POLL: Should Governor Cuomo be investigated and possibly prosecuted for his stupid decision to send COVID patients into nursing homes?

Should Governor Cuomo be investigated/prosecuted for sending COVID patients into nursing homes?

  • Yes, this was an act of such stupidity and irresponsibility that it warrants these measures.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No, this was really dumb but not worthy of criminal charges

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, Cuomo is a Democrat and therefore a good guy who should not be criticized.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, Cuomo's monologues were mentally soothing to middle-aged white women so he deserves a pass.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, doing this would remind everyone of how much better DeSantis handled the crisis in Florida.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Props to Michael Goodwin at the New York Post for reporting on this.....

This nursing home disaster is on you, Gov. Cuomo: Goodwin

May 5, 2020



Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
1stly, I'd like to say I'm British so although I have the right to have & air an opinion I really have no right to judge what happens in America & say what should or shouldn't happen in America.

Now, for my opinion, I think it's absolutely disgusting that Coronavirus patients were sent into residential care homes because there may be people in these nursing homes with conditions which leave them frail &/ have weakened immune systems already. I.P.F. (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis or in simple terms scarring on the lungs with unknown causes) is an example. They're supposed to avoid people with coughs though they've got a cough for the rest of their life as if they get infected this can exacerbate their condition &/ kill them. They've got to take inhalers or use oxygen because of their condition anyway so the fact Coronavirus makes people breathless can decrease their already reduced oxygen levels which can be fatal. This means that what he did could have potentially put people's lives at risk but ended some of them according to the report you shared (I don't really keep up-to-date with your news & I'm rather busy at the moment writing a report on the evolution of the horse from eohippus to equus przewalskii & equus caballus & man's relationship with the horse through time, writing poetry, making a patchwork quilt, weaving table-mats, reading, learning D.I.Y. & doing a lot of personal stuff) so I definitely think he should be investigated. I know he had to think of the many & not just a few but couldn't he have put them in separate rooms in hospitals or wards where there were only Coronavirus patients in hospitals?
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
so I definitely think he should be investigated. I know he had to think of the many & not just a few but couldn't he have put them in separate rooms in hospitals or wards where there were only Coronavirus patients in hospitals?

Yes, he absolutely could have! Trump actually sent a naval ship to New York (the USS Comfort) that was converted into a hospital and had the Javits Center converted into a COVID-ready hospital with an abundance of PPE supplies. Cuomo barely used either facility, which could have housed the elderly COVID patients.

This is a reality being covered up by the idiotic media that Moxie and Federberg get their information from. Cuomo is being given a pass simply because he is a Democrat, while Governor DeSantis of Florida (who has done an excellent job of protecting the elderly in Florida) has been attacked even as Florida's numbers keep declining. This is just another example of how the Democratic voting base is a horde of low-information, poorly educated, misinformed sapheads whose ignorance is exploited by the Democratic Party.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
Yes, he absolutely could have! Trump actually sent a naval ship to New York (the USS Comfort) that was converted into a hospital and had the Javits Center converted into a COVID-ready hospital with an abundance of PPE supplies. Cuomo barely used either facility, which could have housed the elderly COVID patients.

This is a reality being covered up by the idiotic media that Moxie and Federberg get their information from. Cuomo is being given a pass simply because he is a Democrat, while Governor DeSantis of Florida (who has done an excellent job of protecting the elderly in Florida) has been attacked even as Florida's numbers keep declining. This is just another example of how the Democratic voting base is a horde of low-information, poorly educated, misinformed sapheads whose ignorance is exploited by the Democratic Party.

Thank you very much for the information.

Maybe so. That's something no-one will ever know for sure. We can just surmise.