefire at Aleppo... I don't recall him doing the same when Aleppo fell to the rebels the first time... or considering a ceasefire as an option in the "liberation" of Mosul.

DID YOU CATCH ON youtube yet that amazing new film by the great JOHN PILGER?



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
ANOTHER thing here is -- kerry - obama, pentagon , cia -- are CLEARLY trying to HAND TO TRUMP a lot of intractable problems -- throwing traps into his path and try to ''influence'' events even ''from exile" when he gets into office.

ASSUMING only that trump is all about ''business" - (and reportedly is already eyeing the recent developments of the PENTAGON UNABLE AND UNWILLING TO EXPLAIN MISSING 185 billion dollars in expenses) -

whatever the contradictions within his own cabinet picks -- his statements about certain ''projects" -- have been sending shivers down the spine of the se neocons and neoliberals and ''regime changers".

can you imagine trump saying -- he does't want more such nonsense IN SYRIA -- and wants to get in on a piece of the action in BUSINESS and reconstruction ? oh my god!!


Apr 14, 2013
THE TRUTH OF WESTERN LIES ABOUT SYRIA'S ''civil war" (it's not -- it's an INVASION of terrorists sponsored, funded, armed, trained , collected and radicalized by the WEST .USA in the lead -- helped by the western ''media" and their ''middle east allies" and other vassal countries)

and the TRUTH about ''ASSAD killing his own people"...


This video is very telling, and very disturbing. I strongly suggest all posters here to watch it.

The Italian war correspondent in the audience started his question with the phrase: "the first victim in a war is the truth". I would suggest we would use this phrase as the starting point for all war related discussions here..


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
This video is very telling, and very disturbing. I strongly suggest all posters here to watch it.

The Italian war correspondent in the audience started his question with the phrase: "the first victim in a war is the truth". I would suggest we would use this phrase as the starting point for all war related discussions here..

and the italian gentleman -- andclearly a veteran from the generation when there was STILL some general sense of honor in being a journalist in the west -- was also asking a question that brought out the CONTRAST between what HE meant -- that there are MSM of the west now that are in almost total LOCKSTEP =-- IN creating lies, layers and layers of deceptions -- even OPENLY doing it -- such as promoting the FAKE

"WHITE HELMETS HUMANITARIAN MEDICAL HELPERS" in aleppo -- the FAKE wounds and make-up (which they themselves - bizarrely enough -- videoed -- why? that their sponsors will be sending more money ? )

and - as the journalist on stage reported -- now that the terrorists are encircled -- ARE NOWHERE TO BE FOUND...and why? it's all documented -- here and there of course -- because the so-called ''humanitarians" sponsored by the west and high-end PROMOTION industries and advertising western agencies -- ARE the terrrorists themselves!!

there are actually TWO younger generation ITALIAN journalists that are among MY personal big favorites to read regularly.

one is PIETRO PIERACCINI (who is beginning to have a good young career in alternative media and websites like GLOBALRESEARCH, STRATEGIC CULTURE , RUSSIA-INSIDER...etc.)

AND THEother more veteran living and based in THAILAND who knows MORE about asian affairs than ALL the so-called ''reporters" in the western MSM put to together. --- TONY CARTALUCCI who often writes also for global research, NEO EASTERN OUTLOOK.

THEY follow in the tradition of real journalists like the legendary Australian JOHN PILGER...

and that's so needed even more today ...


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
This video is very telling, and very disturbing. I strongly suggest all posters here to watch it.

The Italian war correspondent in the audience started his question with the phrase: "the first victim in a war is the truth". I would suggest we would use this phrase as the starting point for all war related discussions here..
SO FAR...and i mean that as a ''conditional" --

TRUMP has shown a certain integrity of his own in continuing to fight back against the MSM --''Establishment" ''TRUTH MINISTRY" -- that is trying to still take him down...

for instance the CNN - and other MSM accusations about trump getting help from the KREMLIN to win --and the CIA helps it along by claiming


but ''just can not say how they did it".

WELL --- that amounts to a hill of NOTHING! hoping that the ACCUSATION and statement is ACCEPTED s fact COMPLETELY without evidence to show for it.

TYPICAL of the merican - western MSM PROPAGANDA...
they then claim in various ways that ''RUSSIA TODAY" - ''SPUTNIK" -- ARE

''bringing up FAKE NEWS and must be banned" --

and why? becuse GLOBALLY people are finding out about the FAKE NEWS AND LIES the WEST had masterfully played for DECADES -- ..

AND THEY THEN turn around and say "in russia they ban journalism"

when it is THEY that have been putting up BILLS to allow GOOGLE, YOUTUBE, MICROSOFT, TWITTER, FACEBOOK to BAN any news that doens't follow the REAL FAKE NEWS which is THEIRS...just as THEY are being exposed for it. and because THEIR NEW YORK times,
washington post demand to GET RID of competitors that are EXPOSING them for their LYING countries into wars...

for painting SERBIA for example as the SOURCE of aggression and genocide on poor, pooor innocent others who ''want to be like US -- WESTERNERS"...
when in fact THEY have always been the mouthpieces of WAR CRIMES against serbia and many other countries...

and ARE BEING EXPOSED for it BY the ''state news" of russia !!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
This video is very telling, and very disturbing. I strongly suggest all posters here to watch it.

The Italian war correspondent in the audience started his question with the phrase: "the first victim in a war is the truth". I would suggest we would use this phrase as the starting point for all war related discussions here..

ONE of the bombshell responses of TRUMP to accusations by CNN, AND other MSM in the USA AND west (all moving in lockstep with their counterparts in europe , BBC, french ''news' etc) -

that he was helped by PUTIN AND KREMLIN is:
"NO-- there are no proofs that russia did so -- and were even interested in it...
but then -- these accusations come from the likes of CNN, NYT, etc..who are the same people who lied about IRAQ, LIBYA , UKRAINE and many other countries".



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
This video is very telling, and very disturbing. I strongly suggest all posters here to watch it.

The Italian war correspondent in the audience started his question with the phrase: "the first victim in a war is the truth". I would suggest we would use this phrase as the starting point for all war related discussions here..

this is below a prtty good samle of TONY CARTALUCCI'S writing..becuse it reports on what's REALLY already happening (the ''regime change, color revolution, democracy project" we all know about now from the empire)

in THAILAND BEFORE it gets splashed on western news as ''the BRUTAL KING OF THAILAND" and such nonsense...

WITH one little detail he points out in his other articles -- THAILAND Remains the ONLY asian country that has NEVER been conquered or 'regime changed" by the westerners. and crucially -- has recently been ''getting too close to russia and china" =such as buying russian jets...bidding for highspeed rail and transport etc...without ''approval" from the u know what empire...

Thailand Pushes Back Against BBC Propaganda | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Tony Cartalucci
Thailand’s government has opened an investigation into BBC’s “BBC Thai” and its recent activities. It is accused of maliciously slandering Thailand’s newly appointed head of state, King Maha Vajiralongkorn in a recent “profile” published in both English and Thai on its website and across social media.

The BBC, known for misleading the public globally, has helped justify devastating wars, political conflict, and the socioeconomic division and destruction of entire nations. While the Western media attempts to portray the BBC’s row in Thailand as merely a Thai issue – it is in fact the latest in an extensive global backlash against the monopoly the West has – until now – enjoyed over the media.

The BBC in Thailand

While the BBC has maintained an office in Thailand for years, “BBC Thai” was created only in 2014, just after the US-backed regime of Thaksin Shinawatra – headed by his own sister Yingluck Shinawatra – was ousted from power amid massive street protests and a subsequent military coup.

Since then, the BBC has worked ceaselessly toward undermining the government, the military, as well as attacking the nation’s ancient and revered institutions in an effort to bolster Western-backed opposition fronts.

This includes several notable stunts including the BBC’s Jonathan Head visiting the 2015 Bangkok bomb blast scene to tamper with evidence in an effort to undermine the investigation and humiliate investigators as well as the government. Head would confiscate evidence from the scene and carry it to a near by police station – all on camera – in a very public and staged attempt to depict investigators as incompetent. Despite what is a chargeable offense in even the most liberal nations, Thai police attempted to downplay the incident.

During the deluge of leaked documents and emails over the past year, information regarding the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand (FCCT) of which the BBC’s Jonathan Head is a senior figure, revealed ties to convicted financial criminal George Soros and Open Society.
Head would flatly deny the accusations first published by Bangkok-based alternative news site “The New Atlas,” before admitting to “a one-off media seminar in Myanmar.” However, further investigation revealed that the FCCT included in its Bangkok office, and headed by the FCCT’s own president – Dominic Faulder – “The Indochina Media Memorial Foundation” (IMMF) whose actives were indeed funded for years by Open Society.

Disrupting Thailand’s Sensitive Transition

Thailand is currently undertaking a sensitive transition. The universally revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s passing in October 2016 began a year of mourning as well as the process of his son and successor, King Maha Vajiralongkorn assuming responsibilities as head of state.

King Maha Vajiralongkorn has already appointed a new Privy Council. containing several members from his father’s inner circle as well as several new advisers who were central in maintaining national unity and stability amid Thailand’s recent political crisis.

The appointment of this Privy Council reveals that rumors intentionally spread by the Western media – including the BBC – were categorically false in regards to the “turmoil” and even “civil war” they attempted to promote for years before the anticipated transition in an effort to stoke fear and division among the Thai public.

Regardless of the BBC and other names amongst the Western media being involved in serial deception, they continue using their journalistic credentials to shield themselves from both official and public backlash in Thailand – just as they have elsewhere around the world.

Considering the significant human tragedy the BBC has helped precipitate in, targeting nations like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and Yemen, Thailand’s reaction to the BBC’s politically-motivated tactics and overt attempts to agitate under the cover of “journalism” is proportional to the very real, clear, and present danger it poses to national security.

While Thailand has so far been characteristically lenient on the BBC, despite open fraud and even senior staff tampering with crime scenes, the Western media, faux-rights advocacy groups, and even Western governments are attempting to portray Thailand’s recent actions as unreasonable and a breach of “freedom of expression.” The irony of course is, that as the West accuses Thailand of suppressing “freedom of expression,” the West itself is busy attempting to round up and silence its own detractors under the guise of “confronting fake news.”

In reality, the BBC could easily be considered among the “original fake news networks.” And if “fake news” must be countered, the BBC should be first in line.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
meanwhile -- as ALEPPO is basicaly -- as the article below uts it a ''turned page" -- the next to be retaken into LEGITIMATE SYRIAN GOVERNMENT SOVEREIGNTY is the province of IDLIB to the west..and there potentially a clash of interests between SYRIA/RUSSIA -- and the INVADER, ILLEGAL ALIEN USA trying to ''liberate" the city of order to stay ''relevant" in the middle east...

Militants Routed in Aleppo: Idlib Is Next

With the crushing defeat in Aleppo close, terrorist groups intensify their activities in the Idlib province (governorate). Debacle now appears to be a matter of when, not if. And if is very close. The Russia-supported Syrian forces have scored a big victory to turn the tide of war, but the conflict remains far from over. The rebels still control significant chunks of territory, notably in Idlib. The province represents the largest geographic area currently held by opposition groups, most importantly Jabhat al-Nusra (the new name is Jabhat Fatah al-Sham) and Jund al-Aqsa.

As hundreds of rebels were surrendering and leaving the positions in the eastern part of Aleppo, Sunni extremist group Ahrar al-Sham attacked the Shia enclaves, Fouah and Kafraya, in Idlib with dozens of Grad rockets. The attack is rather symbolic. Actually, the fall of Aleppo is the beginning of the battle for the governorate. The attacks signify the end of previous cessation of hostilities accords reached there in 2015.

In the next stage, Idlib will become the major destination and most important target of joint Russian-Syrian military operations. The province has become home to the largest number of rebel movements, excluding the Islamic State (IS) group, anywhere in the country. It is logical to surmise that the extremist groups want the non-Sunni enclaves seized and «cleansed» before the offensive to retake the province starts. More than 20 thousand militants from other parts of Syria have recently moved to Idlib, often taking advantage of truce reached with the government forces. They are taking positions to repel the expected assault.

High positioned anti-government rebels have also moved to the province to «govern the new Syrian state».

According to a rebel source, a dozen former IS militants – including Tunisian Islamic jurist Bilal al-Shuwash al-Tunsi and his companion Abu Dharr al-Tunsi – arrived in Idlib province on December 6 after crossing the border with aid from Turkey. Bilal al-Shuwash al-Tunsi and his fighters have now joined Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, a jihadist group with ties to al-Qaeda.

Sheikh Abdallah Muhammad al-Muhaysini, the leading Jaysh al-Fateh spokesperson, says that hundreds of IS fighters are defecting back to Syrian rebel ranks due to the caliphate continuously losing territory.

These events indicate that there are plans to turn Idlib into a battlefield to create a parallel Syrian state. And the Idlib battle may begin before US President-elect takes office. The Obama administration is still pursuing the goal of regime change in Syria against all the odds, pushing the US to the brink of confrontation with Russia. Obviously, Donald Trump rejects this policy.

The president-elect has quite a different approach to the solution of Syria’s crisis that the outgoing administration. He believes that his administration’s top priority in Syria would be to defeat the Islamic State group, rather than ousting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Mr. Trump has stated that regime change in Syria would only cause more instability in the region. He thinks that shoring up President Assad is the most efficient way to stem the spread of terrorism. According to Mr. Trump’s statements, he would weigh an alliance with Russia against Islamic State militants.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad believes Donald Trump that could be a «natural ally» in the fight against terrorism.

It’s not excluded that Russia and the US will soon cooperate on Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq.

With the US-led operation in to retake Raqqa, the unofficial Islamic State capital, the defeat of terrorists in Aleppo and the impending battle in Idlib, the question «what to do next» in Syria becomes a matter of paramount importance. This is the time when the major stakeholders have to take decisions. Either they coordinate efforts or continue to balance on the brink of confrontation.

With Donald Trump in office, a deal on coordinating activities is reachable. Joint air strikes against Islamic State and Jabhat Fatah al-Sham in Idlib would be a good start. The zones of influence and mutual obligations could be defined till UN-brokered international negotiations produce results. Joining together, the parties could gradually move forward within the framework of International Syria Support Group.

Donald Trump’s stance on Syria opens new opportunities for fruitful cooperation with Russia. The conflict will not last forever. The cooperation between Russia and the US is key to achieving progress on peaceful settlement. It could spread to other areas of the bilateral relationship.

These are the hopes and prospects which have a chance to materialize. Currently, something very strange is happening. With all the ballyhoo raised by the West about the need to fight terrorists, the military success of Russia-supported forces in Aleppo evokes anger and calls for suspending the successful operation.

On December 7, the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Canada voiced readiness to impose sanctions against allies of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that the US and its European allies may impose more economic and political sanctions against Russia over Syria. The Western leaders want an immediate end of hostilities for humanitarian reasons. This is an outright folly. The terrorist groups will regroup to make the suffering of civilians last longer. The best way to address the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo is to oust the militants as fast as possible.

Civilian losses are high in Raqqa and Mosul but nobody says the combat should be suspended. Driving out those who cause all the trouble is the best way to solve the problem. Only then a UN-sponsored international effort can be really helpful.

Russian Foreign Minister has already dismissed the Western threat of new sanctions over Syria as a sign of «political impotence».

The threats of additional sanctions are doomed to be fruitless the same way the militants desperate attempts to hold the chunk of Aleppo still under their control will inevitably fail. Aleppo is a turned page. It’s Idlib that is important now.

The outgoing US administration and its European allies appear to do their best to help terrorists and hinder the efforts to rout them. But the threats will not prevent the Russia-supported forces striking terrorists in Idlib pretty soon and very hard. The more military success against the terrorists is achieved, the more visible the «political impotence» will become visible.

Anyway, the events in Syria run counter to the outcomes expected by the current US administration and its allies. And there is nothing they can do about it.


and the MAN THE usa sent terrorists to topple because he is ''BRUTAL AND SAVAGE LIKE HITLER" -- BASHER EL ASSAD...



Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
Thank you for the video about Syria @teddytennisfan It is great that they are doing this, even though I am disappointed with the number of reporters in that room. "The first casualty, when war comes, is truth" - it is a quote from WWW1 from a Republican senator from California, Hiram Johnson. This is absolutely true and you can apply it to any war. There is another one that I like to quote: All is far in love and war.

There is no black and white truth, truth can be hidden, can be molded and shaped to fit anybody's narrative. Truth can be something that you thought for years as so and then the masks fall and it turns out it was just a lie.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Thank you for the video about Syria @teddytennisfan It is great that they are doing this, even though I am disappointed with the number of reporters in that room. "The first casualty, when war comes, is truth" - it is a quote from WWW1 from a Republican senator from California, Hiram Johnson. This is absolutely true and you can apply it to any war. There is another one that I like to quote: All is far in love and war.

There is no black and white truth, truth can be hidden, can be molded and shaped to fit anybody's narrative. Truth can be something that you thought for years as so and then the masks fall and it turns out it was just a lie.

i wil not now hesitate to characterise it this way:


to get what they want - or cover up their crimes and turn them into ''honorable" deeds . people don't like to hear it? it is TRUE. it is what the world has experienced from ''them" -- now THAT is black and white. they have no REAL sense of honor or dignity. and these are merely TOOLS like MASKS in order to achieve their charafteristic purpose which paints them throughout their history -- unfortunately -- -

as peoples who re ACQUISITIVE of the treasures and lands and riches and savings and labor of other cultures -- coupled with the habit of NOT wanting to PAY the REAL value - human terms and physical terms -- of what they want to ACQUIRE.

and that -- is - in short - THIEVERY.

and the TWO WORST LEADERS in this behavior are the USA AND UK. with the rest of 'western europe" as their accomplices. who all USE other cultures for their western imperial purposes so other cultures will b e'divided and ruled"

in the same old, same old worn-out tactic.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
WHAT BROKENSHOELACE -- who somehow keeps tracking on ''assad regime killing his own people" (the usual western meme to justify ''regime change" that produces terrorists BY bringing terrorists) --

is that certain LEBANESE BILLIONAIARES (sorry that i forgot where i found their writeups -- but man -- re they RICH with lots of connections TO the terrorist funding!! 2 are billionaire ''ladies" too, whew) -- are TERRORIST SUPPORTERS -- NO LESS than the saudis.

but nevermind -- just read about LEBANON as a HAVEN OF TERRORISTS of the isil and daesh and al qaeda variety -- yup

Why Lebanon's Sunnis Support ISIS: Dateline
Hilal Khashan
Most Mailed

by Thomas von der Osten-Sacken and Thomas Uwer


by Hilal Khashan
Middle East Quarterly
Summer 2015 (view PDF)


A pro-ISIS rally last year in Tripoli, Lebanon's second largest city. Some Salafi sheikhs have pledged allegiance to ISIS, including Abu Sayyaf al-Ansari and Ahmad Asir.

The claim by a recent public opinion poll that only 1 percent of adult Lebanese Sunnis are supportive of the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)[1] must be taken with a large pinch of salt since "there is a vast gulf between how people say they behave and how they actually behave."[2] In fact, since Lebanese Sunnis are willing to support whoever can defeat their enemies and restore their pride, many of them find ISIS appealing for quite a few reasons: They have an aversion to Shiites and feel estranged from the Lebanese state while harboring nostalgia for the caliphate. Many admire power in any form, and others have a predisposition to anomic terrorism.

Aversion to Shiites
The rise to preeminence of Lebanese Shiites began after the Amal movement evicted the Lebanese army from the southern suburbs of Beirut in February 1984. A year later, Hezbollah made its debut and formed a militia to fight the Israel Defense Forces and its Southern Lebanese Army surrogate.


After a long period of Shiite ascendance, the prominence of Rafiq Hariri (left) revived Sunni political hopes in Lebanon, but his assassination in February 2005 crushed expectations. In May 2008, Hezbollah stormed mostly Sunni west Beirut and liquidated the militia of the Future Movement, headed by Hariri's son Saad (right).

The Sunnis thus lost political prerogatives that had accrued to them from the 1943 National Covenant with the Maronites. Having already lost the support of the Palestine Liberation Organization due to the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Sunnis suddenly found themselves giving way to a new Shiite contender that enjoyed strong regional support.

The appearance of Rafiq Hariri on the political scene in 1992 revived Sunni hopes, but his assassination in February 2005 put a damper on their expectations. In May 2008, Hezbollah stormed mostly Sunni west Beirut and, in a matter of hours, liquidated the militia of the Future Trend movement, headed by Hariri's son Saad. So after a long period of Shiite ascendance, the Sunni street rejoiced when an ISIS offensive rapidly seized Mosul and a large swath of Iraqi territory in June 2014. As a neighborhood leader in Tripoli put it: "Iraq witnessed a Sunni triumph against Shiite oppression. Forcing Tripoli's Sunnis to denounce ISIS amounts to coercing them to exercise political self-suppression."[3] The truth of the matter is that "hatred for Iran and Hezbollah has made every Lebanese Sunni heartily supportive of ISIS, even if its brutal methods will eventually affect them adversely."[4]

Estrangement from the Lebanese State
When Hezbollah shattered the main Sunni leadership, the Lebanese army watched but decided not to interfere. Weak Sunni leadership, both clerical and political, created a vacuum and caused the sect to drift apart and turn to radical Islamic leaders. One such leader was Salafi sheikh Ahmad al-Asir, whose movement had enjoyed the support and loyalty of hundreds of Sidon's families. They were routed from the city by the Lebanese army and Hezbollah in June 2013. Going underground after the debacle, Asir transferred allegiance from an-Nusra's Abu Muhammad Julani to ISIS's Abu Bakr Baghdadi.[5] This defection also underscored the eclipse of the Sunni clerical institution Dar al-Fatwa, which in recent years had been the subject of financial scandals and political weakness. The decimation of the office of the Sunni prime minister, to whom Dar al-Fatwa reports, rendered it rudderless, and it lost its traditional role maintaining the cohesion of the Sunni community.

Some government officials privately admit that ISIS has established itself in Lebanese Sunni areas, including Beirut.

In addition, some government officials privately admit that ISIS has established itself in Lebanese Sunni areas, including Beirut,[6] and there are examples to support this belief. Government-salaried Sunni clerics in Sidon, the hometown of former prime minister Saad Hariri, were impelled to react angrily to the spate of pro-ISIS wall graffiti in that city and warned that unless the trend was arrested, "Sidon would become a fertile land for breeding terrorism."[7] The Lebanese army frequently implements large-scale security measures in Sidon, despite insisting that "there is no fostering environment for ISIS in the city."[8]

In Tripoli, Lebanon's second largest city and its most important Sunni hub, Future Trend parliamentary deputies continue to refuse to admit publicly that ISIS is present in the city, but their denials have failed to hide "the existence of a radical Islamic environment in the city."[9] Several attacks on Lebanese army patrols and pro-Hariri activists in Tripoli succeeded in preventing formation of Iraqi-type awakening councils.[10] But the city is fully controlled by the army, internal security forces, and military intelligence. ISIS supporters are mainly located in its at-Tibbane neighborhood and are well known to the authorities, which choose to ignore them.[11] Pro-ISIS rallies outside mosques are commonplace in Tripoli after Friday prayers.[12] The twin explosions in January 2015 that rocked Tripoli's Alawite Jabal Muhsin sector were ordered by ISIS operatives in Rumye prison in the hills overlooking Beirut. It was only then that the embarrassed Interior Ministry decided to dismantle ISIS's operations room in the prison's Block-B.[13] Even a cursory look at the situation leads to the conclusion that "ISIS does not need to come to Tripoli. It is already there."[14] Dealing with the threat posed by ISIS is probably why the Interior and Justice portfolios in Tammam Salam's cabinet were given to Future Trend figures.

Rising Sunni anger and ISIS's successes do not bode well for Lebanese political stability.

But despite its anti-Sunni orientation, the army is careful not to get embroiled in confessional politics. Mindful that it disintegrated twice (in 1976 and in 1984) when it unabashedly took sides, the army command is obviously not interested in a third upheaval and seems to be keenly aware that Sunni approval of ISIS is a function of public distrust of the state machinery, including the military. Even though several Sunni soldiers have defected to an-Nusra and ISIS, the army command dismissed these as isolated cases.[15]

Local observers note that the "seed of ISIS terror is found in every depressed area of Lebanon."[16] Support for ISIS grows as Sunnis lament the sad state of their coreligionists in Iraq and Syria, comparing it to their own situation as Iranian-backed Hezbollah continues to exercise hegemony over Lebanese politics. Rising Sunni anger and ISIS's successes do not bode well for Lebanese political stability.[17]

Pining for the Caliphate
Unlike Shiites, who believe that the caliphate usurped the rights to the succession of Muhammad's household, Sunnis have viewed the caliph as their legitimate leader for thirteen centuries. Yearning for a resurrection, the caliphate continued to live on after its 1924 abrogation by Turkey's Kemal Atatürk as Sunnis "view it as the state of Muslim glory and justice."[18] Its reestablishment, for example, was the raison d'être of Hassan Banna's Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928. Lebanese Sunnis also find the neo-Ottoman policies of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party appealing and are particularly fond of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.[19]

Obsession with the caliphate has not spared Sunnis from delusional thinking. Arab fondness for Hitler is well documented, at times to the point of asserting that the tyrant viewed Islam and its culture with favor.[20] As Daniel Pipes points out: "Nazis portrayed Islam as an ally and, accordingly, called for its revival while urging Muslims to act piously and emulate Muhammad."[21] It is also not rare for some Arabs to argue that Napoleon converted to Islam and sought to create a great Muslim empire.[22] In June 2014, ISIS's Baghdadi announced the formation of the Islamic State and designated himself caliph. Given his extreme bloodletting, even against fellow jihadists, the announcement did not generate wide approval. However, the sight of cruising motorists in Sunni areas blowing their horns—the Lebanese tradition of expressing happiness—after Baghdadi's announcement sent a muted message of approval. The issuance of the Islamic State's passport was another cause for pride. It is difficult for Sunnis to disavow the inscription on IS's passport that reads, "We will deploy armies for the holder of this passport, if harmed."[23]

Admiration for ISIS Power

Shakir Wahiyib is one of the chief executioners for ISIS and one of the few willing to bare his face during executions. ISIS resorts to such ruthless tactics without regard to human cost. The group's rationale considers the use of power, as gross and as graphic as possible, as requisite to the subjugation of enemies. A flag vendor in Tripoli explained the popularity of ISIS: "People ... like whoever is strong."

Islam literally means submission to legitimate religious authority: "Believers, obey God, His Messenger, and those charged with authority among you."[24] This imperative may well dispose believers to revere power and display intolerance for dissenting voices. Using Bin Laden's famous strong-horse metaphor, Lee Smith argues that the "Sunnis have been a bloc of force that has never known accommodation or compromise, but has rather compelled everyone else to submit to its worldview."[25] Because of the central role of the caliph in enforcing the Shari'a and spreading the faith to all corners of the globe, the "Sunni figure has often been the able statesman, the hero of conquests, or the victory-maker."[26] In a study on Lebanese college students' reaction to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, 82 percent of Sunni respondents chose Saddam Hussein as their preferred political leader. When U.S. president George Bush initiated Operation Desert Shield to prepare for the liberation of Kuwait, Hussein ordered the apprehension of several hundred Western nationals to deter U.S.-led military action. In response to a question on this, 98 percent of Lebanese Sunnis "thought the Iraqis were justified in taking Western hostages."[27] Even Venezuela's late president Hugo Chavez's "anti-Israeli pronouncements enamored him to an Arab public hungry for a charismatic leader in the mold of Nasser."[28]

ISIS is no exception to the customary approach of Muslim power projected through strong leadership. If anything, it has exaggerated the use of coercion and carried it to new heights. ISIS adopted Abi Bakr Naji's gruesome publication titled The Management of Savagery[29] as a means to apply Sayyid Qutb's treatise Ma'alim fi-l-Tariq (Milestones).[30] The rationale is that only extreme terror can help construct the Islamic state on the ashes of degenerate apostate regimes. The use of awesome power, as gross and as graphic as possible, is requisite to the subjugation of enemies. As the jihadist sheikh Hussein bin Mahmud once said, "Let them [our enemies] find ruthlessness in you."[31]


ISIS has had success in recruiting from a pool of alienated and radicalized Muslims as well as impoverished individuals. The Lebanese executioner Abu Asma al-Australi (above) abandoned his wrestling career to join the ISIS jihad. ISIS also succeeded in recruiting at least two Lebanese Christians from Tripoli to its ranks.

In its war in Syria and Iraq, ISIS resorts to ruthless tactics without regard to human cost. To win the battle for Tabaqa airbase in northeastern Syria, eventually overrun in August 2014, ISIS did not mind losing twice as many militants as government troops.[32] What matters more for ISIS was to strip Iraqi and Syrian soldiers to their underwear and march them to their humiliating death in order to project invincible power. Kobani is another example of ISIS's efforts to achieve spectacular triumphs regardless of the cost. ISIS lost more than one thousand fighters before admitting that it had been driven out of the town by coalition airstrikes, even as it promised it would return to attack.[33] It avenged its defeat by burning a captured Jordanian pilot to death and parading Kurdish Peshmerga prisoners of war in metal cages.[34]

Like most Muslims, Lebanese Sunnis see themselves as the victims of centuries of backwardness, marginalization, and defeat. They tend to favor any signs, however elusive, that signal reversing Sunni weakness. A flag vendor in Tripoli explained the popularity of ISIS: "[P]eople ... like whoever is strong."[35] Poor, angry and marginalized teenagers in Tripoli want "great victories."[36] Even though public display of support for ISIS in Lebanon is punishable by law, "any young man in Tripoli, if asked, would confess how much he admired its power."[37] When confronted with the brutality and viciousness of ISIS, its supporters often lean on the Qur'an to justify their position: "Muhammad ... and those with him are firm of heart against the non-believers, compassionate among themselves."[38]

A Destination for the Alienated
There are reasons other than piety for Lebanese to join ISIS and other radical religious movements. Hezbollah fighters searching the bodies of Sunni militants in Syria often report finding spoons and personal memos about their scheduled lunches in heaven with the Prophet, as well as their first rendezvous with the promised seventy-two virgins.[39] But maladapted immigrants in the West also turn to militancy, and troubled individuals desperate for emotional freedom seek shelter in the crowd to avoid responsibility while indulging in abominable actions. Even scores of Muslim women in the West chose to join ISIS after Baghdadi declared the formation of the Islamic State. "Socially isolated and depressed ... [m]any of them suffer from a lack of purpose in their daily lives."[40]

Just as alienation can affect individuals from different walks of life, joining ISIS has appealed to recruits from a broad socioeconomic spectrum. Thus, Muhammad Emwazi, the British-educated butcher of ISIS, came from a well-to-do family in London[41] as did Egyptian soccer referee Mahmud Ghandur, who chose to abandon his promising career to join ISIS.[42] The Lebanese executioner called Abu Musab al-Australi abandoned his wrestling career and the comfort of Australia to answer the call of jihad and to mentor his 7-year-old child in the art of beheading.[43] The pool of alienated and radicalized youth did not just include maladjusted Muslim immigrants in the West or rising stars feeling empty inside and searching for meaning, but also poor persons saddled with the problems of poverty and crime. ISIS also succeeded in recruiting at least two Lebanese Christians from Tripoli to its ranks. The clichéd rationalization for their metamorphosis stresses ISIS's taking advantage of the city's "poor financial conditions to recruit them."[44]

More Trouble in the Making
What is happening in Syria and Iraq is a religious war with ethnic overtones. As a microcosm of the region's religious and ethnic conflicts, it is difficult to imagine how Lebanon can be spared. The return of Saad Hariri to Lebanon to initiate dialog with Hezbollah, after years of self-exile, is linked to soaring Sunni extremism and Saudi determination to reverse it.[45] The eventual curtailment of ISIS's presence in Syria and Iraq will take time, and it is unlikely that the group will be completely eliminated. But Lebanon already presents some of its hardened members with a convenient sanctuary since "it is an established fact that Arsal and Ain al-Hilwa Palestinian refugee camp near Sidon are sanctuaries for ISIS and other radical Islamic movements."[46]

Syria and Iraq are experiencing a religious war with ethnic overtones; it is difficult to imagine how Lebanon can be spared.

Furthermore, while there are no accurate figures about the number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, this group is thought to exceed one million persons. Among them, thousands of Islamist militants masquerade as refugees. Lebanon's tenuous security situation largely depends on the whim of regional countries patronizing its antagonistic sects. In view of the spread of sectarian conflict in the region—and in the event it becomes permeable to its external environment—these refugees might well become Lebanon's Trojan horse.

Arabs missed their chance for religious reform in the nineteenth century, but the developments of the past few years suggest they are confronting the old problem. Lebanon is not exempt. When pressed to issue an anti-ISIS statement, Muhammad al-Juzu, a prominent Sunni Lebanese cleric, said only that "Hezbollah was a more difficult problem than ISIS."[47]

In view of the increasing sectarian tone of Hezbollah's military intervention, not only in Syria but also Iraq and Yemen, one can expect Lebanese Sunnis to support its ISIS nemesis, however ephemerally. And while it is difficult to know the extent of this support, it is plausible to believe that it exceeds single digit levels.

Hilal Khashan is a professor of political science at the American University of Beirut.

[1] David Pollock, "Isis Has Almost No Popular Support in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, or Lebanon," Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Washington, D.C., Oct. 14, 2014.

[2] Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, Super Freakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes, and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance (New York: Harper Perennial, 2011), p. 7.

[3] An-Nahar (Beirut), June 27, 2014.

[4] Liban Space (Beirut), Oct. 14, 2014.

[5] El-Badil (Cairo), Feb. 1, 2015.

[6] El-Marada (Beirut), July 3, 2014.

[7] National News Agency (Beirut), Oct. 7, 2014.

[8] Al-Balad (Beirut), Oct. 8, 2014.

[9] Elnashra (Beirut), June 28, 2014.

[10] Al-Akhbar (Beirut), Sept. 25, 2014.

[11] As-Safir (Beirut), Dec. 3, 2013.

[12] Al-Hiwar TV (London), Sept. 19, 2014.

[13] Alankabout (Leb.), Jan.13, 2015.

[14] An-Nahar, June 27, 2014.

[15] The Daily Star (Beirut), Oct. 11, 2014.

[16] Al-Afkar (Beirut), June 20, 2014.

[17] The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 21, 2014.

[18] Al-Anba (Kuwait), Aug. 2, 2014.

[19] Ad-Diyar (Beirut), Oct. 14, 2014.

[20] Nahr al-Barid and al-Baddawi refugee camps' website, accessed Feb. 27, 2015.

[21] Daniel Pipes, review of Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World by Jeffrey Herf, Commentary, Apr. 2010.

[22] Al-Ahram (Cairo), May 29, 2006.

[23] Al-Arabiya (Dubai), July 5, 2014.

[24] Qur. 4:59.

[25] Lee Smith, The Strong Horse: Power, Politics, and the Clash of Arab Civilizations (New York: Doubleday, 2010), pp. 5-6.

[26] Hossam Tammam, "On Difference and Understanding: Al-Husayn, the Shiite Martyr, the Sunni Hero," [27] Hilal Khashan, "The Revival of Pan-Arabism," Orbis, Winter 1991, p. 110-2.

[28] Ali Younes, "From Hero to Villain: The Arab World's Infatuation with Hugo Chavez Arc," Foreign Policy in Focus (Washington, D.C.), Mar. 15, 2013.

[29] Abu Bakr Naji, The Management of Savagery: The Most Critical Stage through which the Umma Will Pass, trans. William McCants (Cambridge: John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, Harvard University, 2006).

[30] Sayyid Qutb, Ma'alim fi-l-Tariq (Cairo: n.p., 1964).

[31] "Senior al-Qaeda Sheikh," Special Dispatch, no. 1635, The Middle East Media Research Institute, Washington, D.C., June 27, 2007.

[32] The Independent (London), Sept. 9, 2014.

[33] Ibid., Jan. 31, 2015.

[34] The Daily Mail (London), Feb. 23, 2015.

[35] The Daily Star, July 18, 2014.

[36] The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 21, 2014.

[37] Al-Arabiya, Sept. 9, 2014.

[38] Qur. 48: 29.

[39] [40] Siamak Nooraei, "Jihadi Motives: Why Do Western Women Join the Islamic State?" Foreign Policy Journal, Jan. 16, 2015.

[41] (Dubai), Feb. 27, 2015.

[42] Lebanon 24 News (Beirut), Feb. 27, 2015.

[43] An-Nahar, Feb. 19, 2015.

[44] Naharnet (Beirut), Feb. 26, 2015.

[45] Raphael Lefevre, "Tackling Sunni Radicalization in Lebanon," Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut, Dec. 24, 2014.

[46] Al-Binaa (Beirut), Jan. 17, 2015.

[47] An-Nahar, June 18, 2014.

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Ummm... you have no idea how misinformed the above is. \

That's your problem. You know nothing about a topic, look up a few news pieces online, and suddenly talks like an expert.

Lebanon Sunnis do not support ISIS. There are over one million Lebanese Sunnis in Lebanon, in a country of 4 million people. If Lebanese Sunnis supported ISIS, the country would be in civil war right now.

There is a minority of Sunnis in northern cities that supports Isis. That's about it. The vast majority of Lebanese Sunnis support current Prime Minister, Saad al Harriri, son of assassinated former prime minister, Rafic el Harriri (Assassinated by the Syrian intelligence in Lebanon, which nobody disputes here, by the way). Saad al Harriri is a moderate Sunni who's an outspoken critic of Isis. He has many problems, but supporting terrorism is not one of them.

My god are you ignorant.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Here is @teddytennisfan logic:

1- American troops bombard a Syrian city: Murderers! So many innocents have died.

In fairness, he's absolutely right.

2- Syrian troops take back Aleppo after intense battling that left literally thousands of civilians died: Heroes! Order restored!


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Here is @teddytennisfan logic:

1- American troops bombard a Syrian city: Murderers! So many innocents have died.

In fairness, he's absolutely right.

2- Syrian troops take back Aleppo after intense battling that left literally thousands of civilians died: Heroes! Order restored!

In fairness that cuts both ways also... the western media have widely reported the "Liberation of Mosul" and ISIS using human shields... yet with Aleppo - it's the Syrian government aided by the Russians killing their own.

I fail to see much difference between either campaign... yet the reporting is completely different.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
In fairness that cuts both ways also... the western media have widely reported the "Liberation of Mosul" and ISIS using human shields... yet with Aleppo - it's the Syrian government aided by the Russians killing their own.

I fail to see much difference between either campaign... yet the reporting is completely different.

Western media does not post here, nor am I a spokesperson for it.

Western media was claiming human shields as 116 Lebanese women and children were slaughtered by an Israeli air strike on a UN shelter in Qana. So I know all too well about the Western media.

But when I see someone who clearly knows very little about the area trying to lecture everyone about Western media biases while doing the same, if not worse himself, I have to point out the irony.

Also, the fairness you're trying to provide Teddy with is something I've already given to him, when I said he's absolutely right about the US government being murderous, something the Western media won't tell you.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Western media does not post here, nor am I a spokesperson for it.

Western media was claiming human shields as 116 Lebanese women and children were slaughtered by an Israeli air strike on a UN shelter in Qana. So I know all too well about the Western media.

But when I see someone who clearly knows very little about the area trying to lecture everyone about Western media biases while doing the same, if not worse himself, I have to point out the irony.

Also, the fairness you're trying to provide Teddy with is something I've already given to him, when I said he's absolutely right about the US government being murderous, something the Western media won't tell you.

Fair enough, good post.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
So... @teddytennisfan will be shooting this down as another "western media" propaganda piece in 3, 2, 1....

The UN reports that Assad troops are storming houses and shooting civilians in Aleppo. 82 dead so far.

andyou are getting from UK BBC? THE BBC? ROFLMAO!!!

now we know WHO you side with -- the TERRORISTS!!

How Aleppo Residents Are Reacting to Their City’s Liberation (PHOTO, VIDEO)
Middle East
17:12 13.12.2016(updated 18:12 13.12.2016) Get short URL

At this time, government forces have reclaimed 98 percent of the city; the few militants that remain are now making their last stand in a few isolated areas.

Meanwhile, city residents have taken to the streets to celebrate the impending liberation of Aleppo and the rapidly approaching end of a battle for control of Syria’s largest city, which has raged for over 4 years.

Russian and Syrian sappers are working tirelessly to clear the recently liberated eastern districts of the city of booby traps; the streets are being cleared of debris while residents start to assess the damage done to their city during years of continuous fighting.

Obviously, an event of such magnitude hasn't gone unnoticed in the social media.

Some people were quick note the distinct absence of the so called "White Helmets" on the city streets, underscoring who really provides help to the locals when push comes to shove.

Others made startling revelations about vast caches of medical supplies being stockpiled by the militants.

..or about how the militants have apparently attempted to escape retribution by shaving off their beards and blending in with the local populace.

Some people were simply content to observe the locals celebrate their deliverance, noting a somewhat unusually jubilant reaction from people who, according to certain media outlets, were selectively bombed by their liberators.

And it’s small wonder that some observers are genuinely perplexed about certain Western media outlets praising the efforts of some militant-affiliated ‘civil defense’ groups of questionable origins while at the same time blasting the very men and women who strive to aid the suffering people of Aleppo.