US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The real possibility of HC becoming a president is too scary. Her war and blood thirsty desires will be fulfilled and then God help us all. How her supporters can ignore all the things she did wrong, I have no clue. They act as if the rest of the world doesn't matter and nobody else has the right on their own opinion or their own rights. Is this what America has become? I only matter, nobody else? My way or the bombs are going to destroy you and your future? So sad that this way is getting so much support.

exactly -- and it's HER HUSBAND -- wiTH THE mad war criminal witch Madeleine "it was worth it -- half a million children dead -- to get one man"..ALBRIGHT.

that destroyed yugoslavia under FALSE pretenses -- this IS DOCUMENTED AS TO HOW EXACTLY the LIE was started (starting with germany and USA UK CONNIVING to ''encourage croatian independence" and then the ball gets rolling) --

and let us remember the SERBIA destruction - and the 'kosovo independence"

was the ORIGINAL TESTING GROUND FOR these now SERIAL american

''color revolutions and regime change' -- USING TERROR as the tools and justifcation for ''liberation and humanitarian war"..
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Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
Democracy in America isn’t “messy” the way some duopoly power insiders portray it. It’s nonexistent, policymakers ignoring the will of the people and their welfare entirely.

Events in Philadelphia alone expose how America is run, for its privileged class alone – flagrant electoral rigging anointing a party standard bearer belonging in prison, not high office.

Hillary is the most widely reviled Democrat in party history – beyond rehabilitation no matter how hard DNC handlers try reinventing her.

“I just don’t see how her numbers at this late date are going to improve on the likability issue or the trust factor,” University of Virginia’s Miller Center presidential studies director Barbara Perry explained.

Scandals since the 1990s made her damaged goods, most voters believing she’s a self-serving corporate shill, a law breaker not to be trusted – exposed electoral rigging the latest example.

She didn’t win her party’s nomination. It was handed to her, party bosses choosing her for standard bearer before campaigning began last year. Sanders never had a chance and he knew it.

Endorsements from party notables can’t erase her Lady McBeth image, her Machiavellian history, her high crimes too serious to paper over.

On Wednesday night, Obama gave it his best shot, his usual demagoguery, substituting fiction for facts, a deplorable display like all his speeches.

One anti-populist war criminal praised another. Obama turned truth on its head, “say(ing) with confidence there has never been a man or a woman more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as President of the United States of America.”

The possibility of a neocon lunatic Sino/Russia hating war criminal/racketeer becoming US president should terrify everyone.

Outside Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center, thousands protested. Police reacted violently as expected. Free speech and assembly are more myths than fundamental rights.

At stake is freedom v. fascism, the last vestiges of a free society disappearing in plain sight, tyranny replacing it no matter who succeeds Obama – already with a firm foothold controlling things.

What’s coming? Perpetual wars for conquest and dominance, harsher neoliberal pain and suffering for ordinary Americans while super-rich ones get richer, Wall Street and other corporate interests more dominant than ever, and militarized police terrorizing nonbelievers.

Humanity trembles at what’s coming once a new administration assumes power next January. All bets are off if Hillary heads it – the possibility of world war elevated to a high probability under her leadership.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
OBAMA goes down in history -- as one of the TOP most incompetent presidents EVER.

it does NOT matter whether he 'inherited' problems -- that is just an excuse to wrap him defensively from criticism...

because ''he's my president' -- which is a BAD RUDIMENTARY kind of ''logic" that doesn't pass the test of adult thinking.

he also already is about the most ''successful" president in making ENEMIES everywhere . and presided over the impact of HIS policies and amerifcan policies that are now engulfing EUROPE in its destructiveness.

and as KILLARY KILLTON comes in for the 'kill' - to get HER turn at WARS -- in HER rabid obsession at ''defeating putin and russia" oh my god help us all.

because russia WILL NOT KNEEL to american dictates -- ever --

just note that -- it is now russian policy -- as response to the DEAFNESS of americans and NATO and EU -- at russia's concerns of being encircled (just look at the global map and see who IS being the aggressor everywhere) .

that russia - believe it or not -- is NOT going to wait for an INCURSION into russian territory -- by accident or not -- but READY , WILLING AND ABLE to go NUCLEAR...

judge russia all you want -- it has been brought to THAT position

by OBAMA'S and america's NATO policies VIOLATING all agreements with russia under reagan, NOT the other way around.

the russia defense systems are now so highly developed the NATO forces really are NO match for it. it will take russia no more than 3 hours to WASTE ALL of eastern europe.

but the russian ICBM systems are so developed -- the USA homeland defense is NO match for THAT.



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
exactly .

the exposure goes beyond that -- central as that is --

the exposure is about the FRAUD that IS america .

''democracy? - land of liberty? choice? conscience? moral rectitude? truth and justice and prosperity for all? "

ALL NONSENSE -- ALL PRETENSE. and so what we are seeing are the INNER WORKINGS -- or at least some of it -- that TURNS the wheels of the SHOW of FRAUDULENCE.

heck -- everyone knows its ''currency" is a FRAUD - that is based on ''we said so -- that the us dollar is worth such and such -- therefore it is such and such"

backed up by -- uh -- where are those 8,000 tonnes of GOLD backing and collateral the USA supposedly has ? never been under inspection since 1962.......

the chinese are now beginning to ask :"where is our gold?"

but heck these are just a FEW of the FRAUD that is the USA.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
US intel head calls for end to ‘hyperventilation’ over Russia’s alleged role in DNC hack
The Director of National Intelligence says Washington is still unsure of who might be behind the latest WikiLeaks release of hacked Democratic National Committee emails, while urging that an end be put to the “reactionary mode” blaming it all on Russia.

“We don’t know enough to ascribe motivation regardless of who it might have been,” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said speaking at Aspen’s Security Forum in Colorado, when asked if the media was getting ahead of themselves in fingering the perpetrator of the hack.

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Some 30,000 Democratic National Committee emails were released by WikiLeaks last Friday, exposing the Democratic National Committee’s bias in favor of Hillary Clinton.

After the release, Clinton’s campaign accused Russia of meddling in the 2016 election campaign. Despite lacking any proof to substantiate their claims, a number of US media outlets picked up the ball and repeated the accusations, claiming Russians had hacked into the DNC’s computer servers and leaked emails to WikiLeaks in order to help the Donald Trump campaign.

Speaking on Thursday, Clapper said that Americans need to stop blaming Russia for the hack, telling the crowd that the US has been running in “reactionary mode” when it comes to the numerous cyber-attacks the nation is continuously facing.

“I’m somewhat taken aback by the hyperventilation on this,” Clapper said, as cited by the Washington Examiner.

“I’m shocked someone did some hacking,” he added sarcastically, “[as if] that’s never happened before.”

Clapper said that the US is facing a “different era,” when Americans needs to become “more resilient” to the modern challenges of extremism.

“I think we’re going to be in a state of suppression of extremism in whatever manifestation or form it takes, whether it’s al Qaeda or ISIS or some other group that’s spawned,” Clapper said. “This is going to be a long-haul proposition, and I think the same is true in the whole realm of cybersecurity.”

Clapper added that there is a growing awareness that all levels of cyber terrorism are a “profound challenge” for the US.

“I think we just need to accept that, and not be quite so excitable at yet another instance of it," he said about the recent media speculations.


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
“I believe that the risk of a nuclear catastrophe today is greater than it was during the Cold War – and yet our public is blissfully unaware of the new nuclear dangers they face.” – William J. Perry, U.S. Defense Secretary (1994-1997), January 2016

Former Bill Clinton cabinet member Perry perceives a danger that none of this year’s presidential wannabes have paid much if any attention to. The most recent candidate to make nuclear arms a central issue was Congressman Dennis Kucinich in 2008. President Obama has played both sides of the nuclear dilemma: rounding up and securing nuclear materials around the world, but also modernizing and miniaturizing American nuclear weapons to make them more “usable.” These days, no one in leadership – or aspiring to leadership – seems committed to actually making the world any safer from nuclear catastrophe. With rare exceptions like Kucinich, this unquestioned reliance on nuclear weapons is mainstream American military group-think, endlessly echoed in mainstream media, and that’s the way it’s been for decades.

In November 2015, William J. Perry published “My Journey at the Nuclear Brink” with Stanford University Press, a short book (234 pages) with a global warning that goes unheeded and almost unmentioned in out denial-drenched culture. A quick Google search turns up no reviews of the book – none – in mainstream media. Pro forma book trade reviews by outfits like Kirkus or Publishers Weekly or Amazon make Perry’s book sound pretty bland and boring, but then so does the publisher’s own blurb. It’s as if these people are saying: yes, we know there’s a pack of wolves in the woods, and that’s not necessarily such a good thing, but we don’t want to be accused of crying wolf, and besides we’ve got our own wolves at home, and they’re trim and well fed, and they haven’t attacked anybody since 1945, so why is anyone worried?

That’s Perry’s point, of course, that nobody’s worried – worse: “our people are blissfully unaware.” He doesn’t go on to argue that our people are deliberately kept unaware by a government and media pyramid that manages public consciousness for its own ends. Listen, Perry was free to publish his book, people are free not to read it, what more can one ask? That’s the nature of repressive tolerance.

“A Stark Nuclear Warning”

California governor Jerry Brown reviewed Perry’s book in the New York Review of Books for July 14, 2016, under the headline: “A Stark Nuclear Warning.” William J. Perry spent an adult lifetime working in the world of nuclear weapons. Perry has long expressed his concern that the detonation of just one nuclear weapon could produce a “nuclear catastrophe … that could destroy our way of life.” Perry has been a manager of nuclear weapons “deterrence,” which he now considers “old thinking.” The fact that deterrence hasn’t failed for more than 70 years is not evidence that the policy is successful. In Perry’s view, nuclear weapons do not provide security for anyone, and the more nuclear weapons there are in more and more and more hands, the more they endanger us all.

In his review, Brown tried to break through the complacent collective quiet in response to the bipartisan American nuclear risk-taking that Perry objects to:

… as a defense insider and keeper of nuclear secrets, he is clearly calling American leaders to account for what he believes are very bad decisions, such as the precipitous expansion of NATO, right up to the Russian border, and President George W. Bush’s withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, originally signed by President Nixon.

Twenty years of American stealth aggression against Russia, particularly in Ukraine and Georgia, is only the most obvious flashpoint, though perhaps not the most dangerous one. Another obvious and over-hyped threat comes from North Korea. Most countries in the world don’t have nuclear weapons, and don’t want them. Even Iran is in that group, thanks to the multi-national deal that Perry wholeheartedly approves. But in the Middle East, what threat might seem serious enough to persuade Israel – or France – to launch a nuclear strike against the Islamic State? How long will India and Pakistan, already at proxy war in Afghanistan, maintain their uneasy standoff? And how secure is the Pakistani arsenal from an Islamist government in Islamabad? Will Turkey somehow get its hands on the NATO nuclear weapons at the air base at Incirlik (still under virtual siege more than a week after the failed coup)?

And then there’s China, which is not in the habit of nuclear saber-rattling. As if the U.S. weren’t risking enough in its perennial confrontation with Russia, in recent years the American “pivot to Asia” has begun to look like the early stages of another game of nuclear chicken.

How many nuclear detonations would create a global wasteland?

Nobody really knows how many nuclear explosions it would take to bring on nuclear winter or create the radioactive conditions to kill millions of not billions of people. Probably it would take more than ten, although ten would have a devastating impact. Maybe fewer than a hundred nuclear attacks could destroy the world as we know it. Not to worry, there are thousands at the ready around the world. The U.S. and Russia, and maybe others, have massive numbers of nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert – believed to be a necessary element of nuclear deterrence.

Rhetorically, President Obama has called for the elimination of nuclear weapons, but as a practical matter the Obama administration has reduced the American nuclear arsenal by the smallest amount in 36 years – less than any amount under Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush, or Reagan. Under President Obama, the U.S. has maintained its aggressive policy against Russia, with one consequence being a new nuclear arms race on which the Obama administration wants to spend $1 trillion to make mass killing easier to achieve in smaller increments. No candidate for President has challenged this nuclear orthodoxy, not even Jill Stein of the Green Party.

The world has more than 15,000 nuclear weapons ready-to-use by common estimate, with enough Uranium and Plutonium available to make more than 100,000 more. The U.S. has more than 4,500 nuclear weapons, Russia about 7,000, and the other nuclear weapons states have “only” a few hundred each at most (except North Korea, with a few to none). Israel, India, Pakistan, and South Sudan are the only three countries in the world that have not signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty of 1970.

And what might we expect from the next American President?

Republican Donald Trump seems to have published no formal policy on nuclear weapons or foreign policy. In interviews, Trump has indicated a dislike of nuclear proliferation, but has also said it’s probably “going to happen anyway,” and maybe the U.S. “may very well be better off” if countries like Saudi Arabia, Japan, and South Korea had their own nuclear weapons. He implied a willingness to use nuclear weapons against the Islamic State, or even in Europe under undefined circumstances: “I’m not going to take it off the table.” He also told the New York Times on July 20 that if Russia, for no particular reason, attacked one of the Baltic states, he’d want to make sure that they “have fulfilled their obligations to us” before coming to their defense. He did not address the U.S. treaty obligations under NATO. He has called for re-negotiating treaties that he says are too expensive for the U.S. But, in an odd and perhaps inadvertent way, his answer on the Baltic states speaks indirectly to the 20-year madness of putting Russia’s neighboring countries into the hostile NATO alliance. Trump has also spoken of pulling back forward deployments of American forces around the world, including elements of nuclear deterrence.

Democrat Hillary Clinton has called Trump’s positions “truly scary.” Clinton has indicated her willingness to use nuclear weapons – “massive retaliation” – against Iran in defense of Israel. She has expressed but limited support and limited opposition to the Obama administration plan to spend $1 trillion upgrading the U.S. nuclear arsenal. In an ad falsely claiming she was responsible for “securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons,” Clinton has over-stated the impact of the new START treaty, which has been minimal in reducing nuclear weapons. As Secretary of State, Clinton appointed an utterly unqualified political donor to the International Security Advisory Board dealing with nuclear weapons. Clinton, like Trump, seems to have published no formal foreign policy on nuclear weapons of foreign policy. She has opposed the idea of Japan having its own nuclear arsenal, while at the same time falsely saying Trump “encouraged” the idea.

Where is the candidate who speaks truthfully of reality?

In an address at the University of Sydney in March 2016, titled “A World War Has Begun,” Australian journalist John Pilger argued that Hillary Clinton is more dangerous than Donald Trump. At the heart of Pilger’s argument is his perception of President Obama:

In 2009, President Obama stood before an adoring crowd in the centre of Prague, in the heart of Europe. He pledged himself to make “the world free from nuclear weapons”. People cheered and some cried. A torrent of platitudes flowed from the media. Obama was subsequently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

It was all fake. He was lying.

The Obama administration has built more nuclear weapons, more nuclear warheads, more nuclear delivery systems, more nuclear factories. Nuclear warhead spending alone rose higher under Obama than under any American President.

Clinton has pledged, forcefully but selectively, to “defend President Obama’s accomplishments and build upon them.” In this written statement, Clinton makes no mention of nuclear weapons, defense spending, or U.S. military deployments on Russia’s borders (among other omissions). Pilger has that covered:

In the last eighteen months, the greatest build-up of military forces since World War Two – led by the United States – is taking place along Russia’s western frontier. Not since Hitler invaded the Soviet Union have foreign troops presented such a demonstrable threat to Russia….

In Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia – next door to Russia – the US military is deploying combat troops, tanks, heavy weapons. This extreme provocation of the world’s second nuclear power is met with silence in the West.

Those who don’t speak up are complicit in silence

In 1996, Secretary of Defense William J. Perry was the only member of President Clinton’s cabinet who got it right, including the President himself. Perry was the only cabinet member who opposed enlarging NATO with former Soviet bloc countries. Perry was the only cabinet member then, and perhaps since, to object to the American policy of steady, stealthy, soft aggression against Russia (including the Ukraine coup) that would lead inevitably to direct confrontation between the world’s largest nuclear weapons states. Perry has called for radical change in the U.S. nuclear force structure consistent with actual deterrence, actual defense, not aggressive war. He would reduce the nuclear triad (about which Trump apparently knew nothing last October), keeping only the sea-based missiles in nuclear submarines and eliminating nuclear bombers and nuclear missiles. This would save millions of dollars and reduce the risk of accidental nuclear war. But it is heresy among the believers in faith-based nuclear policy.

And yet, in an election year, “no one is discussing the major issues that trouble Perry,” as Jerry Brown wrote: “And why does most all of official Washington disagree with him and live in nuclear denial?” In January 2016, while promoting his book, Perry wrote:

What I am really advocating is not so much a particular force structure, but a serious national discussion on this issue, the outcome of which has hugely important security and financial consequences — for the U.S. and for the world. Considering the huge costs entailed, and, even more importantly, the transcendental security issues at stake, we must not simply drift into a decision….

And yet the country drifts on, blissfully unaware, and it’s a mystery why a man as accomplished and respected as Perry has not done more to wake the country out of its sleepwalking incomprehension. But it may be a tragedy that we have neither a President nor a would-be President who would or could confront our potentially fatal collective denial.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
THAT'S exactly the problem .

the american polity is like an idiot whose idea of existing is

looking at his navel ...
thinking the world revolves around him.

but -- the policies and actual movements of american/nato policies TO the russians , for example =- are of EXISTENTIAL reality to those people.

i have just returned from st petersburg on a 2 week visit -- and the russian people -- while a VERY calm disposition -- are simply in disbelief at how americans and its leaders have NO concept whatsoever that TO russians

SEEING NATO FORCES -- in VIOLATION of agreements that russia had honored every single step (dismantling warsaw pact, leaving the former ussr republics to their own independence -- so much so many are NOW under NATO/american control) -

etc. etc. etc. and EACH TIME it is the USA that has violated or abrogated treaties ...

are VERY , very alarmed at the encirclement under the excuse of ''russia is going to invade europe"

i asked them - as i got to know them about these accusations justifying the enlargement of forces just a hundred meters from their borders:

and the invariably say:

"what would we need more land for? do they not see -- our country is so big it is 3-4 times as large as europe -- WE ar ethe ones with resources europe needs , not the other way around - we are not and never were interested in LAND if that is what they talk about...what we do not like is ANYONE - certainly not the americans trying to dictate to US how we manage our own affairs and who we make deals with in other countries".

and i ask more -- what they would do should america and nato PERSIST in provoking them by inching closer and closer to their very doorstep :

"we know what to do - we are AFRAID OF WAR -- because no one knows better and has lost more people than we have from FOREIGN invasions -- but we are not AFRAID of the americans at all...if they try to take , or make excuses that they can come in -- they should think many times before ever going there..."

as one of their politicans said some weeks ago " one thing will happen -- we will NEVER AGAIN permit the west to wage war in OUR land ".

and a general said:

"what these europeans and NATO - under direction from the USA , who else, do not simply nderstand is this: if they persist and we become CONVINCED that they are imminently going to try and break into russia - for any reason they make -- it is our policy now that we WILL strike first ...that decision they will never know when it arrives to us -- as they continue to CONVINCE US that an invasion by NATO IS their ultimate goal..

and when we DO become convinced that we can not take that risk ...all those installations form north to south along our western front -- THOSE are exactly what we will destroy -- it will take us no more than 3 hours to do that.

and NATO knows it...therefore -- we ask them , and the americans again...DO NOT PERSIST in this. we are not the threat to europe -- TERRORISM is -- and terrorism grew BECAUSE of american policies -- we ourselves have experienced it for decades as one of the tools of america to destabilize russia. so we HAVE EXPERIENCE -- and know it...

''but europe and nato continue to pain us as the threat -- when it is the other way around - THEY are the threat TO russia. and we will deal with it accordingly.".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
i'd like to add that one of the real revelations to me upon my 2 week visit to russia - st petersburg were these few observations:

russians are a VERY, VERY healthy, extremely athletic and fit people - i was shocked to see it -- coming from New York city myself where the population -- if ''representative of america" are like seeing a mass of BLOBS rolling around on the pavements...

they are also very calm and extremely bright and intelligent - and whether speaking in their language only or some english - some very fluently - were , in my 2 weeks - invariably very helpful , even actually walking with me to the correct streets or shops to make sure i was not lost if they noticed or i asked ..not a single day went that this did not happen.

there are plenty of WEDDINGS going on..all over the place really..often with wedding parties in parks, ferry boats, etc..i've never seen anything like it in a big city really which points to a definite CONFIDENCE in their society and where it is going...

they work VERY quickly -- it was shocking to see - and very, very efficiently - that leaves them plenty of room to be relaxed ...

a very fascinating thing to watch was this:

because weather could be unpredictable -- and suddenly strong winds and rain would come -- after a day of summer --

i noted that russians -- walking or sitting in parks -standing and chatting -- DO NOT RUN -- from rain -- they go about their business as if nothign was the matter...

they walk a LOT in the city of st petersburg with its enormous buildings and big, long blocks and move FAST just like athletes.

IF NATO and USA ever IMAGINE they , by finding some excuse to ENTER russia to ''defend europe from russian aggression" -- can enter and grab territory or some form of military control in areas?


NATO and european nations that HOST NATO armaments moscow finds threat to russia ARE going to be destroyed.

of that -- you can be certain. and nato and america and the west can BLAB all tehy want about 'russian aggression and expansion" to try and justify incursions or provoke russia into a war -- they can blab all they want..

the end result is -- europe will cease to exist.

and a strong possibility the russians WILL NOT stop at that -- they WILL strike the USA to make sure the whole sorry AUTHOR of it all learns once and for all what it is like to have a war of ITS own making is in ITS territory devastated by ICBMS. THE USA has NO effective defense from.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Trump leads the polls right now:

39 per cent of likely voters supported Mr Trump, 37 per cent supported Mrs Clinton, and 24 per cent would vote for neither.

Surprising as I thought Trump could win the GOP nomination but not the presidency... I'd still be very surprised if that came to pass but he's obviously got some momentum.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
You can't use a post RNC convention poll to tell you anything. Trump got the boost. Wait until next week. Also, this business with the Russians and his cavalier attitude towards it is not going to go down so lightly.


Apr 22, 2013
No she will not. She has been incompetent on every significant foreign policy question - wrong on the Balkans, wrong on Iraq, wrong on Syria, wrong on Libya. She will just continue the status quo of unnecessary wars, misjudging American enemies, and saber-rattling with Russia. On the immigration front, she will facilitate the continue proletarianization of the American populace in the name of identity politics. And on the trade front, she will continue to sell out American workers as both the Trump and Bernie supporters know, all the while taking massive donations from Wall Street and corrupt foreign regimes.

If that is a "very good president," then enjoy her.

I won't speak to the foreign policy issues, but she's pretty much said she's going to bin TPP. There'll be hell to pay if she doesn't.

It's interesting that over here, Theresa May has committed to making capitalism fairer. Fwiw.. I don't believe we have capitalism at the moment, when CEOs compensation is rising far faster than company earnings there's something seriously wrong. I wonder if Hillary will steal that idea from across the pond. Not sure what she would be able to do about it though
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
I know what a radical feminist is and Hillary certainly fits the bill. Also, choosing Obama over Hillary in 2008 was no significant punch to your commitment to feminism. As a white leftist, you wanted to see your multicultural wet dream candidate become "the first (half)-black president." Obama might have been the only person alive you would have chosen over Hillary. He fit the moral narrative of the victimology religion to a T.

but...she may have actually voted for Hillary over Obama anyway, which we don't know. As i said, Hillary has an army of hypocritical supporters....
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Hillary will be a very good President.
i'd like to add that one of the real revelations to me upon my 2 week visit to russia - st petersburg were these few observations:

russians are a VERY, VERY healthy, extremely athletic and fit people - i was shocked to see it -- coming from New York city myself where the population -- if ''representative of america" are like seeing a mass of BLOBS rolling around on the pavements...

they are also very calm and extremely bright and intelligent - and whether speaking in their language only or some english - some very fluently - were , in my 2 weeks - invariably very helpful , even actually walking with me to the correct streets or shops to make sure i was not lost if they noticed or i asked ..not a single day went that this did not happen.

there are plenty of WEDDINGS going on..all over the place really..often with wedding parties in parks, ferry boats, etc..i've never seen anything like it in a big city really which points to a definite CONFIDENCE in their society and where it is going...

they work VERY quickly -- it was shocking to see - and very, very efficiently - that leaves them plenty of room to be relaxed ...

a very fascinating thing to watch was this:

because weather could be unpredictable -- and suddenly strong winds and rain would come -- after a day of summer --

i noted that russians -- walking or sitting in parks -standing and chatting -- DO NOT RUN -- from rain -- they go about their business as if nothign was the matter...

they walk a LOT in the city of st petersburg with its enormous buildings and big, long blocks and move FAST just like athletes.

IF NATO and USA ever IMAGINE they , by finding some excuse to ENTER russia to ''defend europe from russian aggression" -- can enter and grab territory or some form of military control in areas?


NATO and european nations that HOST NATO armaments moscow finds threat to russia ARE going to be destroyed.

of that -- you can be certain. and nato and america and the west can BLAB all tehy want about 'russian aggression and expansion" to try and justify incursions or provoke russia into a war -- they can blab all they want..

the end result is -- europe will cease to exist.

and a strong possibility the russians WILL NOT stop at that -- they WILL strike the USA to make sure the whole sorry AUTHOR of it all learns once and for all what it is like to have a war of ITS own making is in ITS territory devastated by ICBMS. THE USA has NO effective defense from.

'mass of BLOBS' lol...though you have a way of talking over the top, i couldn't really disagree with this while i was there. But, Moxie is Moxie. She cares about nothing but agendas that suit her. Hillary will be a good president, for hypocrites who have no morality, honesty, conscience and any regard for facts.

Therefore she is HC's hardcore fan.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
THE thing is -- i personally DETEST BOTH candidates for their particular set of ''values" -

BUT when one MUST look at the s0-called ''choices" of america - ''two-party democratic system" my foot! lol -- hold one's nose and coldly calculate which one is MORE SURELY going to lead the country into even MORE bloodshed and american ''exceptional empire" --

there is NO question that - ''unknown" as he might be when he DOES somehow get into the white house -- it is better to choose trump over hillary.

this is now a case of the CLEAR record of criminality -- rising UP to WAR criminality -- serially so - of killary who can't wait to do MORE -- as well as her personal corruption - also a long string of it that she somehow sleazily gets past -- showing HER complete impunity in what she does --

as opposed to ''what MIGHT' donald REALLY DO?

IT IS a question of KNOWN criminality when holding the reins of power as opposed to ego-centric ''maybe" for trump.

were they applying for an ordinary job - the MO's would instantly have hillary excluded even for consideration .

a simple question really - JUST on the matter of LAWS of the USA THAT any ordinary person would have been jailed many times over ...

exposing american state security matters ? so blithely because - as one of her e mails says --"oh - this is just so annoying" (she didn't want to BOTHER going through the security protocols) ? that already counts for JAIL..
AN ORDINARY SECURITY GUARD of receptionist that doesn't follow protocols even just ONCE in , say a nursing home or a children's school gets FIRED IMMEDIATELY.


AND then -- exposed some more -- she BLAMES TRUMP ''as an agent of putin?"

THIS is what some americans call "'good for us?"

oh no -- something is VERY wrong there.

and THAT doesn't begin to discuss how EAGER she is - with her NEO-CONS and WAR HAWKS right behind her -- waiting to BATH the world in MORE blood.

and the hands of those that DO vote for her - if she gets what she wants -- WILL be as guilty as she and her kind in bathing this world in more blood.

because she WILL do it. of that we can be sure.

t the very least -- this is the woman who voted for EVERY american imperial adventure we are talking about that destroyed IRAQ, LIBYA, and pushes and pushes for MORE countries to be ''reshaped in our image" -- whose BIGGEST fans are the likes of war criminals ALBRIGHT, SOROS, BRZEZINSKI ...

what are people thinking?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
now that hillary and donald are the contenders -- last two standing..

a curious question is what the substantial amount of democrat voters that have been betrayed -- clearly so - by the DNC and in the end by sanders himself (with his capitulation to the very DNC that just obviously backstabbed him -- what kind of principles does that show, anyway>) - will do.

what will they do - after all their protests come election day? switch? vote trump/ sit it out? vote ''neither" and for a third party candidate that the 'election committee" will prblably also rig so as not to be allowed to bring an alternative debate?

to ensure a hillary crowning with her hand ready at the button of war? and time to repay her wall street backers and her neo-con ghosts like brzezinski, albright, soros and company

all so EAGER to have hillary do more ''dismantling of europe" to ''reshape it to out image" just LIKE they have practiced so WELL in other countries?

do NOT people see this yet? if not -- they are IDIOTS.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
STICK A FORK in america -- it's done.

there are more important things happening in the world BEYOND america.
Russia Defeats Terrorism… While America Hails a Freak Show
Indeed, far more media coverage is given to Hillary Clinton’s nomination as the Democrat’s presidential candidate. While Clinton was declaring to her party’s convention how she would wipe out Islamist terrorists in the Middle East, the Syrian army and its Russian allies were actually getting on with that very job.


Syria’s northern city of

– which was the country’s biggest city before the onset of the war in 2011 – is about to be fully retaken by the Syrian army, supported by Russian air power.

Humanitarian corridors
have been created to allow civilians and surrendering fighters to escape before the final assault begins on anti-government militias holed up in the east of the city.

The militants are an amalgam of illegally armed groups, including the proscribed terrorist brigades affiliated to al-Qaeda. Western governments and media engage in cynical word games by referring to some of the fighters as “moderates” and “rebels”.


For example, a CNN report states: “Syrian and Russian forces are to open humanitarian corridors for people to flee the besieged city of

, officials in both countries said Thursday, the day after Syria’s army announced it had encircled the city and cut off rebel [sic] supply routes.”

Note how the nice-sounding word “rebel” is invoked as a way of sanitizing the fact that the city has been besieged by extremists, who have seen fit to chop off the heads of their victims, including 10-year-old boys.

What Syrian and Russian forces are about to achieve in the recapture of Aleppo is nothing short of a historic victory. It is not just the symbolism of regaining Syria’s second city, which has the strategic significance of government-controlled Damascus. With its proximity to the Turkish border, Aleppo has been a bastion for illicit flow of weapons and mercenaries that has fueled the entire Syrian conflict.

The United States and its NATO allies, Britain and France, have worked with their regional partners Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to use Aleppo as the staging post for their covert, dirty war of regime change against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The death-cult mercenaries for this foreign conspiracy of regime change in Syria have come from all over the world, from some 100 countries, including Western and Arab states, as well as from Russia’s Caucuses.

In many ways, Aleppo represents the last stand for the regime-change forces. When Aleppo finally falls in the coming weeks, it will spell the end of Syria’s torturous conflict which was imposed on the country by the US and its allies for the purpose of regime change under the guise of a “pro-democracy” uprising.

What an indictment that is of Washington’s criminality and that of its rogue state cronies. Some 400,000 people killed over the past five years and nearly half the population of 23 million turned into refugees. The refugee crisis and blowback terrorism that Europe is confronted with are also repercussions from this foreign criminal conspiracy to subvert Syria.

The victory against state-sponsored terrorism on Syria is a tribute to the tenacity and courage of the Syrian people, their government and their army.

© Sputnik/ Alexei Druzhinin

And in that victory Russia has played a formidable, heroic role. President Assad has acknowledged the vital role of Russia’s military intervention in saving his nation from the fate that other nations have succumbed to, including Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya – all victims of US-led regime-change machinations.

When Russian President Vladimir Putin resolved to send in his military forces to salvage Syria at the end of September 2015, the turnaround was immediate and crucial.

The industrial-scale oil smuggling routes run by the jihadist networks in eastern Syria were smashed by Russian air power. That cut off major financial support to the jihadists which the Turkish state had facilitated. That, in turn, left the terrorist center at Raqqa to wither from isolation.

The retaking of ancient Palmyra in the center of Syria with its world-class archaeological heritage was also another momentous victory for the Syrian army and its Russian ally. The holding of a classical music concert by Russian artists among the Romanesque ruins recaptured from terrorists was not merely smart public relations. It spoke eloquently of what the Syrian war was all about.

A conflict between a sovereign nation supported by Russia against barbaric killers mobilized by lawless foreign powers.

The battle now underway for Aleppo is one more – perhaps the final – historic stage in Syria’s struggle against regime-change forces. Russia and President Putin can proudly take pride of place in this historic victory.

© REUTERS/ Ammar Abdullah

No wonder then that Western media would rather ignore what is happening in Syria. For years, they have spun a torrent of lies and fabrications, claiming that “

” were fighting for democracy against a “tyrannical regime”.

Now as Syrian and Russian forces bear down on these “rebel” remnants the truth is hardly deniable. They are being seen for what they are: a network of terrorist mercenaries deployed by the United States and its allies, who are facing ultimate defeat.

And so in order to avoid the moment of ghastly truth, and their own complicity in state-sponsored terrorism, the Western media by necessity have to pan away from Syria and the battle of Aleppo.

They turn to a new narrative for distraction – the “wonderful” nomination of Hillary Clinton as the first woman to run for the US presidency.

Typical of the inane subject-changing maneuver are glowing quotes from Clinton on how she will lead America and the world in defeating jihadist terrorism.

This is the same Clinton who as US Secretary of State (2009-2013) orchestrated the covert war for regime change in Syria, with the despicable deployment of terrorist mercenaries guided by the American Central Intelligence Agency.

That is, the very war that Russia is now helping to finally put an end to, along with extinguishing the US-sponsored “moderate” terror groups. Washington and Clinton in particular may start wars, but evidently it is Russia that finishes them.

Yet, amazingly, listening to Clinton regale her supporters at the Democrat convention this week one cannot but be in awe of the astronomical cognitive dissonance. A warmonger posing as a champion for world peace and law and order?

This breath-taking, absurd deception is only made possible because of the way Western media operate to change the narrative, distort perspectives and obliterate the facts.

But the incontrovertible fact is that Russia and Syria are winning a historic war against Western-backed terrorist aggression. Aleppo is the clarion call for this victory.

The Western media can’t handle that. Instead, they are obliged to try to shift the focus. And to whom do they turn for light relief? Why, one of the culprit architects of the criminal war on Syria – Hillary Clinton – and her promises to defend America from Russia and terrorists.

American politics and media deception – what a freak show.

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
as for america's TICKING TIME BOMB DEBT...


this does NOT include CORPORATE DEBT -- ALREADY RISING TO AT LEAST 12 TRILLION DOLLARS...the year to-year records show corporations and businesses in 2016 are unable to pay monthly arrears --

growing to something that will make 2008 implosion look like a PICNIC...

while americans whine about ''terrorists" and ''the world doesnt obey us" .......

except the ONE QUESTION :

WHY SHOULD the world obey america? lol.
as ERDOGAN -- bad man that he is -- told OFF american officials complaining about ''lack of democracy of erdogan's PURGE" (of american-poodles across turkey -- in the thousands across all areas of life) -



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
there IS an old Russian saying and it IS true.

syria is an example :


THE ANGL0-AMERICAN imperial world order STARTS WARS and SEEKS them. that's how its ''divide and rule" strategy always has been.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
You can't use a post RNC convention poll to tell you anything. Trump got the boost. Wait until next week. Also, this business with the Russians and his cavalier attitude towards it is not going to go down so lightly.

so far -- AFTER hillary's speech -- it is now over - this convention or ''crowning" of Empress Hillary --

did you know that the ''traditionally'' 18 - 30 YEAR OLDS ''democrats" are leaving in droves? that's the FIRST time ever in american history of politics...

her support from among that age group - has PLUNGED by 16 percent in the past few months alone...

AND bringing ALICIA KEYS and hollywood stars ain't helping..

HIL;LARY AND DNC WILL HAVE TO STEAL this election from TRump, imo.

and oh boy -- the world will really have an entertainment of the FREAK SHOW that is now seen the world over as ''american democracy".
