Newly revealed Strzok-Page texts put a final nail in the coffin of the Russia silliness.....


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
February 2016: Strzok texts Page that they should not prosecute Hillary too thoroughly because she is going to be the future president and they don’t want her to be angry at them.

May 2016: Comey and Strzok begin work on an exoneration letter for Hillary before interviewing any witnesses including Hillary herself.

July 1, 2016: Page texts Strzok that Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton on the tarmac knowing that charges would not be brought - evidence that they had no intention of pursuing charges against Hillary despite her defiance of subpoenas.

July 2, 2016: Strzok as lead investigator conducts the sham interview with Hillary.

July 5, 2016: Comey announces charges will not be brought against Hillary using the language Strzok inserted: “extremely careless” instead of “grossly negligent,” because “grossly negligent” would mean a crime was being alleged.

January 2017: Strzok conducts interview with Flynn about contacts with Russian officials during the presidential transition.

May 2017: Strzok texts Page two days after the appointment of Mueller that he would love to join Mueller’s investigation so he can be part of history in impeaching Trump, but he doesn’t want to join the investigative team because “there’s no there” and he doesn’t see any reasonable chance the investigation will succeed due to lack of evidence.

In other words, Strzok as the lead FBI investigator of the Hillary investigation and the Russia investigation knew that Hillary was guilty but was part of a scheme to let her off the hook, and he also admitted that there was no evidence of illegality by the Trump campaign with regard to Russia after 10 months of working the case for the FBI.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Lol @calitennis127, I was just re-watching Trey Gowdy's interrogation of Strzok. Trey is compulsive viewing in these hearings. It's a sad loss for the house now he's getting out of politics.