The hate thread


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I hate the fact our bank has moved to the next town & I have to get Mother a taxi so we can get there as she's 70 so can't walk there & needs bank services & the bus service won't take cash payments only passes & contactless & I don't have a contactless card & trains are only taking essential workers & are asking for the letters companies doled out to their staff in case they were pulled up by police when everyone had to stay in unless on their daily walk, doing food shopping, collecting medication or doing essential work. I also hate the fact our butcher doesn't sell dripping as he doesn't know what it is. (I mean he's supposed to have been to training school so should know that.) We tried to explain to him it's what you cook Yorkshire puddings in to make them rise, brown better & give them a meaty taste & put in your chip pan to get brown, meaty chips & some people have it on bread for supper. He asked what Yorkshire puddings were. We give it up as a bad job. I hate the fact that when we went to the next town the butcher said because of this virus, government restrictions specified he had to cut meat as & when ordered & he couldn't sell pork pies, cooked ham or dripping but when I told him what I wanted dripping for he said he was allowed to sell me goose fat which does the same job except for you can't spread it on bread for supper. I tried some. It does brown, meaty chips but the chips aren't as brown & meaty as when cooked in pork or beef dripping. I guess I'll have to do with goose fat for now & I'll have to wait patiently for dripping to be sold in shops again.
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Chris Koziarz

Masters Champion
Mar 5, 2018
Sydney NSW
I hate the fact our bank has moved to the next town & I have to get Mother a taxi so we can get there as she's 70 so can't walk there & needs bank services & the bus service won't take cash payments only passes & contactless & I don't have a contactless card & trains are only taking essential workers & are asking for the letters companies doled out to their staff in case they were pulled up by police when everyone had to stay in unless on their daily walk, doing food shopping, collecting medication or doing essential work. I also hate the fact our butcher doesn't sell dripping as he doesn't know what it is. (I mean he's supposed to have been to training school so should know that.) We tried to explain to him it's what you cook Yorkshire puddings in to make them rise, brown better & give them a meaty taste & put in your chip pan to get brown, meaty chips & some people have it on bread for supper. He asked what Yorkshire puddings were. We give it up as a bad job. I hate the fact that when we went to the next town the butcher said because of this virus, government restrictions specified he had to cut meat as & when ordered & he couldn't sell pork pies, cooked ham or dripping but when I told him what I wanted dripping for he said he was allowed to sell me goose fat which does the same job except for you can't spread it on bread for supper. I tried some. It does brown, meaty chips but the chips aren't as brown & meaty as when cooked in pork or beef dripping. I guess I'll have to do with goose fat for now & I'll have to wait patiently for dripping to be sold in shops again.
I guess your butcher is going vegetarian and, according to the "healthy" trends, replacing drippings, lards, etc with vegetable oils...
"Traditionally fish and chips were fried in beef dripping, and while this practice does continue in some places, most shops now use vegetable oils"
I don't even remember when fish & chips were made in dripping in OZ. Always in veg oil since I've been here.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I guess your butcher is going vegetarian and, according to the "healthy" trends, replacing drippings, lards, etc with vegetable oils...
"Traditionally fish and chips were fried in beef dripping, and while this practice does continue in some places, most shops now use vegetable oils"
I don't even remember when fish & chips were made in dripping in OZ. Always in veg oil since I've been here.
I find chips not cooked in dripping don't have enough flavour for me.

Some chip shops sell chips cooked in dripping here. Others don't. I go to the ones where the chips are cooked in dripping & we cook chips in dripping ourselves.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
Don't you just hate it when your computer (the 1 connected to the printer) breaks down when you need to type a letter so you have to write the letter by hand instead especially when you need to enclose things & you're used to writing "please find enclosed ..." & Enc for 1 enclosed item & Encs for more than 1 enclosed item & leaving 5 lines between your "Yours Sincerely/Faithfully"?


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I hate 45 rpm singles because most songs last round about 5 minutes (with exceptions of songs like Bohemian Rhapsody & Bat out of Hell which last for round about 8 minutes if I'm not very much mistaken) & you've got to stand over the record player while playing them. 45 rpm E.P.'s aren't quite as bad & play between 10-20 minutes each side as they have 2-4 songs on each side.

I hated this Father's Day. I've done a bit of sorting of paperwork which was boring but I got it done (until I came to information booklets & song-words leaflets from C.D. cases which I read & in the case of song-words leaflets put on the C.D. & sung along. *We put our C.D.'s in a material case with lots of slots & the booklets in a drawer. I found the information booklets interesting & learnt a lot & had a good sing-song.*) I'm doing more sorting tomorrow. I've been busy sorting everything out & getting work done. When the work-load started going down I started getting upset & I had a cry today in public. I can't keep doing that.

I also hate reading the D.I.Y. book of Dad's I'm sorting. I hate it because it even shows you what screws, screwdrivers, hammers, nails, saws, drills & chisels look like & what a 4-fold 2 foot rule is & what it's used for. Anyone with just an ounce of common-sense would know that a 4-fold 2 foot rule is a 2 foot ruler which folds 4 times & is used to measure things. In between this it tells you how to calculate how much wood you need to do certain things but it treats you like an idiot so much before that that when you get to that part you're thinking "Are you sure you actually think I'm capable of calculating things. It tells you how to sand & saw & paint fences & walls. It's as though they treat their readers like idiots. I mean 5 year-olds would know this. I'm only continuing to read this book because it tells you how to repair gramophones later on but I honestly don't know what I need a brain to read this book for. It's that patronising.
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Multiple Major Winner
Sep 15, 2013
California, USA
I hate, hate with a passion American marketing that uses "English" accents as if that dehydrated clipped nose sounds make a product, or destination more palpable or desirable.

Let the English sell horrid kidney pie to their own rank and file. hatred is growing by the second.

Great thread!! :clap:

Chris Koziarz

Masters Champion
Mar 5, 2018
Sydney NSW
I hate, hate with a passion American marketing that uses "English" accents as if that dehydrated clipped nose sounds make a product, or destination more palpable or desirable.

Let the English sell horrid kidney pie to their own rank and file. hatred is growing by the second.

Great thread!! :clap:
How about not just "snobby brit" (in America) accent, but deliberate misspelling, e.g. "Overnite Delivery". I used to hate it but I stopped bothering because it won't change.
But I still hate other marketing tools that make serious distortion of physical reality and even feed BS into consumers' minds:
- promoting cigarette (or lately e-cigarettes) smoking as healthy and "cool looking" lifestyle,
- talking about "clean" or even "green" coal (this is oxymoron),
- measuring the efficiency of electronic devices by "energy stars" but never publishing any word about the actual wattage that the device draws,
- talking about the max amperage of a given device before transformation to the internal circuit as if it was the the internal circuit current, etc, etc.
Snobby/ear/eye catching tone/picture is one method of marketing that I can eventually tolerate, but deliberate lying or distorting the reality to deceive the customer is another level of disgusting practices that should not be tolerated: such practices should even be criminally prosecuted IMO.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
How about not just "snobby brit" (in America) accent, but deliberate misspelling, e.g. "Overnite Delivery". I used to hate it but I stopped bothering because it won't change.
But I still hate other marketing tools that make serious distortion of physical reality and even feed BS into consumers' minds:
- promoting cigarette (or lately e-cigarettes) smoking as healthy and "cool looking" lifestyle,
- talking about "clean" or even "green" coal (this is oxymoron),
- measuring the efficiency of electronic devices by "energy stars" but never publishing any word about the actual wattage that the device draws,
- talking about the max amperage of a given device before transformation to the internal circuit as if it was the the internal circuit current, etc, etc.
Snobby/ear/eye catching tone/picture is one method of marketing that I can eventually tolerate, but deliberate lying or distorting the reality to deceive the customer is another level of disgusting practices that should not be tolerated: such practices should even be criminally prosecuted IMO.

Excuse me, please. I wonder if I may say something.
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Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
How about not just "snobby brit" (in America) accent, but deliberate misspelling, e.g. "Overnite Delivery". I used to hate it but I stopped bothering because it won't change.
But I still hate other marketing tools that make serious distortion of physical reality and even feed BS into consumers' minds:
- promoting cigarette (or lately e-cigarettes) smoking as healthy and "cool looking" lifestyle,
- talking about "clean" or even "green" coal (this is oxymoron),
- measuring the efficiency of electronic devices by "energy stars" but never publishing any word about the actual wattage that the device draws,
- talking about the max amperage of a given device before transformation to the internal circuit as if it was the the internal circuit current, etc, etc.
Snobby/ear/eye catching tone/picture is one method of marketing that I can eventually tolerate, but deliberate lying or distorting the reality to deceive the customer is another level of disgusting practices that should not be tolerated: such practices should even be criminally prosecuted IMO.
Your post & Jelenafan's just brought out a couple of pet-hates in me. I hate how lots of people class all Brits as English when they're not. Some are Scottish, Irish or Welsh & some have come from other places & decided to move to Britain. I hate people classifying me as English. I know I was born & brought up in England & live there but genealogically I'm more Scots/Irish with a little bit of English & Norman-French ancestry. Most of my ancestors were Scots/Irish & I feel more at home in Scotland than I am at home. I hate people classifying English accents as all the same. They're not. There are lots of them. In London, people either speak standard English which is your posh sounding accent or Cockney. Then there's the Norfolk, Geordie, LIverpudlian, Yorkshire & Lancashire accent to name just a few. Then there's the mixed accent where people have picked up a few. For example, although I always try to speak standard English as it sounds nicer, I've been told my accent is different. Apparently, it sounds a mixture of Scots/Irish from the Dunoon & Hamilton areas of Scotland, Lancashire, Cumberland, Standard English & Norman-French. Most people understand me though. I've got a sing-song voice that I like & others like too.

I also hate people stereotyping all English as the same. We're all different & like different things.

I agree with your marketing annoyances though & the mis-spelling of simple words except to have a bit of punny fun & by people who don't know annoy me too. However, as spell-checker's exist today there really is no excuse for mis-spelling simple words though spell-checker's sometimes mis-behave. I don't use 1 but I know how to anyway.
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Multiple Major Winner
Sep 15, 2013
California, USA
Your post & Jelenafan's just brought out a couple of pet-hates in me. I hate how lots of people class all Brits as English when they're not. Some are Scottish, Irish or Welsh & some have come from other places & decided to move to Britain. I hate people classifying me as English. I know I was born & brought up in England & live there but genealogically I'm more Scots/Irish with a little bit of English & Norman-French ancestry. Most of my ancestors were Scots/Irish & I feel more at home in Scotland than I am at home. I hate people classifying English accents as all the same. They're not. There are lots of them. In London, people either speak standard English which is your posh sounding accent or Cockney. Then there's the Norfolk, Geordie, LIverpudlian, Yorkshire & Lancashire accent to name just a few. Then there's the mixed accent where people have picked up a few. For example, although I always try to speak standard English as it sounds nicer, I've been told my accent is different. Apparently, it sounds a mixture of Scots/Irish from the Dunoon & Hamilton areas of Scotland, Lancashire, Cumberland, Standard English & Norman-French. Most people understand me though. I've got a sing-song voice that I like & others like too.

I also hate people stereotyping all English as the same. We're all different & like different things.

I agree with your marketing annoyances though.

Good hates , Horsa!

Good to know that even among the Britts some are annoyed by the upperclass “ posh” English accent that inundates our marketing/ advertising.

True story: , I was in London and I asked a man for directions and his cockney accent was so thick that it took me several minutes to realize he was speaking English.

As to confusing all Britts as English, I learned my lesson when I mistakenly called a new Scottish friend “ English”. He smileD graciously and said with a Scottish brogue “ I forgive Ya this time,but next time I haff to kill ya if you repeat that mistake..”:lulz1:


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
Good hates , Horsa!

Good to know that even among the Britts some are annoyed by the upperclass “ posh” English accent that inundates our marketing/ advertising.

True story: , I was in London and I asked a man for directions and his cockney accent was so thick that it took me several minutes to realize he was speaking English.

As to confusing all Britts as English, I learned my lesson when I mistakenly called a new Scottish friend “ English”. He smileD graciously and said with a Scottish brogue “ I forgive Ya this time,but next time I haff to kill ya if you repeat that mistake..”:lulz1:
Thank you very much, Jelenafan.

I'm not really annoyed by it but by the fact that it's the only English accent that is represented in advertising (& T.V. programmes & films to some extent though there are some films & T.V. programmes with Yorkshire accents & Geordie accents like Wuthering Heights, the old Emmerdale Farm programmes & Catherine Cookson adaptations) as if all English people only speak in that accent when there are many English accents.

The other thing about Cockney's is they talk in rhyming slang. We had to learn Cockney rhyming slang in High School English. If you like a laugh, watch Ronnie Barker's Cockney rhyming slang pieces. They're among my favourite comedy pieces. I've got "All I ever wrote" by him which features them & they're great.

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Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I hate wills & probate solicitors forms. I hate the questions asked because they expect valuations for everything & you don't always have them but I learnt pricing in a few places I worked. They ask for more details than official probate forms & don't simplify them either. I also hate running up & down looking for all the paperwork I need to send. (I don't need them simplifying but some people might.)They're the ones who are supposed to be filling in the probate forms. They're going to get paid for it & you're doing it. You may as well not pay & fill in your own form. In my case I can't because Dad's will stated this specific solicitor had to do it & arrange the funeral. Dad thought I was supposed to arrange the funeral so I did. I didn't realise until the insurance company brought it to my attention so I had to explain. They were happy with what I did & said they're working both for me & with me (as I did part of their job) & they took my genuine mistake for what it was so I daren't be too cheeky & ask to fill in my own forms.

I hate wills & probate solicitor's terms & conditions. I mean they even get paid for thinking about your case, especially thinking about writing you letters, writing letters for you as well as preparing them & sending them. I've got parts of the form I need to ask about. They said I only need to fill in what I can but they charge more for jobs requiring more effort & it normally takes more of an effort to fill in a form than to answer the phone. I've left all the questions for 1 phone call as they said they charge for each phone call received so I decided to ask all my questions on the same call. It shouldn't last more than an hour as they're paid by the hour.
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Vince Evert

Multiple Major Winner
Sep 7, 2014
I hate, hate with a passion American marketing that uses "English" accents as if that dehydrated clipped nose sounds make a product, or destination more palpable or desirable.

Let the English sell horrid kidney pie to their own rank and file. hatred is growing by the second.

Great thread!! :clap:

Those sort of adds are on AU television also, usually with brit female with a loud voice. They're live commercials that go on for 5 minutes or more.

Vince Evert

Multiple Major Winner
Sep 7, 2014
I hate the fact our bank has moved to the next town & I have to get Mother a taxi so we can get there as she's 70 so can't walk there & needs bank services & the bus service won't take cash payments only passes & contactless & I don't have a contactless card & trains are only taking essential workers & are asking for the letters companies doled out to their staff in case they were pulled up by police when everyone had to stay in unless on their daily walk, doing food shopping, collecting medication or doing essential work.

Is your mum retired now? If so, why can't the local council or government start a new law and provide her with Seniors card to use public transport for free the way they do here as in South Australia. The cards to my knowledge are free public transport for anyone over 64 yearsbut only on weekdays.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
Is your mum retired now? If so, why can't the local council or government provide her with Seniors card to use public transport for free the way they do here as in South Australia. The cards to my knowledge are free public transport for anyone over 64 yearsbut only on weekdays.
She is retired & has a free bus pass but at the moment public transport is for workers only & Mother is deaf in 1 ear & partially deaf in the other so ideally needs someone with her. She has a hearing aid which helps a great deal but she's running out of batteries. She sent off for some new ones quite a while back but there's no-one working in the hearing aid centre. If it goes on much longer we'll be communicating using notes.
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Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I hate what we did to all those horses when we no longer needed them for transport. After all they did for us to just get put to sleep because se we no longer need them for transport. Horses were here millions of years before us too.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I hate what Dad did to my gramophone when he was ill.

My Uncle came today to help sort some of Dad's things. I showed him my gramophone. We'd been looking all over for the winding handle since Dad last had it. He must have done it while we were out. It worked except it wouldn't hold it's wind. We bought a drive spring off ebay then it worked properly. When I opened the gramophone we found the winding handle. He'd forced it inside bending the speaker needle arm which he'd taken off & removed the screws from. He left his screwdriver in it. We had lots of needles. Now we don't. I'm gutted. I always wanted a gramophone. I wanted 1 of the polished wood ones with a brass horn. I could only get a 1920/1930's Columbia Grafonola but when something has been obsolete for decades you get what you can. I thought it was wonderful when I got it. I was thrilled. The worst thing about it is you can't just buy 1 from the shop. It's almost irreplaceable.
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