

Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Aleppo Victory… US and its Crime Partners Suffer ‘Meltdown of Sanity’

The US and its terrorist-sponsoring partners are seeing their criminal regime-change project in ruins, as the Syrian army and its allies win a spectacular victory to retake the strategically important city of Aleppo.

Western governments and their flunkies at the UN are cynically, perversely decrying a «meltdown of humanity».

Closer to the truth is their own «meltdown of sanity». This is because the official Western narrative about the Syrian war is finally being exposed on a glaring scale.

The exposure for the whole world to see is one of a systematic, fake propaganda cover that concealed a criminal enterprise – an enterprise involving terrorist proxies, or fake moderate rebels, whom the Western governments have sponsored for the past six years in a conspiracy to overthrow the government of Syria. The gravity of this systematic crime committed by Washington and its various partners is now unfolding.

Unable to cope with their own cognitive dissonance over the criminality, the Western governments and their complicit corporate news media are resorting to outright denial and to compounding lies with even more lies.

Instead of dealing with the reality that Syrian state forces have recaptured Aleppo from brutal, illegally armed groups, which the West and its regional clients have bankrolled and armed, the West distorts the dramatic victory as the «fall of Aleppo». One report on American channel CNN even referred to the victorious Syrian army and its allies as «persecutors».

With typical unhinged emotion, US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power cited unverified reports of civilians being executed in Aleppo, and slammed Syria and its allies Russia and Iran for having «no shame». It is Power and her Western partners-in-crime, including top UN officials, who should be hanging their heads in shame.

Among the hysterical soundbites about alleged atrocities and slaughter being lobbed around this week was this from UN «humanitarian» official Jens Laerke who said Aleppo was seeing a «meltdown of humanity». Catchy words, but divorced from reality.

Western news media outlets were screaming headlines alleging summary executions of women and children by the Syrian army and its Russian, Iranian and Lebanese allies as they moved in to finally retake the whole of the northern city.

Outgoing UN chief Ban Ki-Moon talked in disparaging tones about an «uncompromising military victory», while his underlings Rupert Colville and Jan Egeland decried «hellish» conditions and «war crimes» committed by Syria and Russia.

The problem is that all these sensational, reckless assertions are based on unverified claims by anonymous «activists» or persons involved with militants – militants who are integrated with terror groups like Jaysh al Fatah, Jabhat al Nusra, Ahrar al Sham and Nour al din al Zenki. All of them affiliated with the internationally proscribed Al Qaeda terrorist network – which the Western governments claim to be at war with.

It truly is a grotesque revelation when Western governments and UN officials publicly spout propaganda on behalf of terrorist groups.

Samantha Power and her British counterpart at the UN Matthew Rycroft cited UN «reports» of 82 civilians being executed, including 11 women and 13 children, by the pro-government Syrian forces during the final hours of recapturing Aleppo. But the same UN «reports» were themselves based on unverified sources supposedly embedded among the terrorists. This is not reportage. It is simply recycling rumors aimed at saving the necks of terrorist groups.

The simple fact of the information coming from unverified sources did not stop the UN, Power, Rycroft and the raft of Western media outlets, including the Washington Post, CNN, Guardian, Independent, France 24 etc, presenting the claims as if they were fact.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused Western governments and their dutiful, unquestioning news media of spreading «fake news» about the dramatic events in Syria this week. Lavrov pointed out that none of the alleged atrocities were acknowledged by independent humanitarian groups.

Syria’s ambassador to the UN Bashar al-Assad also refuted the claims of atrocities that Western counterparts appeared to be so perplexed by.

Western governments and media outlets persisted in their gory fantasies despite abundant video footage that even they themselves were broadcasting which showed thousands of civilians calmly walking away from militant-held pockets of Aleppo towards the Syrian state forces. Is that the behavior of people who are being massacred, summarily executed, slaughtered?

One of the most absurd distortions was this from France 24. The state-owned broadcaster of one of the countries that has supplied weapons and propaganda cover to terrorists in Syria over the past six years described this week how «people in government-held areas of Aleppo were celebrating». Given that the Syrian government holds virtually all of Aleppo that means that the vast majority of Syrians were celebrating. Yet France 24 roils its words to contrive a false division between pro and anti-government populations.

The more logical and truthful depiction is that Syrian civilians are at last able to flee from terror gangs that have held them under siege. But in reporting that the whole false Western narrative about what has been going on in Aleppo and Syria for the past six years would implode like a house of cards.

Why aren’t the Western news media interviewing the tens of thousands of civilians who have now managed to flee from the defeated terrorist groups? Why don’t the Western media ask questions about the nature of their captivity? Such as, why could they not escape from militant-held eastern Aleppo until now? What do these civilians think of the Syrian army and its allies who have crushed the militants?

The curious, gaping absence of any testimonies carried by the Western media from the thousands of liberated civilians in Aleppo is mirrored by the same curious, gaping absence of testimonies from thousands of civilians liberated elsewhere in Syria by the army over the past year.

That’s because those civilians are telling media outlets which are willing to report, such as the Syrian state broadcaster SANA, as well as RT, Press TV and Al Manar, that their nightmare siege imposed by the Western-backed terrorists is over. If Western media outlets were to actually bother to conduct real journalism they would go into liberated areas of Aleppo and other towns and villages across Syria and report that life is returning to happy normalcy for these families and communities.

The truth is Aleppo was invaded by Western-backed mercenaries in July 2012, who turned the eastern side of the city into a den ruled under a reign of terror. A twisted, demented caliphate run by head-chopping Wahhabi jihadists was imposed. Like Syria as a whole, these mercenaries were sanitized in the West as «moderate, pro-democracy rebels» – albeit somehow supposedly «intermingled» with jihadi extremists.

If that were the case, then where are these supposed «moderates» now that the last den of the «rebels» in Aleppo has been routed?

The stark absence of «moderate», «pro-democracy», «Western-value-supporting rebels» emerging from the ruins of Aleppo is as stark as the absence of petrified civilians denouncing Syrian army «atrocities» or Russian «war crimes».

In one resounding moment this week, the Western narrative about Aleppo, and the Syrian war more generally, has collapsed in a pile of dust. No amount of denials and further distortions can hide the exposure of Western lies and propaganda fabrications.

So ironically, Western media outlets have recently whipped up the phenomenon of «fake news» in the context of trying to discredit Russia over alleged electoral interference in the US and Europe.

What Syria has demonstrated is that the real culprits of peddling false news, and more gravely false narratives, are the Western governments and their conceited, self-important news media.

Unable to deal with the unbearable truth of criminal complicity, the official West is displaying a meltdown of sanity.

Aleppo and Syria will one day emerge again from the present ruins. No such recovery from ruins will be made by the ignominious Western governments and their lying, criminally complicit media.


Apr 14, 2013
Following the news from a lot of sources after the killing of the Russian ambassador... really, CNN is disgusting. A lot of places and different sources had already translated most of what the killer has shouted. He said a lot of things, in two languages, Turkish and Arabic. He shouts two times"Allahu Akbar", he shouts "Remember Aleppo", he shouts "We died there, you die here" (since he is Turkish and not Syrian, "we" can only mean one thing).

And CNN repeats over and over that he shouted "remember Aleppo", as he has not shouted anything else. Even I, that do not know the language, recognized "Allahu Akbar" the first time I saw the video. But CNN simply ignores this part. I hate to be partisan, but this is disgusting.

Edit: To be fair, I just saw a video where someone translated some of the words of the attacker as "We did not killed civilians".

New bits I found: "No one will be safe", "We are the one who were entitled to wage jihad"
"Anyone who has a role in this cruelty will pay"
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
just an update on developments in general points:

RUSSIA, IRAN, TURKEY, naturally with consultation with SYRIA --
are in talks - hosted by ankara -- to be followed by more discussion on the actual RECONSTRUCTION (THE real business of putting together the country after the MESS created by the USA/WEST-GULFmonarchies with their terrorist army) - ...

BAN KI MOON -- the moonlighting as USA ASS-LICKER "un secretary general"...tries to PUSH for THE usa TO BE included in the talks

which are COMPLETELY SHUT OUT for US/EU/GULF monarchies as the SPONSORS and creators of terrorism.


meanwhile -- everyone ought to know by now -- although aleppo is under control by the legitimate syrian government called "regime" by the REGIME CHANGERS - of the western REGIMES --
THE SYRIAN ARMY with the help (according to really knowledgeable russian writers) of the Russian Spetznaz (special forces) have CAPTURED

"AT LEAST 14 FOREIGN OPERATIVES" in the remaining 2 or 3 little neighborhoods, holed up in an underground bunker trying to survive and hope to escape un-noticed among the terrorists being allowed to leave - and go and join their compadres in IDLIB province to the west of aleppo...

anyone wonder how come that CAVE where CIA and others were holed up directing many things happens to be located conveniently BETWEEN IDLIB (the main stronghold of the terrorists, really and that's where they are mostly confined now along with those allowed to leave aleppo -- at the request of THESE SAME TERRORISTS who know the game is u but not without trying to cause more blood such as burning the buses they themselves are given) ?

the one that the RUSSIAN KALIBER missiles from the mediterranean destroyed months ago with NO PEEP of complaint from the USA/EU? (after russia - in retalation for the killing of yet another russian officer hinted "our western partners and their allies understand that WE KNOW precisely where their agents are") ...?

in any case...the murder of the ambassador precedes by just 2 days the TALKS beween turkey, russia, iran in MOSCOW for tuesday -- a PATTERN that has always come up every time moscoe and ankara and others are about to progress in talks (including the RE-COMMITMENT TO THE DREADED by the EU/USA TURKEY STREAM ) .

of course this jibes with GENERAL KIRBY - SPOKESMAN for US defense and pentagon -- more than a month ago openly THREATENING russia with 'consequences" such as 'russian soldiers in body bags, explosions in russia" and what not...

coupled with OBAMA'S OPENLY threatening russia of ''consequences" for not kneeling -- and for ''interfering in our elections" (this from the CHAMPION meddler in the world) - PURE FICTION as was just blown up by a FORMER BRITISH AMBASSADOR with a great respectability -- CRAIG MURRAY --

and 'we will retaliate at a time and manner of our choosing" YA!!! YAHOOOO!! and THAT IS VIRTUALLY A DECLARATION OF WAR against russia based on PURE FICTION .

AS FOR THAT FICTION -- former British Ambassador to KAZAKHSTAN CRAIG MURRAY blogged that HE was the one that delivered the PACKAGE to WIKILEAKS exposing that it was the US GOVERNMENT itself that meddled in the DNC AND REPUBLICAN secrets - to point fingers at russia...

homeland security, fbi, cia, all implicated


HIS BLOG was SUPPRESSED BY FACEBOOK -- AND HE blogged again about THAT elsewhere -- and got , as of now, over 100,000 hits which facebook can not stop...but you won't hear THAT from the USUAL WESTERN MSM...

BUT -- whatever the ambassador's death signifies -- what is SURE is this:

PUTIN to his address on the matter:
"we want to know WHO ORDERED the death of our citizen...'

and already more than a dozen russian investigators, specialists, doctors, and psychiatrists are in ankara..they WILL trace who ordered it -- and it WILL lead to the CIA AND WEST. AND THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY when the USA AND ITS OPERATIVES AND EU least expect it in a manner they will regret they EVER did such things to russia .


LAVROV meanwhile = probably under orders from above -- already supposedly INFORMED ''friend and colleague KERRY" that the USA IS NOT ALLOWED to take part in the planning of the future of syria.

it is now in the hands of SYRIA - RUSSIA, IRAN, TURKEY (learning REAL POLITIK -- that its real future and prosperity lies EAST -- and in ending its original notions of destroying syria ) - and not least -- Waiting silently in the wings wiht the bundles of money -- CHINA . and of course the central asian countries.

the EU .NATO/USA and even the gulf monarchies and israel are now effectively SHUT OUT of the process for having been the CREATORS OF TERRORISM.

FINALLY -- RUSSIA/IRAN/SYRIA/ are keeping under wraps, apparently so, the carefully 'leaked" reports from those in the know in the GROUND in syria --

that the already NAMED FOREIGN ''instructors" captured in aleppo --
1 american , 1 british, 1 french, several turks, qataris, saudis, morrocan and jordanian -- still waiting to be allowed to ''safety" back to their western plus allies masters --

are ONLY THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG and that more than 100 OTHER FOREIGNERS have already been identified by russia, syria, iran..including 22 americans, 20 british, 12 french, etc...

but that -- according to the russian security "have left aleppo among their terrorist underlings -- to IDLIB". since likely TURKEY will by now - to maintain russia's good graces (economy, security, russia's support for aceptance to SHANGHAI cooperation council, AIIB, CSTO, EURASIAN ECONOMIC UNION, SILK ROADS, ETC) -- BE under extreme pressure to NOT be an instrument of letting these reamining terrorists AND their WESTERN INSTRUCTORS escape and out of SYRIA ...
when the SYRIAN ARMY AND RUSSIANS - after having regained aleppo and CLEARED it of terrorists --PUT THEIR ATTENTION ON IDLIB itself ...

as i have long suspected and mentioned HERE ...

the CIA AND OTHER WESTERN ''Advisers" were holding 'classes" on terrorism to their TERRORIST SOLDIERS -- and are now TRAPPED.

at the MERCY of russia and syria and iran -- and it is only a question of whether russia, iran/ syia KEEP THEIR IDENTITIES private while EU,UK,USA, FRANCE and company SQUIRM ....

BECAUSE ALL that russia and allies really need are ALREADY in their hands -- the mere 14 foreign operatives captured are quite enough -- for a SONG to come up soon enough about ''the others' ...

and the FACT that the GLOBAL TERROR NETWORK IS RUN AND AUTHORED BY NON other than THE USA, UK, FRANCE, GULF MONARCHIES, ISRAELIS (yes there is an israeli among the separate group of 14 already named and published by the syrian parliamentarians)

NOTE -- that as these 14 separate group -- like a ''token demonstration" of what the russians , syrians, iranians have captured , trapped or identified and recorded -- were captured in the MORNING of last Friday -- hiding in a bunker in east aleppo -- probably hoping to be ''extracted" with none coming , lol --

just a few hours later -- a PRIVATE meeting of the UN SECURITY COUNCIL was requested or called for by THE usa, uk, france...

might they have TRIED TO HAGGLE with russia to PLEASE NOT EXPOSE?


but make no mistake -- it will take some time -- and there will still be blood as the EMPIRE of chaos -- the western empire really - along with its enormously more IRRELEVANT GULF monarchy allies -- and even LOCKED DOWN israel that DARES NOT enter syria again -- will only have two choices

go for ALL-OUT WAR by bringing ITS ARMY in place of its now basically pointless terrorist army -- to war over the middle east with russia/iran/AND turkey -- -- and not far behind CHINA, impatiently waiting to start reconstruction and building theSILK ROADS without further WESTERN obstruction!!

do the americans, british, french, eu, NATO really want this? they need to realize one thing -- slowly at present -- but UNRELENTINGLY ...

the american-led - british led - french participated -- WESTERN - EUROPEAN IMPERIAL ADVENTURE to dominate the middle east -- IS OVER.

it is now just a question of HOW they WILL be kicked out as the invading foreigners that they always have been for a few centuries...but KICKED OUT as ''masters' they WILL BE.

as an independent party SYRIAN PARLIAMENTARIAN MINISTER said in a readio interview with SOUTHFRONT.ORG...the other day>

"now that we are bringing back the peace in neighborhoods -- and the people are coming back to their destroyed homes but beginning to rebuild --
as the future projects are put together - with russia, iran, china, the asians

I WILL MAKE SURE as a parliamentarian to remind that WE DO NOT WANT THE WESTERNERS -- THEY WILL NOT BE WELCOME to take credit or profit from rebuilding our country".



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
13 detained in TURKEY in connection with the muder of the RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR..they will talk..and woe to those ''that ordered it".

all the way back to washington, obama, cia, UK MI-5, france , glf monarchies and the 'deep stte" ...oh my oh my...


Apr 14, 2013
Thanks to the reference of Craig Murray, Teddytennisfan. He is very balanced and fair (note to the posters who might think it is propaganda: it is not, just read three blog entries and saw calm and lucid critics of all actors in the current crisis).


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Thanks to the reference of Craig Murray, Teddytennisfan. He is very balanced and fair (note to the posters who might think it is propaganda: it is not, just read three blog entries and saw calm and lucid critics of all actors in the current crisis).

Yeah, Murray is smart and seems to be able to speak for himself freely.

I've just been reading through some of the German bombing reports and Murray made an interesting tweet...

It doesn't take a genius to work out that all these terrorists leaving ID cards, Passports etc... at the scene of the crime is highly suspicious. The same happened in the Paris bombings....


a) The narrative has been formed after the attack to further a geopolitical aim


b) The attack was a false flag to begin with.


c) The terrorists are completely stupid.


Apr 14, 2013
^I was thinking exactly the same... I do not like conspiracy theories, I really don't... but it is always the same, I can get that some of them could make some stupid mistakes... but all of them? In each and every case there are always ID's being found. And they are always legitimate. I guess even the time frames between attack and public disclosure of the left behind identities are always similar.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
oh -- terrorists -- whatever names they call themselves in their ever-changing packaging -- al-nusra whatever -- caught in egypt literally painting ''blood" on child's face with ''destroyed" back-drop to claim ''russian/syrian army barbarism".

meanwhile funny - as the canadian journalist Ms. Barrett (the video i showed when she had her presser at the UN lobby which SHE requested from the Syrian ambassador to expedite and get it approved for a spot by UN management last week) , said:

"Corporate, ,MSM media never quite talks about the hundreds of thousands of ordinary syrians actually liberated , who actually are relieved and out there celebrating and picking up their lives and actually telling their stories of their ordeal......but keep talking about the genocide committed by russians and syrian army ..where are these white helmets...we couldn't find them...why?"


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
oh -- just a side-note:

did you know that as the USA leads its gang of sanctions against russia -- everyone OUGHT to know the CORRECT version by now or else just declare themselves UNFIT for ''reading" news -- that began with the USA'S OWN fake democracy in MAIDAN ''freedom" in kiev, ukraine 2014 february - leading to Crimea demanding to go home to russia and DID - losing the USA it's golden ''chance" to GRAB historical russian territory and the all-important deep water SEVASTOPOL NAVY Port --

usa ''quietly'' ''LOOSENS" sanctions against russia -- to allow USA to buy dozens and dozens of RUSSIAN export-version military equipment such as helicopters?

NOTE that the supposedly much, much better AFGHAN ARMY under americna tutelage for - uh -- more than a dozen years now --(but don't call that OCCUPATION by an invader) - doesn't WANT to fly AMERICAN helicopters...
and the only ones they want are RUSSIAN helicopters but of course can't get SPARE PARTS (of course - why should russia give it -- as they want it for FREE) - ?

so -- among OTHER things -- as BARACK OBAMA the great -- says in his LAST press conference of his 8-year NOTHINGNESS :
"russia is SMALLER, she is WEAKER THAN US...she just doesn't have anything to offer except oil and gas and doesn't produce anything ANYBODY WANTS TO BUY"...(but don't tell that to USA Congress that issues SANCTIONS -- about those - uh...russians STUFF)

i kid you not....

IN the meantime -- at the prospect of TRUMP -- INVESTORS are droolingly entering the Russian Stock Market..............better buy up some of those shares and rubles, folks....coz -- as putin already knows (he's educated in economics too, u know) it's more a question whether to ALLOW the ruble to go higher or ''just a little bit" -- to keep russian exports competitive..LOL.
against the USELESS over-valued ''STRONG" DOLLAR that more and more industries (at least in asia ) DON'T WANT...

and THUS --just yesterday ordered ANOTHER raise in Russian Minimum wage...

now THAT'S a country that actually SHARES its improvements with its ordinary people -- EVEN when it is under great pressure such as with sanctions.

IMAGINE if russia - eventually -- completes its independence from american/western ''sanctions" (they can keep putting the sanctions -- the ordinary russians LOVE IT) ? along with IRAN'S enormous potential starting to be freed up in TRADE --- BUT -- OUTSIDE of the dollar anyway? BY IRAN'S CHOICE (What....did the americans THINK that by removing sanctions -- but adding on OTHER new ones, schizophrenic these americans, i tell you -- iran was going to suddenly be happy to trade globally it would USE the DOLLAR ? lol)

oh my god.......

no wonder the DEEP STATE being run from washington nyc, chicago and their tentacles in european capitals are in a STATE of
NOTHING like you've ever seen in the last 100 years , really.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
and people -- just watch...

the USA/and its minions can scream and lie all they want -- what MATTERS is - as syria goes --

IT WILL RECOVER from the TERRORIST INVASION sent by the USA and its minions in their COWARDLY way..of 'fighting russia and china and iran" by PROXY and behind OTHERS...

SAUDI ARABIA under mohammed bin salman (the expected ruler after his uncle dies) is ALREADY bleeding money and reserves beyond 100 billion as of recent count -- has for the first time had to CUT wages and benefits to its tens of thousands of ''royal" relatives and millions of 'civil servants' who will have to start actually WORKING...hasn't been paying FOREIGN migrant workers ...has stopped 'INVESTMENTS' in the USA awaiting trump's decisions...

and is ALREADY looking at the very , very high potential of being FORCED to look TO CHINA AND RUSSIA for salvation -- and ONCE THAT UMBILICAL CORD to the DOLLAR IS WEAKENED even , or CUT in petro-dollars?

THE usa -- trump or not -- better brace for a MONUMENTAL EARTHQUAKE...and WITH IT -- THE WESTERN EMPIRE. roflmaoooo...

is it ANY wonder that SHAKE her fingers at CHINA all she wants -- threatening to 'join the USA in south china sea with aircraft carriers" to ''teach china a lesson" --

she is FORCED to accept china's offer of ''partnership" in developing UK'S nuclear power plants energy program?


u see folks -- that's the THING about all of this -- never mind all the MSM and their FAKE NEWS (including their ACCUSATIONS about 'fake news") -

russia, iran, china, asia -- can just keep molding their constructive projects with each other -- and keep their profiles DOWN in important, REALLY omportnat matters and decisions such as SIGNING REAL deals and getting on with it -

and the USA and west can keep hectoring and lecturing in the world stage about ''humanitarian rights, russia the hitler, assad the hitler, china the ONE party system dictatorship -- no freedom, blah, blah, blah"...

and the OTHERS can just BIDE THEIR TIME..for when it is RIPE to bring down the HAMMER on the western empire SHOULD those others DECIDE when it is warranted. lol.

it's as I ALWAYS predicted.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
oh -- BILLIE AND MASTOOR -- know about this.

even as SERBIA was so undermanned and basically alone when NATO ganged up on serbia in the 1990's -- and of course that also COINCIDED if anyone notices with the SAME 1990'S THE usa atlantic ganged up on RUSSIA -- INSIDE russia itself - plundering and pillaging and LITERALLY directing russian oligarchs and cowed traitors to write ''new rules" -(such as INTENTIONAL NEGLECT of the russian military quality to WEAKEN it so severely before putin in 2000's ordered its resurrection) --

the ''legendary" american F-22 -- considered the 'best" fighter strike aircraft of them all - an 'stealth' -- was being TOYED WITH by SERBIAN pilots and ground crew?

it's only the fact that the serbians were VIRTUALLY ALONE -- the russians under yeltsin could only look on as their SLAVIC COUSINS were being gang-raped by the USA WEST --

that serbia's military had to finally concede.

but -- no matter -- by march -- a few russian SUKHOIS or MIGS are arriving in Serbia..

as the serb officials say :"a real gift -- we don't have the money to buy them at their real price -- of 80 million altogether -- but will need only 20 million to cover the necessary repairs to get them up to date -- and they will be enough to strengthen our air defense again".

and SOON with THAT defense -- will come CHINA and the HIGH SPEED RAILS...FOR EURASIAN INTEGRATION...biG BELARUS -- after all IS A FOUNDING member of EEU..why NOT serbia?

EXPECT IT . SERBIA SHALL BE , in future, near even i would guess, -- PART of the EURASIAN ECONOMIC UNION with Russia, the SHANGHAI COOPERATION COUNCIL , SCO - get money of low-cost loans and investments from ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE AND INVESTMENT (AIIB) ...

and be where serbia BELONGS -- with HER people in the EAST AND ORIENT!! and THAT'S where ASIANS want serbia to be!on the HIGHWAY OF THE ANCIENT SILK ROADS from shanghai to africa!! and the masters of the universe sitting in london, washington, new york, paris, berlin , rottherdam, oslo, stockholm and brussels can WATCH -- as EURASIAN from the borders of belarus and russia and serbia --

show why that super landmass in the 'east" IS THE CENTER of the world -- NOT the 'atlantic' PERIPHERAL countries, lol.

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

‘West dismembered Syria, created incubator for radical groups’
The Russian ambassador’s murder won’t affect the Syrian peace process, says commentator Abdel Bari Atwan. The Russian-Iranian-Turkish talks on Syria could help reach a peaceful settlement after Western involvement only led to bloody anarchy, he adds.

Russia, Turkey, and Iran have said they are to work closer together to safeguard the Syrian peace process. The countries' top diplomats were meeting in Moscow just a day after the assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey in Ankara on Monday.

Both Russia and Turkey said the killing was aimed at destabilizing ties between the two countries.

BBC asked Abdel Bari Atwan who he thought would benefit from undermining the relationship.

He explains the goal of the assassination of Ambassador Andrey Karlov was to send two separate messages. The first one was to say “that Turkey is not safe at all,” the second - to disturb or disrupt the relationship between Russia and Turkey.

“If we look at the benefit from this – definitely the US and its allies in the region are the major beneficiaries from this kind of assassination. They want to muddy the water between Russia and [Turkey]. They would like to prevent the meeting which took place [yesterday] in Moscow between Iranian, Russian and Turkish foreign ministers together in order to try to find a peaceful settlement to the situation in Syria,” he said.

The attempt, however, did not succeed, Atwan said.

“…The meeting took place… Erdogan was very determined to go ahead to strengthen his relations with Russia, with Vladimir Putin. So it was counterproductive, it gave the opposite outcome – this kind of assassination,” he added.

In Atwan’s view, the murder of the Russian ambassador will not affect the Syrian peace process.

“Despite the tragedy, it could be extremely helpful to get Turkey, Iran, Russia - the most influential countries in the Middle East, in the Syrian crisis - together to try to work out some sort of a roadmap – exit map from this dreadful situation in Syria,” he said.

It’s now clear that all previous initiatives – including by the Friends of Syria Group, the Geneva and Vienna peace talks for Syria – have “failed completely,” according to Atwan. This new format – the Russia-Iran-Turkey talks – “could be extremely fruitful, because these three countries are on the ground in Syria.”

“They can work [out] together some sort of peaceful settlement, and to guarantee this peaceful settlement and the implementation of it on the ground,” the analyst added.

Commenting on possible Western reaction to the Troika, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called it, Atwan said that Western countries have been involved in the Syrian crisis for almost six years but have failed to “reach any sort of peaceful settlement, political settlement.”

“What they did? They created very bloody anarchy. They dismembered the country; wars after wars. They created the incubator for radical Islamic organizations like ISIS, like Al-Qaeda. What they can do now?” he said.

“They had their opportunity. The outcome was bloody. So now this Troika – the three counties are working together, and say: “Look, stay aside.” But if they try to intervene, I don’t think they will have any success. Syrian people, as far as I know, are outraged, because the West, the US, the Gulf Arab States, let them down instead of helping them [to come to a] peaceful solution.., or to put an end to this war…They failed [both militarily and politically],” Atwan said.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of BBC.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Ceasefire to a degree. Turkey, Russia and Iran carved out the deal. Reports suggest it's starting to hold up after some initial exchanges.

The US are invited to the table once Trump assumes presidency.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Ceasefire to a degree. Turkey, Russia and Iran carved out the deal. Reports suggest it's starting to hold up after some initial exchanges.

The US are invited to the table once Trump assumes presidency.

that is likely -- but PUTIN has always been consistent -- and it was the USA and allies that kept backstabbing or trying to . UNCONSTRUCTIVE as the russians would say.

now -- if TRUMP genuinely wants to participate in a CONSTRUCTIVE way -- that ''america dictates" has GOT to go away. PERIOD.

for one thing -- his 'anti-iran" stance announced in his campaign remains a NEO-CON, ZIONIST meme -- and that is INCONSISTENT with what is being re-organized by Russia, syria, turkey, iran -- and ''quietly" the financier of it all - china.

trump has to undertstgand -- NO MATTER WHAT THE PENTAGON ''full spectrum supremacists" say - that the middle east ias OVER as an anglo-american playing yard. that is OVER .

if he enters with that understanding -- he has a good chance to have the USA as a participant in the affairs and decisions that are being made by the players in the region who are the RIGHTFUL players as they are putting their decisions, compromises, dealings to go BACK to the very thying OBAMA and the ''exceptionalists" thought (and still think) they could and have the right to disturb and control and disrupt or even prevent:

the ONGOING construction of Eurasian Integration - the Silk Roads - etc..that are NOT going to permit further american or even european ''world centers" to think they have any say in how the supercontinent ought to organize itself.

if the USA wants "IN" IT IS NOT going to be as the 'unipower ' -- but a participant in an EMPORIUM of the largest integration project in human history that is already being constructed with or without the americans and europeans. PERIOD.

there are TWO things trump has to be clear about with PUTIN :

that his ''getting advise from KISSINGER" IS NOT a redo of ''separating china and russia' according to that old kissinger ''divide and rule" (only this time it is the reverse -- make 'friends with russia' to isolate china" ) -- ain't gonna happen...
as am IMPLICIT message was already sent by putin inr esponse to TRUMPS (AND PRAISING TRUMP) DECLARATIONS OF ''better relations with russia" :

"our relation with china is more, far beyond just geostrategic relation -- it is in fact deeper than that - it is each our countries we are clear that the PRIORITY relation is each other".

now that was a ''warning" if i ever saw one...and to emphasize it -- putin just gave the final go ahead to begin the RUSSIAN HALF of the bridge on the AMUR RIVER between china and russia , after the chinese half was finished 2 months ago...meaning? there will be NO DISRUPTIONS BY THE USA PERMITTED.

THE SAME with russian/chinese/iran relations that have just been emented even more firmly - the MOMENT trump was elected:

china ostentatiously announcing(in the face of more 10 year sanction by the USA -- IN VIOLATION AGAIN of treaties just signed) : ''WE Are firmly committed to stand with iran against any new pressures"

(it should be noted that it IS china that , financially through investments, trade, etc that has provided the 'FIRM FLOOR" UNDER BOTH RUSSIA AND IRAN through all the 'foreign pressures" that allowed them to weather the assaults dictated by the USA much more strongly than otherwise -- and this was stated clearly -- several times in chinese editorials since the sanctions against russia began - the oil price plinge, the attack on theruble, etc :"it is at this time when russia is experiencing challenges due to certain countries' pressure that CHINA must stand with Russia. and provide a FIRM economic and financial floor to ensure no chance of destabilizing factors...for without a stable and prosperous russia and neighbors there can be no stable and prosperous china...and when russia emerges out of this time of challenge -- which russia will do -- the people of russia will remember once and for all that china is and remains a trusted partner and friend".

this is what is also going to happen in SYRIA - middle east etc...

and it is NOT for trump or USA or europe to imagine - with all their terrorist proxies and chaos and dictates (all completely stripped of any credibility anyway) --

to try to disrupt any further.

TRUMP will have to bring to the table somethign USEFUL -- AS IT HAS BEEN MADE CLEAR -- by this very ''trio" -- of russia, iran, turkey (no matter that turkey tries to play games -- but iran and russia and china will see to that as ap;propriate) -- that one thing has been shown to the ENTIRE WORLD:

in the middle east -- and in fact -- in ANY region on earth - EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES ARE IRRELEVANT as far as decision making and constructing prosperous and stable countries and relations.

the ENTIRE basis of western claims of 'being deciders" at the TABLES is theSINGLE MOST IMPORTANT achievement by russia , iran and china and syria -- as being ''no thanks =-- not REALLY necessary''.
IF their intent is to try to come in as ''rulers' as they had gotten used to.

ASIA - in other words -- HAS ALREADY MOVED ON despite the chaos the WEST still tries to export for the sake of its'' we are the center of the world" meme.

it is OVER. THA'T/S what trump has to understand.

IF he does and acts accordingly -- whether with russia, syria, china or iran. .
he will DO GOOD. if he tries to retrace with his ''making america great again" as a return to 'a better way of running the empire"


BRING that to the bank.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Ceasefire to a degree. Turkey, Russia and Iran carved out the deal. Reports suggest it's starting to hold up after some initial exchanges.

The US are invited to the table once Trump assumes presidency.

but we can all notice that as the prospect - if things go well by TRUMP...just assuming he's at least wanting to be reasonable and use his authority responsibly --

and the USA is welcomed by russia, iran, turkey, syria to have constructive, cooperative talks --

notice how OBAMA AND COMPANY are doing their utmost (and this includes their allies in congress INCLUDING republican warmongers ) -to place obstacles against trump finding that common ground.

amazing isn't it? PURE PETTINESS from the losers with consequences of their actions and malice of NO concern at all for them...amazing.

i mean - if we could turn back and these warmongers who CAUSED these bonfires and terror with such horrific breadth and repercussions NEVER happened..

there were ENOUGH problems in the world -- countries, ordinary folks...
everywhere -- jobs, health care, savings, education, drugs, diseases, starvation, poverty, climate. weather. natural disasters...etc....things even powerful governments -- even the most responsible -- can BARELY tackle enough.

and THESE cabals of war makers, terror producers and financiers and promoters -- do all that?

THAT is what OBAMA essentially encapsulates -- and now shows with such malice in his own last days as president.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Syria gets airborne hospital as early New Year’s present from Russia
As Russia’s Emergencies Ministry wraps up its medical mission in Aleppo, it is leaving behind its leftover medical equipment and medicine stockpiles as a gift from Russia to Syria. Syria now has a hospital outfitted to be airlifted to wherever needed.

The ministry dispatched the hospital and medical personnel to Syria in November as the fight for the eastern part of Aleppo turned in favor of the government forces. Over the month, it has treated over 1,500 patients, most of whom were women and children.

The hospital includes 16 medical and technical pods, as well as 22 connectors and gateway modules, which can be airlifted to a location in need of medical assistance and deployed in the required configuration. The facility can serve up to 200 patients a day and has 60 beds for inpatients.

The mobile hospital has three surgery sections and an intensive care unit, as well as bays for regular patient diagnostics and treatment, plus living quarters for the medical staff.

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The paperwork transferring ownership of the airborne hospital from Russia to Syria was signed in Aleppo on Saturday. Aleksand Romanov, head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry’s international affairs department, said he hoped that the gift would help the Syrians better provide medical care to the needy.

Over the past week, Syrian doctors and medical personnel received training in how to deploy and operate the Russian hospital, which has inflatable elements, autonomous utilities, and other equipment capable of being swiftly relocated and independently operated. Syria’s health officials thanked their Russian colleagues for their contribution.

The Russian medical mission in Aleppo has been praised by the World Health Organization’s representative in Syria, Elizabeth Hoff, who said that she appreciated how fast Russia deployed the hospital in Syria.

“I spoke to many patients, who spoke greatly about the treatment they had been given by the Russian doctors,” she said, as cited by the Russian ministry.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
British Lies Are a Secret No More | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Jean Perier
The sitting British officials remain ignorant of the fact what kind of disservice the Obama administration has made them by demanding London to repeat the twisted lies the former has been spreading. Both David Cameron and Theresa May have always been obedient disciples of the White House, therefore they chose to spread tedious lies and disinformation in a bid to justify the failure of their social and economic policies, while hiding from the public the fact that Britain is responsible for a number of armed conflicts in the Middle East and Africa.

As a result, a considerable number of media sources and non-governmental organizations have been tasked with creating the image of a dangerous enemy looming somewhere on the borders, to cover corruption and looting of the UK treasury, that are now being labeled as “necessary measures taken for the protection from external threats.”

The British Independent would become pretty apologetic by claiming:

The foreign media has allowed – through naivety or self-interest – people who could only operate with the permission of al-Qaeda-type groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham to dominate the news agenda.

So it’s now the fault of pro-Western radical militants that the corporate media were publishing one lie after another about the situation in Aleppo, and Western governments had nothing to do with the fact that those who reported facts about the situation on the ground would soon be kidnapped and executed. Thus, the Independent openly admits, that radical jihadists were allowed to shape the media coverage of Western media sources completely. But then the Independent takes a step further in admitting what has been happening all along in Syria:

It would be simple-minded to believe that this very appealing and professional PR for the Syrian armed opposition is all their own work. Foreign governments play a fairly open role in funding and training opposition media specialists. One journalist of partly Syrian extraction in Beirut told me how he had been offered $17,000 a month to work for just such an opposition media PR project backed by the British government.

So, both the UK and US media sources are accomplices of the war crimes that the West has been carrying out in Syria, or maybe the editors of those corporate media sources were held hostage of radical militants too, while being unable to tell the truth?

The more time passes since the liberation of Aleppo, the more facts we learn about the attempts that the West made to prevent citizens of this city from getting rid from the barbaric oppression of radical militants. There’s been reports that the fake stories about “Russia’s war crimes in Syria” were fabricated by British intelligence services. There’s every reason to believe that even though the notorious “White Helmets” organization is being sponsored by George Soros, it’s directly controlled by Western intelligence services. In total, London has allocated 32 million pounds to sponsor this organization, with 12,5 sent last year alone. According to the reports released by Syrian journalists, the White Helmets are getting 50 million dollars a year from various sources, while George Soros remains one of their main sponsors.

The founder of the White Helmets is James Le Mesurier, a British “security” specialist and ‘ex’ British military intelligence officer with an impressive track record in some of the most dubious NATO interventions. Additionally, one of the leaders of the White Helmets, Mosab Obeidat, has already been identified to have contributed a major role in the financing of the terrorist groups. According to some reports, Obeidat has played the role of a mediator in providing the Syrian militants with around 2.2 million dollars to pay for weapons and ammunition supplies.

The White Helmets have been actively cooperating with the Jabhat al-Nusra movement, the local branch of Al-Qaeda. In fact, it was with the support of these terrorist organizations that allowed the White Helmets to operate in the areas controlled by terrorists, where other non-governmental organizations are virtually banned. It’s curious that last year this organization was even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, which, according to its backers in London, would make its activities more visible.

In this regard, it’s curious that in the official report UK NON-HUMANITARIAN AID IN RESPONSE TO THE SYRIA CONFLICT, it’s been explicitly stated that the White Helmets received 15 million pounds from the British government, while another 5.3 million pounds were allocated to “certain media sources”.

It should also be added that just recently at the UN conference entitled “Against propaganda and regime change, for peace and national sovereignty” Eva Bartlett, a prominent journalist from Canada, stressed the fact that there is no offices of international human rights organizations in Syria. Therefore, the West is free to draw any conclusions about the humanitarian situation on the basis of observations “Syrian Observatory For Human Rights”, that has a single employee that is living in the UK. , Bartlett has also complained that reports are often drafted on the basis of the information provided by dubious groups, such as the White Helmets.

It’s imperative for everyone to understand that when policymakers act according to false narratives, especially ones they create themselves, the result is grave dangers, as we are now experiencing with the new Cold War. To escape these dangers, London must first get the history right, particularly its own role in spreading conflicts in the Middle East.

Jean Périer is an independent researcher and analyst and a renowned expert on the Near and Middle East, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”