
Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
REALLY A WARNING TO TRUMP -- JUST LIKE TO OBAMA -- of what happens to those that muck around inside russia to make her ''obedient" ...lol

CIA agent tries to get past russian security guard..

CIA undercover -- caught in blonde wig..etc..(reportedly ordinary russian's saw right thorugh him. trying to recruit ..lol)

USS DONALD COOK -- one of USA'S most advanced destroyers tried to head straight for russia's sevastopol navy port in crimea -- met by unweaponized old soviet planes...lol
this was a notorious incident -- the US sailors - reportedly around 2 dozen were so spooked at how vulnerable they could be made -- demanded to be re-assigned to germany...



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
THE REAL story --

2008 -- OF HOW american-educated (columbia university) georgian ''president' shakaashvilli ordered a midnight attack on a sleeping russian ethnic community in south georgia -- aided and financed by the USA AND ISRAEL

when putin was in china attending the Beijing Olympics

at a time when the russian military was still not as updgraded as SINCE that time ...

putin had to hurriedly go back to moscow - and after hearing the reports -- reportedly blurted out:
"they killed RUSSIANS"!!
and the rest is history -- sent the russian battalions - destroyed the entire georgian army in a day - TOOK BACK south ossetia (originally also a part of russia ) - and sent Shakashvilli packing from georgia -- kicked out by HIS own ethnic community -- to hide in UKRAINE ...LOL



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
SERBIANS who fight in eastern ukraine to defend it from the US/WEST installed FASCIST regime in Kiev...

''IN SERBIA -- they have passed laws -- under instruction from the USA -- to arrest those of us who fight in ukraine for our SLAVIC , ORTHODOX brethren from the FASCISTS the USA installed. "

'SERBIA is under very much pressure from the USA and the WEST -- it is not now serbia -- but a COLONY of NATO AND THE USA".

SERBIAN veteran volunteering in ukraine with pro-russian/slavic forces defending east/south ukraine from the USA installed FASCISTS.
''THIS is what the USA wanted..".

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
It looks like the Trump/Russia love affair may be over. I think the ingrained history of opposition is too endemic to overcome in such a short space of time. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
It looks like the Trump/Russia love affair may be over. I think the ingrained history of opposition is too endemic to overcome in such a short space of time. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out.

YOU might be right about that, BRITBOX.

i hope its wrong -- as considering the implications -- real conflict that does no one good --
i personally WANT trump to at least have his chance to turn AWAY from what has been the real problem -- american IMPERIAL obsession with insisting ''OUR WAY OR THE HIGHWAY".

IT'S Done that with europe - it's doing that to britain, it's doing that o australia, it's doing that to canada -- all the ''FIVE EYES" COUNTRIES...

and if it does that TO them -- HOW much more to THE historical rivals china and russia that represent resistance to this self-appointed role as ''world's SOLE " leader?
do americans think this IS their ''world to shape?" they think russia -- is going to PERMIT itself to be be disrespected , at the very least, let alone allow itself to EVER again be treated by the USA the way it did in the 1990's when russia was so vulnerable and the plundering and pillaging with the traitors that enriched themselves is going to ever be allowed again?

same with china. why should china even PUT UP with americans proclaiming themselves as ''defenders of freedom of navigation" in a region that NEVER had real problems with their ''unspoken arrangements' - no matter how ''uncomfortable"

and behind all the '''pride" of claims -- have REAL priorities -- TRADE, COMMON PROJECTS -- and pretend like there are no ''cliams counterclaims" and save face -- and THAT'S what it has been for generations.

BUT ENTER uncle sam -- where he doesn't belong -- pushes teh former philippine adminsitration -- which everyone in the philippines always considered "TUTA NANG 'KANO" (america's puppet) -- to bring up something that even IF were china wrong --

DOESN'T need to be brought up as its NOT THAT important.

believe me - britbox- i AM filipino -- and i KNOW about these things more than westerner can undestand -- to US - it is NOT that important to have to bring up the matter of china's CLAIMS of owning most of south china sea --

and is more about leverage to get a better deal -- in what REALLY matters...

TRADE, COMMERCE, and not least -- partnerships and investments FROM china and other neighbors. THAT'S what it's about as far as ASIANS are concerned.

and it is NOT AMERICA'S BUSINESS to insert itself - in a neighborhood's business that NEVER had conflicts ''over the south china sea". OR if they had disagreements - ALWAYS found compromises and a kind of ''live and let live" attitude - THAT has always been the real way among the asians.

the philippines has OVERLAPPING claims with BRUNEI, WITH VIETNAM AND TAIWAN...AND INDONESIA...just as much as any country has with china and chian with any country.

so what is the BIG DEAL that the USA -- behind the philippines in the last adminstiratio making?

as an EXCUSE to insert ITSELF as a miltiary power HWERE IT DOES NOT EVEN ENJOY much of the 5 trillion trade BETWEEN those countries sailing in THAT sea...

JUST YESTERDAY -- DUTERTE came back from a long trip to several asian nations...

one of the main things arranged.

malaysia, indonesia, china, vietnam, brunei, philippines to coordinate ''counter terrorism and piracy" in the area , including the south china sea...

WHERE IN IT is the usa EVER needed - except as the ACTUAL THREAT to the nations with its meddlesome presence?

now that is PROOF that there is someone in this world that thinks "'we should write the rules" -- where it DOES NOT BELONG.
SO what IF CHINA WRITES the rules in the asia pacific region - SHE'S the middle kingdom -- everyone THERE depends on the chinese economy PERIOD!

SO what IF russia 'WRITES THE RULES' IN her Circle of influence and around HER borders? htat's HER neighborhood. IT'S RUSSIA'S energy everyone wants and needs...SHE calls the shots., PERIOD. considering she's actually bent over backwards supplying europe with resources europe actually can't afford if they didn't get so many concessions in pricing that they already enjoyed...



SO WHAT if EUROPE writes ITS own rules? is EUROPE A PROVINCE of america?

now -- put that together -- -- where is it written the USA is ''leader of europe".
leader of ''asia" , leader of south america, leader of the pacific, leader of africa

leader of the world where NOBODY ASKED HER. except in her own imagination?
the lunatics in the pentagon, cia, state department, congress, wall street, us chamber of commerce, NGOs, think tanks...etc. etc. etc.?
it's NONE of the usa's business.

it's been exposed -- THE CIA had been spying and hcking on the ENTIRE frenchelections of 2012...but of course THAT TOO is PUTIN'S FAULT.

ah -- ya -- right.


AGAIN -- after the US vice president proclaimed about russia having to ''do its part in fulfilling MINSK agreements on ukraine" -- even if the USA HAS NO PART IN IT , never was a signatory, UKRAINE is the one that VIOLATES IT -- ?

SINCE WHEN did a NON PARTICIPANT in an agreement put together by germany, france, ukraine and russia -- BECOME teh JUDGE of that agreement and who is violating (the WRONG country ) - ?

and as an attempt to what exctly? insist that the ''new america' is STILL the world's WRITER OF RULES?

they didn't get the memo -- TILLERSON, MATTIS, NATO , EU -- tht lavrov had to remind them -- right after VICE PRESIDENT PENCE'S proclamation "we are the TOP DOG ALWAYS" --

THAT ''we might remind and hope that our partners understand and recognize that not only is NATO a relic of the past to which they cling to
;;but that the world -- you can call it post-western world if you like -- has now moved beyond it ''.

if the USA and its european poodles REFUSE to accept that reality and think they CAN intimidate russia -- or even TRY to provoke or cause an incident that they can use to justify some kind of conflict -- they are out of their minds.

100 thousand more troops, - a million troops is not going to change russia's position -- that is - DEFENSE - PURE DEFENSE of her territory - PERIOD!! IT IS THEY with the USA pushing them -- that are LUSTING after RUSSIAN TERRITORY behind the exchuse of ''russian aggression and intentions to conquer us".

idiots -- as russia always has said

"what do we need latvia for? land? we have lots of land, what about germany? THEY NEED our resources - we dont' need THEIRS...POLAND? A FLAT LAND mostly not even good enough for agirculture OUR soil is BLACK EARTH -- THE RICHEST KIND -- what do we need ports in estonia for? we have laready moved trains and depots to st petersburg and it is our right to traverse the baltic sea like anybody else to trade with africa...

what do we need norway for? our arctic shores are the richest source of rich resources still to be tapped -- what do we need france or britain for? we can grow wine just as good in crimea , our tanks and planes and ships and missiles are better...we send satellites to space and NASA piggybacks on OUR rockets...

''we do not need to conquer them for land -- if we wanted -- we could have done it after we destroyed germany and already were fast on the way to brussels and copenhagen if we did not give in to the request of churchil and roosevelt to slow down so THEY could claim some kind of victory and territory to liberate..."
"what we are interested in - and lways have been is -- they lave us alone to rule ourselves as we see fit within our territory and our sphere of influence that is our historical and cultural ties..."

so -- USA -- and NATO want WAR with russia? or towards it by sanctions until russia kneels?

a single town they wipe out with some ''ccident" or a single square mile of territory they enter due to some ''incident' they want to provoke --
and they better PRAY russia or some general doesn't press upon putin or shoigu that
"we just have to teach them a lesson all over again ".



oh -- really.......?
the people of east ukraine-- have long demanded -- begged russia to please ''recognize our new passports as east ukrainians, donbass, lugansk republic,"...

russia has finally aggreed -- meaning -- they now are recognized as ''semi-russian citizens" accorded the rights and benefits of russians in the motherland...

so -- what is the USA nato kiev fascists that they installed going to do? ''enforce ukrainian unity" in east ukraine? it IS GONE -- IT JUST practically declared "we ARE GOING HOME to mother russia "

JUST LIKE CRIMEA...that is at the moment as we speak -- making arrangements in business and trade with VIETNAM far , far away...

it is SO OVER -- these ''AMERICAN LED" western world ''rules making" upon countries -- and expecting them -- ESPECIALLY russia or china or iran -- to BEND THE KNEE.

aint' gonna happen.

and they can thrown themselves at it - until they turn themselves into PULP as gooey as a rotten banana you throw against the wall.

and THAT'S even without russia pressing the button - should they ACTUALLY TRY to enter russia or harm any hair on a russia in her territory -- if russia so decides it is ENOUGH to press a button -- and WIPE them off the face of the map.

FIVE SECONs AFTER A MISSILE LAUNCH , ICBMS, etc..from homeland usa -- RUSSIA DETECTS IT --15 seconds after that RUSSIA completes the trajectory intended -- it takes that long to luanch the response...which can wipe out territory the size of texas of france..by a single missile. that is the FASTEST on the planet they might as well forget it...

ANY launch from berlin or poland, romania or bulgaria -- is met with at least 4 layers of defense they wil not even approach the borders...before they are destroyed...even if their intent is to reach moscow...

why would they provoke russia to that and potentially having allowed themselves to be sitting ducks because of american dictates t0 make russia 'kneel"> ?


the russians LOVE IT!!

AS theri farmers and producers and domestic industry re-emergence put it

"please -- please don't stop ". they REDISCOVERED they are the RICHEST NATION ON EARTH in resources!! to sell their products -- and there is great demand for it internally and externally.

europe -- uder american pressure continues to threaten ''we will stop buying russian energy? -- even if they DEPEND ON IT? what kind of schizophrenic nonsense is that? what russia loses in earning from THEM - WHILE THEY freeze --

russia already has teh altnernative in place - the even LARGER market of asia...

it is called "THE ASIA -PACIFIC ENERGY CIRCLE" -- all the way . lol. even japan is acting like a PUPPY now at the prospect of filling its hunger for russian energy and resources...russia is one of the five biggest producers of diamonds..

1/5 of the world's supply. they don't need europe - and can sell in beirty, seoul,shanghia, mumbai, sao paolo ..kuala lumpur and wherever they please.
it has surpasses the USA and canada as the biggest exporter of wheat and barley.

in only 5 years -- it becomes europe's LARGEST economy -- bigger than germany.

let's put in a a few words by PUTIN..

this was just a very recent revelation by an insider in the kremlin -- likely as an indirect and -- as typical of putin - and russia -- VERY polite message to the west and usa:

BACK IN -- 2013, 14? when those sanctions and attack on the ruble were hitting hard and russia still had to adjust -- --

one of the conspirators - being saudi arabia - after a ''visit by kerry" to riyadh - which everyone knows or ought to -- BACKFIRED...and will always backfire...

the notorious mastermind of the saudi policie of funding terrorists worldwide ...

SALMAN bin saud or something -- the ''defense' minister or something veryk, very powerful...

went to MOSCOW -- TO ENTICE PUTIN to agree to policies of washington, regarding syria, in particular -- and of course likely many other things "we are leaders you obey"

and he did it with TWO ''offerings"

AND couldnt resist the temptation or plan to also bring up a thinly veiled THREAT,,
THAT IF RUSSIA does NOT accept such a ''request" -- even with such a BRIBE which is what it amounted to --

''u know we are capable of keeping terrorism down "...as a CLEAR THREAT to unleash massive terrorism inside russia...especially during that SOCHI WINTER ILYMPICS that everye here might remember BILLIE JEAN KING was one of the american athletes grandstanding at the white house to ''boycott russia" blah, blah, blah..

THAT is well -known and well reported..

what was -- until only recently - NOT WELL-KNOWN

is what PUTIN said :

"that is a good offer of investments -- we will think about it of course...
now that you have said your offer-- LISTEN to what i will say ,,and listen well....

"if so much as a MATCH STICK flames up in sochi or anywhere in russia...i don't care who did it -- you will enjoy big briliant fireworks over riyadh and medina and more...".


he resigned from his post -- he is holed up in some small out of the way city somewhere in qatar or something...probably banished as his other family members realize NOT TO TAKE ON RUSSIA at ANYONE'S behest if they want to save their skin -- ............
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
i might add -- according to trump and company -- 'EUROPE AND NATO SHOULD INCREASE THEIR PAYMENT FOR NATO:

or else what exactly? the USA going to NOT ''DEFEND" THEM in case of what exactly? a russian invasion ? that DOESN'T NEED THEIR LAND? and is ITSELF the victim of attempts by tthe europeans to invade and conquer than the OTHER way around for THE entire EXISTENCE of russia in one thousand years?

the usa is going to do what ? NOT pay its share -- fo what is ESSENTIALLY AN AMERICAN ARMY named NATO ? WHOSE chief is ALWAYS an american if that doesn't say ENOUGH as to WHOSE army it really is and in reality an OCCUPYING army IN EUROPE? in position to INVADE russia seeking every opportunity to do Exactly that with the OBVIOUS preparations such as ''weakening russia and kicking her ass" like with sanctions ? lol.

they are going to OUTSPEND russia in military terms in order to do what? to ''bankrupt russia like we did in the USSR days" - WHICH actually WAS NOT THE CASE -- but that the 'collapse of the ussr"

was in reality a SELF-INFLICTED collapse BECAUSE of idiots like gorbachev and yeltsin who SUCCUMBED to the idea they would be ''embraced by the west" -- which EVERY INDICATION and the entire history shows IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN -- except to ''embrace russia" as a VASSAL state to PLUNDER?

and that to RUSSIANS the WORST PERIOD of their ENTIRE EXISTENCE as a sovereign state was THE 1990'S --

THAT IS WITHOUT QUESTION -- . because tha tis when russians consider "we became a vassal state " and THAT is when great famine, starvation, homelessness, crime, banditry, great inefficiency, black market, prostitution -- russians dying at a very early age, entire industries closed or sold to foreigners and foreign investors at bargain basement prices, their once magnificent army that had SAVED europe from the fascists and destroyed the GREATEST part of hitler's army -- was reduced to loss of morale, humiliation, despair...and not least -- the loss , overnight -- by a simple SIGNATURE of ''dissolution" -- what had been a THRIVING historical and cultural and NATURAL ties with the former soviet repuiblics -- particularly belarus, ukraine, in europe and the central asians -- that werE all PART of the ''russian world" long before the USSR -- and was EMBRACED by those peoples for it WAS the russian empire that gave unity and stability to all of them --
and therefore lost overnight 25 million russian citiznes

which is what PUTIN refers to when calling the dissolution

THE GREATEST TRAGEDY of the 20th century...peoples who suddenly were NOT russians - evenif - they WERE.

ALL THAT was the work of TRAITORS like gorbachev who loved being the DARLING of the west -- because it MEANT -- russia was NOW OPEN with her legs to be RAPED exactly AS THE usa and west wanted and tried for a thousand years to do.

and PUTIN and RUSSIA have SAID

''YOU are not going to continue -- and you will NEVER again be allowed-- if you do -- prepare to be wiped off the face of the earth no matter how far you are">

so by RAISING the COST and stakes of ''maintaining and army" -- they are going to try the SAME OLD TRICK they THINK was the reason they 'won over the ussr" to ''collapse its economy by spending her to bankruptcy?"



if for no other reason thatn a very simple one>

FOR RUSSIA to produce what she needs - be it food, buildings, bridges, farms, trucks, icecream -- solar power windows,cars, missiles, ships...fish, vegetables, hogs, wheat, anything at all...

'WE calculate and count every in RUBLES -- not in dollars..therefore we can produce bread the same amount -- at russian prices - not dollar prices....".
in other words -- in order to maintain a LIFESTYLE that is sufficient for them -- even HIGHquality -- with different sets of priorities as in the USA -- and i ATTEST TO IT PERSONALLY from my visit in st petersburg last summer --
a russian DOES NOT NEED to earn dollars -- or the 'equivalent" of dollars in rubles - BUY THE SAME loaf of bread in calories - good quality russian wine or even imported in the same dollar amounts...

therefore the russian to what their priorities are and what they consider as adequate -- including how many MISSILES to destroy france if need be --

does NOT have to live and sustain ''adequately" to ENSURE russia can NOT be made to kneel , AT ALL...

because they don't PRICE their lifestyle according to DOLLAR prices. which are used only for ''foreign exchange" or trade under the dollar regime ...
which russians find -- they actually can do without as they adjust to FULL sovereignty in theri currency use -- internationally -- while increasing their GOLD holdings.


in other words a reasonably prosperous russian earning and spending IN rubles -- will be wearing GOLD EARRINGS - fur, mink, silver spoons -- a speedboat , a camper, a vacation so long as it is anywhere inside russia and the EURASIAN ECONOMIC UNION countries FROM BELARUS to kazakhstan -- and even china --

at FAR LESS THE COST to maintain THAT lifestyle than ANY american would to MATCH that lifestyle spending in dollars.


impors become more costly -- as they always are -- but why would russians NEED them for dear life?

they have EVERYTHING they need and MORE.

its the europeans who don't have the BASIS of CIVILIZATION that they maintain -- and that's ENERGY -- and natural resources which RUSSIA possess in abundance !!


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Agree with much of that... and the Chinese military outposts in the South China Sea aren't I believe related at all to "lording it" over neighbours but moreso a tactical defence to potential American aggression in the future. In many ways, like the American "red herring" of missile silos in Eastern Europe weren't anything to do with Iran... moreso with Russia.

Trump's foreign policy will be fascinating... so far he's leaning to improve relations with Russia but has China and Iran in the crosshairs. He'll be under huge internal pressure from the military and business machinery within the U.S. on the Russia relationship. The China and Iran situation is potentially much more dangerous in the short term.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Agree with much of that... and the Chinese military outposts in the South China Sea aren't I believe related at all to "lording it" over neighbours but moreso a tactical defence to potential American aggression in the future. In many ways, like the American "red herring" of missile silos in Eastern Europe weren't anything to do with Iran... moreso with Russia.

Trump's foreign policy will be fascinating... so far he's leaning to improve relations with Russia but has China and Iran in the crosshairs. He'll be under huge internal pressure from the military and business machinery within the U.S. on the Russia relationship. The China and Iran situation is potentially much more dangerous in the short term.

heck -- we know we dont' and can't agree on every thing..that's stupid to expect...because people have different sets of eyes and ways of emphasis on the same things.

but lets even say -- I play the devil's advocate -- and instead ASSUME that CHINA IS AN AGRRESSOR or going to be or plans to be -- when she has captured all of asia into her ''web"


that is STILL none of the business of america.

it is UP TO the peoples of asia- pacific -- to ASEAN -- to AUSTRALIA..and even as far away as NEW ZEALAND
what THEY are going to do about -- collectively , in sub-regional alliances or compromises if that is what they want -- and balancing their own interests or common interests or trade offs and tell china

hey --HEY -- you may be BIG -- but half of the trade-off is US -- you WANT TO SELL products and services and projects -- we HAVE the markets to sell to -- you going to trample these markets? ...

so - you want a fight/' ?


BUT however that is -- whatever its nature or outcome -- WHAT IS IT OF AMERICA'S BUSINESS?

just like if AUSTRIA wants to stay neutral from NATO -- supposedly -- or HUNGARY wants OUT -- or stay BUT trade with russia...or french farmers are screaming bloody hell at losing markets in russia with no more guarantees they'll get it back after uncle sam told THEM to sacrifice THEMSELVES for uncle sam?

what the hell is that uncle sams business? if the BRITS said ''we've had enough of paying EU AND BRUSSELS and in return getting TAXED some more!!

that really is the main problem there...a country - USA that takes upon itself the RIGHT TO BE SOLE RULER of the world inside their countries -- across their regions, everywhere in their dealings with anyone - and how they want to promote their own prosperity and the welfare of their citizens and preserve their stability .

what is ANY OF THAT uncle sam's business?

that's the whole problem,

U KNOW what already has COST australia -- JUST in the philipines because of duterte's anger at the USA and the way it treated the philippines ''LIKE A DOG WITH A TIE AROUND THE NECK?"

australia has to fall in line BEHIND japan , and malaysia and indonesia in getting ''contracts" - and procurements NOT because the government under duterte is ''unfair" -- but simplyu becuse duterte MERELY ENTERTAINED the entry of OTHER competitors seeking deals and to ''enter the philippines development project" -

SO -- instead of austalia -- wiht a STRONG tie to the philippines for so many filipinos actually having emigrated and prospered in australia (heck even some soccer teams were on youtube

"fil -aussies -- beating serbia visiting team in soccer"

lol. it is not getting australia better leverage THAN japan - or indonesia. .

who loses? in integrating with the rest of ASIA-PACIFIC and all that WEALTH to be made?

UNCLE SAM didn't lose - AUSTRALIA id for licking uncle sams behind...

i HATE THAT -- australia - as one example - SHOULD be more deeply integrated with all other countries in the asia-pacific BUT NOT AS A TROJAN HORSE for the USA -- which just about every 'NATIVE ASIAN" country NOW OPENLY SUSPECTS and makes THEM wary of making deals with australia,

WHO LOSES? -- again australia BY MERE SUSPICION nad it is NOT the fault of the ''native born asian'' countries --it's australia's for licking uncle sams ass -- just because they ''SEE" the ''same anglo-american" roots --

FAR, FAR AWAY from where they came from and NOW in the neighborhood of their actual reality.


that's why you might remember me saying long back -- "australia will have to CHOOSE -- become ASIAN/PACIFIC in EVERY sense of the word "

or remain an ass licker 'stepping stone" of the USA -- from which australia CAN NOT enjoy the kind of trade, markets etc...she can enjoy with asia -- where SHE BELONGS.

it can't be BOTH -- so long as the USA behaves the way it does.

that's not very complicated.

heck -one of the richest guys in australia -- the one that founded that global company - car rental -- hertz ? is it -- one of those 3 biggest ones...

he' took on filipino citizenship since long ago, lol.. i don't know what made him do that -- and he's there -- one of duterte's advisers. not cabinet but they're on very good terms , lol. but HE is at times invited by the administration to be speaker in conferences and even PUBLIC POLICY speeches - complete with media question and answer as to why he thinks such and such ought to be done and not that...

and talks ""WE IN OUR COUNTRY...i think the policies about the rural clinics ....will work much better if we do it like this and tthat ..." -- kind of stuff. lol.

i'm not kidding.

and THAT is what i mean that australia -- sooner or later has to GET OVER ITSELF - being such a ''puppy of uncle sam" JUST BECAUSE theya re both ''anglo"

heck -- we all know about this KARAOKE phenomenon especially among asians ..

claims are a japanese came up with the idea.

but THEFILIPINOS are the most ''famous" for their obsessions with it -- but also that it is an industry that earns lots and lots of money, INCLUDING in sales to filipinos abroad who also naturally ''INFECT" the communities they are in -- be the in their jobs or other social settings with THIS filipino obsession - THUS increasing the industry to OTHER people.

SO -- TO MAKE IT even MORE ''promoted

WHO DO thefilipino recording industries and printing in manila or cebu tht are everywhere, high standard, world class since filipinos are obsessed with music and pops anyway?

WHO do they hire with probably just ''spending money" worth but with the chance to make a few extra bucks - to APPEAR dancing, or just posing , or in the park in romantic settings to bring video backgroudn to the karaoke, dance videos, etc?

AUSTRALIANS - MAN, good looking whiteys !!! shot in scenes in sydney melbourne, manila, some pretty , paradise waterfalls in the philippines nobody every heard of ...and these kids have some nice money in their pockets. while doing vacation!!


how do i know this?

i used to work in SENIORS center -- nursing home -- doing ''activities" therefore i was responsble for all sorts of entertainment, music, sports, exercising them, parties, whatever -- and discussion, news, touring the world, vidoes, and a filipinao nurse kept bugging ME to ''try karaoke come one -- you'll like it, they'/l.;l like it make them happy..even their families, microphone hour -- "

and i RESISTED it -- - until i tried an i enjoyed it -- and the people KEPT DEMANDING for it the place had to buy their own system rather than keep borrowing from my friend who'd bring NEW updated ones and new plug ins whatever...oh man -- everytime i held karaoke

everyone went wild with it -- lol....a HUGE HUGE HIT

AND WHAT Were these?

''MADE in the philippines, produced by so and so -- credits to so and so ,, "..

with ''latino songs collection -- 500 " ''OLD tradtional english tunes -- 400 selections".

italian selections 1,000
frank sinatra, beatles, the beegees, abba, blah blah, blah.and manila keeps churning them out like no tomorrow...

and WHO are those - at least many of them -- appearing ''gracing the videos" -- those AUSTRALIAN KIDS.. LO;L..

BUT look at new zealand -- a bit MORE 'INDEPENDENT" at least of uncle sam if not its devotion to anglo-ness -- and after all new zealand IS so in the middle of the pacific - so she has good reason to want to have an ''anchor" somewhere..

nonetheless -- a bit more indpendent minded..

SHE enjoys increasingly more trade relations with the philippines which - under duterte is the FASTEST rising economy -- on earth, i kid you not...

with new zealand recently asking for and seemingly going to get rights to lease land they identified as really ideal for increasing new zealand's specialty -- in lambs, and cattle - there you go ..GOOD FOR BUSINESS - but we know new zealand has EXCELLENT environmental concern record, PROVEN..and it's going to be GREAT for both countries. so why not?

both can partner and supply much of the growing asian mainland requirements for MEAT, wool, by products, etc...as the middle class rises ...

GREAT STUFF for both countries.
that's what australia needs to capitalize on -- BEING A PART - FULLFLEDGED member of asia pacific and NOT uncle sam's MESSENGER BOY and trojan horse -- like the way CANADA has become -- towards europe especially.

because canada' REALLY can not MESS around with XI JINPING anyway.through the now defunct TPP.

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