WADA hacked..documents reveal Serena, Venus, Biles were allowed banned substances..sadly..


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
that's why until they can ENSURE AND REPEATEDLY ASSURE that they are FAIR as they say -- they have , from now on, NO BUSINESS giving out penalties - to anyone EVER again caught. since they - in the first place have CORRUPTED the system of setting rules and fairness itself.

IF - for instance - AFTER ALL THIS - PLAYERS COME AND DO PED'S out of disrespect for the system -- what business is it of WADA to penalize them then? since WADA has lost credibility in its fairness.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Fancy Bears hacker group releases emails claiming cover-up of US athletes’ drug tests
The hacking group Fancy Bears, as part of its so-called #OpOlympics, has released emails between US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) employees that it says proves that American athletes have taken banned substances.

On Thursday, Fancy Bears released email correspondence between USADA science director Dr. Matthew Fedoruk and Dana Leenheer, Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) & Drug Reference Specialist. The hacking group claimed that the exchange “reveals that USADA covers up many athletes using prohibited substances. As evidence, see the table containing the data of more than 200 American athletes who have USADA and other organizations' permission to take banned drugs."

The five sports with the largest number of TUE certificates issued in 2015 were cycling, track & field, triathlon, swimming and ski/snow sports, Fancy Bears said, citing Fedoruk’s files. In total, 583 such TUE certificates were granted to American athletes last year, including multiple substances for some athletes.

Fancy Bears also accused Fedoruk and the USADA of covering up genuine drug tests for American and other athletes, as well as “the use of banned substances under the guise of sports nutrition.” The hacking group promised that there would be more leaks to come.

‘Therapeutic’ doping systems prone to abuse, author of WADA report on Russia admits

The email release comes one day after the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) claimed that the hacking group tampered with the data it obtained.

"It should be noted that in the course of its investigation, WADA has determined that not all data released by Fancy Bears (in its PDF documents) accurately reflects WADA's Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS) data," the agency’s statement read.

Fancy Bears first came to prominence on September 13, when they published the first batch of WADA documents that included medical tests of tennis superstars Serena and Venus Williams, along with Rio Olympic gold medalist gymnast Simone Biles.

The group then published new leaks every two days, with lists coming out on September 15, 17 and 19. Those lists also included high-profile names.

READ MORE: Top US athletes deny cheating after hackers show usage of banned substances

On September 23, Fancy Bears released the names of athletes from 13 different nations, along with their drug test results. The list detailed the drug tests of 41 total athletes from Australia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Serbia, South Africa, Switzerland, Sweden and the United States.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Interesting stuff Teddy. More to come, I expect.

VERY TRUE. some young canadian pole vaulter -- he won gold -- also got caught up now..

but it seems he himself didn't knowingly take anything -- cocaine - because he said he went on a fling with some married woman from craigslist -- they met up - he kissed her - she admitted later she took coke before meeting - passed to him - he gets his test and was positive test -- but he was ;;cleared'' to go to rio 2 days before...won gold..now it's stripped from him - but no ban because of the ''innocence" claim.

whatever - if he didn't mean it - that/s where it gets so iffy , u know? all this business of ''clean, clean clean" -- and then so many ''allowances so long as they say ahead of time" -- ..

for me - that's the whole point -- the secrecy of the system's OWN pick and choose on drugs that it says are performance enhancers -- then creates a loophole of ''medical" excuses (whther or not a good reason)_ --

then WADA NOW claims ''the fancy bears may have tampered with the documents"

operative word -- MAY -- which in its own way tries to SHIFT the attention from ITSELF to ''/the hackers" based on SUPPOSITION ""may"'.

so - we see how convoluted the whole business has been all along.

that's why i sometimes - all these years -- wondered -- "why NOT just get over it".

LET the players take whatever the hell they want -- and don't make the PRETENSE anymore. both officiating and players. it's up to them - and the world -- we just judge it as it is for what it is...

ATHLETES WILL -- if they can -- take a chance and do their thing to win. lol.

always brings me back to the original ancient greek olympics --

where they'd take WHATEVER it took to win --

oracles, offerings to gods, potions, magic, incantations, money, whatever!! BUT the SINGLE RULE they were SEVERELY punished with perpetual shame of their names and their families was --

IF THEY DID ANYTHING TO OBSTRUCT OR SABOTAGE OR PREVENT THEIR RIVALS FROM PARTICIPATING SUCCESSFULLY.. THAT was the ONE rule . ANYONE caught doing that -- the name was stamped in the public squares or temples as cheats...THEY Could do anything to do themselves to have ''performance enhancement" all they wanted -- but INTERFERING with their rivals..was a big no no.

and all this business of PURITY OUR times P[RETEND to have is so much nonsense -- when the WADA and the ''committees' themselves are FULL OF IT -- all their corruptions and pretense and hiding and all that.

to HELL with them,
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Yeah, if WADA have anything to say about the specifics being wrong they should say what information is actually incorrect rather than make vague statements.

Apparently, the hack was a pretty basic "phishing" exercise.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Yeah, if WADA have anything to say about the specifics being wrong they should say what information is actually incorrect rather than make vague statements.

Apparently, the hack was a pretty basic "phishing" exercise.

WADA which has made itself out to be the world arbiter of ''propriety" -- ''fairness, accountability, neutrality" etc...

''rule" created out of the american, british, canadian, french political systems is itself THE REAL problem.

when you have a system -- that purports to make rules for the world -- and THEN hides what in fact is evident: its selective ''decisions" on who are ''virtuous" and who are not --

is the SAME as giving the chicken coop under the watch of the FOX..
IS THE SAME as WALL street's bankers -- not only having ''produced" ''financial products" that destroyed the savings of billions across the world -- and to save THEMSELVES were then given TRILLIONS TO keep themselves ''in business'

with their ongoing ''insider trading" - while yet also having THEIR people be the ''RATINGS AGENCIES" such as standard and poor giving AAA to a 20 trillion dollar plus DEBT-RIDDEN (THEIR debt they created out of thin air) - USA

while giving another country that actually has a REAL economy-based savings and OWNS the debt of the USA..

see? it is - in short -- a classic case of conflict of interest.

and is NOT a TRUE international ''drug and performance enhancement watcher".
but instead a FANCY SUITE of western, american-led, british led , canadian- led -- cabal of ''TOLL-GATE" watchers whose INTERESTS

ARE NOT about sports fairness, accountability, transparency, clean sports or anything of the sort they love to bandy around as fancy words and moral lectures..

but about POLITICAL WESTERN dominance - in this case -- SPORTS...no differently than wall street, or london's or berlin's now many-times exposed

''CLEARING HOUSES FOR GLOBAL MONEY RACKETEERS" really have been , all along...

while they ISSUE ''ratings" as to how ''things should be done properly"

if one were to take the sheer number of athletes, just in these RECENT revelations , not even talking about the DECADES before -- with thse ''TUE's" or whatever exemptions for ''/medical reasons' they like to call it -- with the 'proper papers and the proper scheduled application filled" etc...

PURE BUREAUCRATIC white-wash of ''due process" pretense -- to make something ILLEGAL (by their own standards )-- that is -- DRUGS , DOPE, --

and THEN take these same number of ''passed as clean" athletes -- ERASE the ''rules of exemption"



so -- what they SIMPLY did -- is FIND A LOOPHOLE to make something they DENY others -- or condemn and punish them -- such as - we all know the RUSSIANS --

what they ALLOW themselves and ''our favored athletes".

it is the classic case of


that is called HYPOCRISY.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Yeah, if WADA have anything to say about the specifics being wrong they should say what information is actually incorrect rather than make vague statements.

Apparently, the hack was a pretty basic "phishing" exercise.

U KNOW -- TO ME -- this artificiality that even WE sports fans cling to -- that we ''want" to see ''clean sports' and 'fair sports'

needs to be honestly confronted by ourselves. we are partly to BLAME . BECAUSE as societies - we love to see ''competing' and the 'best' - and then we turn our eyes blind so long as no one actually TALKS about manythings and aspects that ARE ''unfair' or ''unequal" in the conditions of athletes.

for example --

HOW CAN some poor bloke -- say in a small hamlet in england or scotland in a miner's town - where his dad just lost a job - and he has to work to bring in some extra money home -- concnetrate on HIS tennis - with his amazing , amazing talent?

and meanwhile -- a rafael nadal -- born into a RICH , BIG LANDOWNING family canhave everythinghe wants and needs, the right doctors, physios, boys' tournaments to hone his skills, the best racket, shoes, training, etc..no problem with the plane fares to get experience etc...

how does THAT kid from a small miners town in england 0-0 or a village in kenya have ANY chance?

EVEN IF -- potentially these are FAR more talented than NADAL?

yet somehow -- the poor ones managed to GET into the DRAWS - and face nadal -- BUT lacking coaches -- who WINS?

we know already.

DOES ANYONE REALLY say ''this is fair and square?"

IN SPORTS - YES -- you bring all you can -- BUT WHAT LEADS to it is NOT.

that is the same with WADA -- giving medical dispensations in SECRET -- behind the [PROCLAMATIONS that a certain country -- russia -- is 'illegally'' doing it --

because? why exactly? the russians DID NOT APPLY IN THE PROPER TIME FOR A medical dispensation?

something is very wrong RIGHT THERE..

so i sometimes wonder -- with all these perofrmance enhancers -- WHY BOTHER to MORALIZE about ''clean sports?"

when the SEAT OF POWER OF ISSUING declarations of 'cleanliness' is ITSELF



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Major cover-up?

good lord -- why don't they just disband that whole pretense of theirs?
the new york times -- returned to the WADA matter about russia ''state-sponsored doping program"

by CLEVERLY twisiting things (immediatelyexposed by analysts) -
by taking words out of context and then inserting them into the mouth of a russian doping check official as ''admission?".

IT went like thsi --

the rs
ussian official made a remark that POINTED to what MCLAREN said:

AND said "even maclaren has changed his wording -- from describing the russian situation -- and now uses 'systemic doping' FROM ''state-sponsored" doping..".

the woman was implying that even MCLAREN is carefully backtracking from his DIRECT accusation of the Russian STATE itself but that the doping is ''systemic" as in: PEOPLE do it in sports!!
but the NEW YORK TIMES took those TWO PHRASES and ASCRIBED IT to the russian official depicting HER as ''/having admitted there is systemic doping" connecgted of coruse to ''state sponsored".

see the difference?

so these people === int he western capitals ARE going to pretend they HAVE nay credibility at all? disband them all of them.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Major cover-up in progress, seems to be the order of the day for "Sir" Bradley Wiggins.


what i really disliked about this whole bsuiness -=- especialluy pertaining to their vicious attacks on russia -- clearly as part of the USA DIKTAT behind the secnes _ we can only guess at the amount of private talks --

is -- if it just comes out anyway that the '''priests of holiness" themselves are the BIGGEST violators and cover-up artists -- why BOTHER to preach tot he world about ''clean sports" at all?

athletes will do what they want to do to get that ''edge ' and medal -- it is as OLD as the OLYMPICS itself and the ancient greeks actually CONSIDERED IT AS PART of the whole business -- praying, going to the forest to get the oracle to give magic, potions, blah, blah, blah...EXCEPT one thing disallowed with severe penalties -- to DISRUPT an opponent during a race or game. that was the ONLY rule ...but ''enhancing performance?"

what was the NETIRE GREEK CULTURE OF OLYMPICS ABOUT if not ''appealing to the gods for favor?"

so these modern day -- PRETENDERS sitting in their thrones of judgment in london, toronto, new york paris, rotterdam , brussels...stockholm AS IF they are so pure and their fart smells like roses -- NEED TO GET OFF their high pedestals.

and join the clay where their FEET are SUNK.
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Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
That's what irks me as well, blaming one side as all evil, when you are no better than them. Hypocrisy if there ever was one, just like in politics. Heck, everything is politics now.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Major cover-up in progress, seems to be the order of the day for "Sir" Bradley Wiggins.


u know what's also funny now, Britbox?

being that so many --one way or another -- no matter how anyone slices and dices about 'rules and compliance" -- or the when and which pill is banned and when taken in accordance with proper schedule, official requests, blah, blah, blah...

what has exploded out in the open is PEOPLE DO IT . always have -- always WILL -- and it is only a matter of WHICH ''authorities" have the power to say what is allowed and what is not and what is 'excusable" and what is not with fancy ''rules" and compliance' etc. etc.

BOTTOM LINE -- THE PLAYERS - IN GENERAL - IF NOT ALL - ARE DOPED!! as much as the SYSTEM itself is DOPED to give the APPEARANCE of being ''clean sports" police!

only idiots will continue to deny that.

as far as i am concerned -- it is a GIVEN in the ENTIRE sports world. and the ''world authorities" themselves are the CENTER of the entire PRETENSE of 'concern for fair competition" .

to me therefore -- it hardly matters or AFFECTS whatever the players - inclouding our favorites -- ''accomplished" -- the ones that are truly 'clean" -- are the ones that are going to be HARD TO IDENTIFY in reality -- since the entire system itself is QUESTIONABLE...

so -- one might as well as ACCEPT that serena williams won 22 majors..DOPED OR NOT DOPED. that's it.

MARIA SHARAPOVA WON her own career majors - DOPED OR NOT.

same with the rest of them. and it's just their own consciences, their grops, their trainers, their dcotors, the doctors who have the ''inside" take with WADA -- OR not -- WHO have to deal with their consciences as to whether they themselves believe that they could have won whatever they won had they NEVER taken such things. -- ''in proper officially approved schedule" or NOT.



"What does it matter that a man or woman, sick or not, young or old die or is maimed by the bayonet, or jets, or bombs, or tanks, by starvation or poverty or disease from hatred and war? -- whether by communism, or democracy, fascism, or the holy name of capitalism? " they are still dead.

the SAME with sports and ''clean tennis".