
Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

Why Sitting Bull was right about Washington’s lack of integrity

John Wight has written for newspapers and websites across the world, including the Independent, Morning Star, Huffington Post, Counterpunch, London Progressive Journal, and Foreign Policy Journal. He is also a regular commentator on RT and BBC Radio. He wrote a memoir of the five years he spent in Hollywood, where he worked in the movie industry prior to becoming a full time activist and organizer with the US antiwar movement post-9/11. The book is titled Dreams That Die and is published by Zero Books. John is currently working on a book exploring the role of the West in the Arab Spring. You can follow him on Twitter @JohnWight1
Published time: 9 Apr, 2016 14:41

U.S. President Barack Obama © Jim Young / Reuters
That integrity is a foreign land where Washington is concerned is an inarguable fact. In the latest example, the failure to complete the construction of a nuclear disposal plant agreed with Russia once again leaves Washington’s credibility in tatters.
Underlying this issue is the attempt by the US federal government to alter the terms of the agreement it signed with Russia in 2000 for the disposal of weapons-grade plutonium, with each country building industrial plants with this specific objective in mind. Russia has kept its side of the bargain and, at no small cost, built the facility required to dispose of its excess nuclear material in the manner agreed.

The US on the other hand is now looking at an alternative method of disposal, which amounts to storing said material in a process that allows it to retain its “breakout potential” – i.e. its ability to be converted back into weapons grade plutonium.

Given the record of subterfuge and double-dealing on the part of successive US governments when it comes to its failure to honour treaties and agreements, nobody should be surprised. Indeed, this subterfuge is so common where Washington is concerned that you could be forgiven for considering it a quintessentially American trait.

Since 2000 alone, the record in this regard makes stark reading. The willfully false assertion that Saddam Hussein possessed stockpiles of WMD, for example, was used as justification for one of the most disastrous wars ever unleashed, certainly in modern times, which only succeeded in plunging Iraq and the wider entire region into a dark night of terrorism and sectarian bloodletting. It is a state of affairs that shows no evidence of abating anytime soon, 13 years later.

READ MORE: ‘Empty words’: Senior Russian MP denounces Obama’s proposal on nuclear talks
Following on from that, when Barack Obama entered the White House in 2009, he did so as the supposed antidote to the arrogance and mendacity that typified the Bush years before him. One of his very first pledges upon taking office was that he would close of the controversial US prison facility, Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, during his first term in office. It was a pledge and an announcement that met with support across the world, given that along with rendition, waterboarding and torture, the very name Guantanamo conjured up his predecessor’s “war on terror,” which replaced international law with might is right as the cornerstone of global affairs.

Yet despite Obama’s pledge, 15 years later Guantanamo remains in operation. Behind its bars 37 inmates, denied the right to due process, continue to be held in a state of legal limbo. Compounding the scandal of this US military prison facility is the fact it exists on Cuba’s sovereign territory despite repeated demands by the Cuban government for it to be returned.

More recently, we have had the scandal of the Panama Papers, containing evidence of mass and wholesale financial and tax impropriety by leading politicians, corporate executives and the super-rich. However, an even bigger story has been the politicization of the information contained within these papers throughout the Western media, involving a transparent attempt to smear Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, even though neither his name nor the name of any member of his family appears anywhere in them.

This is no surprise considering that the misnamed International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), based in Washington, is the body responsible for leaking the information to the media. The ICIJ is the international arm of the US Center for Public Integrity, an organization that counts among its major donors George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Family Fund, and the Carnegie Endowment, among others.

This has to explain why out of all the people whose names have been leaked thus far there are conspicuously few American citizens among them. Do they really expect us to believe that the US is immune to financial corruption? Really? Wall Street, the global financial crisis, the land of corporate greed and malfeasance, yet up to now not one major name from the world of politics, business, or banking is included within the Panama Papers?

Read more
US government, Soros funded Panama Papers to attack Putin – WikiLeaks
With this in mind, it really doesn’t take a genius to discern the agenda being pursued here.

This brings us back to this latest example of US bad faith and lack of integrity when it comes to fulfilling its agreements and international obligations vis-à-vis Russia. By now, Moscow should be accustomed to being lied to by Washington. Whether it is the assurances given to the last Soviet government of Mikhail Gorbachev that upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union there would be no eastward expansion of NATO, which were not kept, or the manipulation of UN Security Council Resolution 1973 to effect regime change in Libya by NATO, time and again the US government, either unilaterally or via Washington-controlled international bodies, has proved that not only its word but its official stamp on treaties and agreements is meaningless.

In this regard, the words of none other than Sitting Bull have proved eerily prescient over the generations since the great Indian warrior-chief uttered them. "There are things they tell us that sound good to hear, but when they have accomplished their purpose they will go home and will not try to fulfill our agreements with them."

Sitting Bull’s analysis of Washington and its integrity has stood the test of time.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

oh wait -- according to some folks here - and among americans\\

'my candidate" is ''better"...........

but to the WORLD?

-- same old same old --


same old DECEITS...SITTING BULL of course was right.

it's the DNA of america itself. it WOULDN'T be america were it any other way.


Apr 22, 2013
There's no question that self interest rules in US foreign policy, and anyone who believes the propaganda of a moral imperative is naive. I'm not sure too many people in this forum are that gullible. I remain convinced that Russia was conned when the iron curtain went down. I think part of the understanding was that while countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia would be allowed to move westwards, Russia would still have a buffer zone with no attempts by NATO to encroach on it's buffer zone, specifically Ukraine and Belarus. History has shown that to be a false assumption on the part of the Russians. The irony is that the US would never tolerate a situation like this in their own hemisphere (and it's precisely for this reason I believe the US would have made such an agreement with the Russians). I shake my head at anyone who simply applies a moral standard regarding Russian actions in Crimea, all the great powers jealously guard the approaches to their territory. This has always been the case throughout history. The problem for Russia is that what they need is to develop rapidly on the economic front, but the settlement that ensures stability in Russian politics is a constraint on unfettered economic development. The oligarchs need to get their slice of the pie, before anything else and thus the dependency on the energy economy, and with oil prices much lower, Russia is now on its knees.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
There's no question that self interest rules in US foreign policy, and anyone who believes the propaganda of a moral imperative is naive. I'm not sure too many people in this forum are that gullible. I remain convinced that Russia was conned when the iron curtain went down. I think part of the understanding was that while countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia would be allowed to move westwards, Russia would still have a buffer zone with no attempts by NATO to encroach on it's buffer zone, specifically Ukraine and Belarus. History has shown that to be a false assumption on the part of the Russians. The irony is that the US would never tolerate a situation like this in their own hemisphere (and it's precisely for this reason I believe the US would have made such an agreement with the Russians). I shake my head at anyone who simply applies a moral standard regarding Russian actions in Crimea, all the great powers jealously guard the approaches to their territory. This has always been the case throughout history. The problem for Russia is that what they need is to develop rapidly on the economic front, but the settlement that ensures stability in Russian politics is a constraint on unfettered economic development. The oligarchs need to get their slice of the pie, before anything else and thus the dependency on the energy economy, and with oil prices much lower, Russia is now on its knees.

Federberg, I appreciate your balanced view toward Russia (something severely lacking from both Republicans and Democrats in the United States). However, moral impetus is a huge driving factor in U.S. foreign policy. The American governing class is morally fanatical both domestically and internationally. Both sides of the aisle talk about spreading gay rights and women's rights as far and wide as possible. One of the main reasons the U.S. ruling class dislikes Putin is that he does not glorify gay marriage like they want him to. Also, the neoconservatives are advocates of the "proposition nation" belief and they truly do believe that it is America's job to spread democracy far and wide. They said it over and over to justify the Iraq war. Why not take them at their word?
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
There's no question that self interest rules in US foreign policy, and anyone who believes the propaganda of a moral imperative is naive. I'm not sure too many people in this forum are that gullible. I remain convinced that Russia was conned when the iron curtain went down. I think part of the understanding was that while countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia would be allowed to move westwards, Russia would still have a buffer zone with no attempts by NATO to encroach on it's buffer zone, specifically Ukraine and Belarus. History has shown that to be a false assumption on the part of the Russians. The irony is that the US would never tolerate a situation like this in their own hemisphere (and it's precisely for this reason I believe the US would have made such an agreement with the Russians). I shake my head at anyone who simply applies a moral standard regarding Russian actions in Crimea, all the great powers jealously guard the approaches to their territory. This has always been the case throughout history. The problem for Russia is that what they need is to develop rapidly on the economic front, but the settlement that ensures stability in Russian politics is a constraint on unfettered economic development. The oligarchs need to get their slice of the pie, before anything else and thus the dependency on the energy economy, and with oil prices much lower, Russia is now on its knees.

the gist of your comment regarding russia's ''attitude' which in the west is termed as ''paranoia" about ''something that was not going to happen (that is NATO.west encroaching upon russia) -

is entirely wrong.

if any of you STILL are not using your own eyes -- right now -- which are the ones enrcircliing WHOM? it is not a VERY complicated matter...and yet the west has traditionally sold it as ''RUSSIA EXPANDING" which is ALWAYS the justification to encroach upon a targeted victim. that IS what hitler used (in fact HE was more HONEST than the anglo-americans and west today because HE at least

actually declared "the EAST with their INFERIOR peoples we shall enslave..and their lands to the far east shall be our LIVING ROOM -- " rought translation from the german: -- \\
while the west actually waited and PART of the un-discussed matter is that \\

with their encouragement of the fascists - to get hitler to fight with russians -- let them weaken each other -- and then SWOOP IN ..

that is the true meaning of the aftermath of the war -- as dictated by the AMERICAN dictum

"keep the russian OUT - KEEP EUROPE IN - AND KEEP GERMANY DOWN" ...

all of course to be ''managed by the angl0-saxon american empire" --

exactly as it happens now --

BUT THE ''keep russia out" only a prelude to encroachment, encirclement, PRE-POSITIONING of forces " to finish OFF what hitler was supposed to do! take russia


who ALSO follow the 19th c BRITISH theorist "taking the world islandto rule the world, by ruling east europe to rule the HEARTLAND -- russia) ...

is to ''carve russia down into smaller manageable pieces - perhaps 3 , 4 countries we can manage|".

but -- these are SUPPRESSED in western ''dailogue|"



in any case -- i find tiresome the responses of some of you here -- they reflect nothing but a retuirn to the comfortable meme's you are fed from decades of notions about ''russia the aggressive" -

the best way is simply to throw out the news reports and it's up to any of you to see how YOUR stupid notions (some of you) match up to the historical truth.

in any case -- WIMMER -- former GERMAN CHANCELLO, I believe , and considered in germany today STILL one of the most respected and the second in command then to SCHROEDER decades ago...

had once written an OPEN letter to SCHROEDER during the 1990's WHEN HE saw
the USA AND NATO beginning to VIOLATE what was agreed upon - when USSR dissolved in which he WAS A PART OF those agreements...

and he was very furious...

we are talking here about the REAL DEAL -- not what your BBC, NY TIMES, ''media" say as dictated by the white house, pentagon -- etc -- who ARE TEH VIOLATORS...

and from the german

revealed by way of that letter to public addressed to the then chancellor that the chancellor MUST do something about the clear violations...

to inform the german public what THEY had been SUCKERED INTO by the USA under reagan and ever since...

in it -- not that any of you will ever find it from WESTERN media anyway --

he revealed that the NATO /WEST/USA/UK

had ever SINCE the pending ending of the 2ND WW..

already HAD PLANS -- AND he QUOTED right from the inner circles of MEETINGS HE ATTENED WITH AMERICANS "

"we CHOKE RUSSIA until we take her".

IT'S a long letter in german - that is not really ''known" -- but it is straight from the ''heart" of what really was at play -- and BEING FOLLOWED TODAY.

ANYONE that claims there is ''EQUIVALENCY" OF ''aggressors" -- russia "also does what the USA DOES, ETC\".

is a LIAR, I say tha tout loud and doesn't know what they are talking about and TALKING THE Language of EXACTLY the western imperialists.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Federberg, I appreciate your balanced view toward Russia (something severely lacking from both Republicans and Democrats in the United States). However, moral impetus is a huge driving factor in U.S. foreign policy. The American governing class is morally fanatical both domestically and internationally. Both sides of the aisle talk about spreading gay rights and women's rights as far and wide as possible. One of the main reasons the U.S. ruling class dislikes Putin is that he does not glorify gay marriage like they want him to. Also, the neoconservatives are advocates of the "proposition nation" belief and they truly do believe that it is America's job to spread democracy far and wide. They said it over and over to justify the Iraq war. Why not take them at their word?

VERY good points. .


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
There's no question that self interest rules in US foreign policy, and anyone who believes the propaganda of a moral imperative is naive. I'm not sure too many people in this forum are that gullible. I remain convinced that Russia was conned when the iron curtain went down. I think part of the understanding was that while countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia would be allowed to move westwards, Russia would still have a buffer zone with no attempts by NATO to encroach on it's buffer zone, specifically Ukraine and Belarus. History has shown that to be a false assumption on the part of the Russians. The irony is that the US would never tolerate a situation like this in their own hemisphere (and it's precisely for this reason I believe the US would have made such an agreement with the Russians). I shake my head at anyone who simply applies a moral standard regarding Russian actions in Crimea, all the great powers jealously guard the approaches to their territory. This has always been the case throughout history. The problem for Russia is that what they need is to develop rapidly on the economic front, but the settlement that ensures stability in Russian politics is a constraint on unfettered economic development. The oligarchs need to get their slice of the pie, before anything else and thus the dependency on the energy economy, and with oil prices much lower, Russia is now on its knees.

you really don't get informed enough about russia to say such things as your last 2 sentences.

compared to the OLIGARCHS of the USA who rule the roost -- in ''legal" corruption -- it's all in the ''LAWS" AFTER ALL --


the entire american military industrial Congressional corporate wall street banking complex

is the world's and history's grandest CORRUPTION system ever invented.

it is SO complete that americans even find it NORMAL. that's the true extent of the USA'S corruption RIGHT AT ITS VERY CORE.
GENERAL SMEDLEY BUTLER JR...1933 marines and the mos tdecroated of them all

described it , among other things:

"WE are a nation of GANGSTERS AND RACKETEERS for our big boss: our super nationalistic capitalism and our cultural and economic assault on others>

"i was our CHIEF high class muscle enforcer in 3 continents of our racket -- leading our very expensive GANG we call our national defense and our war department (in today;s parlance orwellian shaped to call it ''defense") -

THERE is NO corruption that our army and corporations are not privy to because this is what our entire system is all about.
for 30 years i participated in the rape of dozens and dozens of countries to ensure that our WILL is obeyed...and suspended my own consicence knowing that what we do is EVIL..''

that;s the guy of course who revealed - basically the kind of courage that DOES NOT exist among americans today --

that the Rockefellers, Fords, Rothschilds, etc...asked HIM to overthrow in a military coup president roosevelt - franklin delano - in the start of his long presidency -

with HIM as the new president as his successes in establishing the global americna empire impressed them...but he refused and basically screamed them out of the room...after which they THEN engagned in rumors (not unlike done TODAY with targeted folks -- like ey -- PUTIN OR anyone 'THAT GETS IN OUR WAY" -- as smedley aslo said) --

"so -- they say I am a SOCIALIST AND sympathizing with the enemy like the russians? well -- so ? LET THEM -- for i may as well BE ONE".

when in his retirement "i will have nothing to do with it anymore" -- he wanted to educate americans the TRUE nature of the country they were living in ...


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
WE ARE AGREED on much of your remarks --e xcept you are not quite so informed or - shall we say -- UPDATED -- on russia matters since the sanctions;


1) RUSSIA -- while of course suffering from that assault of sanctions (which themselves ARE acts of war ) - russia HASN'T fallen down on its knees...

2) economically -- they suffered a recession for the last 2 years as a result of the oil price drop which is NOW proven to have been instigated right after a visit by KERRY to saudi arabia 2 years ago - to manipulate oil price DOWN so as to hurt russia's economy -- -- the result of course is RUSSIA WOULDN'T CHANGE its refusal to OBEY american dictates (in all matters, syria, libya, privatizing russian national resources, letting americans have their FUN like in the 1990's PLUNDER aided by oligarchs, etc) --

and it is saudi arabia THAT HAS NOW been losing MONEY and has now CUT checks to its own people - and -- not LEAST -- RUNNING TO RUSSIA FOR ''nice relations"...

3) 4 YEARS ago SA' attempted to - at the instigation of the USA , naturally -- BRIBE RUSSIA with proffers of huge investments and then a not so veiled threat of sending TERRORISM into russia -- UNLESS russia goes ALONG with USA/SAUDI/TURKEY plans to BOMB SYRIA into submission like THEY DID to LIBYA --

RUSSIA - PUTIN - basically told bin salman of sa - ''go take a hike"...

4) THAT'S when after russia blocked THE DESTRUCTION of syria with the FAKE ''HE used chemical weapons" and exposed it -- as TURKISH and TERRORISTS in origin -- THAT the USA couldn't do it...

5) fast forward to UKRAINE maidan ''regime change" -- as revenge and to cause more trouble at russia'\s borders..RUSSIA takes back the HOME-COMING crimea


RUSSIA - as BRAGGED by OBAMA - even as late as last year

was supposed to be " IN TATTERS" ...

sorry to say -- but :

russia NOT ONLY is doing quite fine - thank you very much --

RESURRECTED RUSSIA'S TRADITIONAL AND HISTORICAL and cultural AGRICULTURAL POWER - including that famous russian ability to be SELF-GROWERS of food -- (outsde the biggest cities -- russians STILL grow a good part of their own food - in their back gardens , even at their windows - it's just their tradition)

and NOW after a mere one harvest year -- are the world's BIGGEST exporter of WHEAT, BARLEY, and man other crops - POISED to become the world's SUPERP[OWER IN ORGANIC, NATURAL GROWN agriculture -- opening up lands to

''1-2 hectares PER INDIVIDUAL RUSSIAN AND FOREIGNER that wants to work the land -- either in agruculture or any business -- or simply as a vacation place -- so long as they NEVER sell it to foreigners -- tax free, FREE land".

RUSSIA has EARNED -- from the demonstration of its STUPENDOUSLY successful SYRIA operation that saved syria from the TERRORISTS THAT THE USA -- OBAMA HIMSELF just this week admitted --

SENT -- (of course only because russia EXPOSED THEM) --

AT LEAST 50 BILLION dollar's worth of ORDERS for arms exports...with country after country -- the ones that USED to be under threat of western attacks ''from the air" if they didn't obey --

lining up to get defense systems such as russia displayed that AMERICANS DARE NOT CROSS syria.

and russia of course - as obama declared braggngly just last year
|they "don't really produce anything" !

ya? russia is on her KNEES?


we know what happened...lol.

ONE thing that some british leader said WAS CORRECT - that the rest just NEVER SEEM TO GET--



NOT IN ANY WAY. not military, economic, political, informational, media, --

you WILL lose.

as a retirec CHINESE general said 2 years ago about sanctions:

"I LIVED IN MOSCOW as our country's Military Attache from the USSR days up to the 1990's when I saw russia being plundered by the west and russian oligarchs cooperating with the westerners".

" i can tell one thing about russians: they are a very, very , very strong people -- who will NEVER submit to what anyone outside makes them do - yes - they can make mistakes too for a while -- but they ALWAYS find a way to ENDURE and survive and come out STRONGER than ever before...

"that is what happened with HITLER and all other invasions from both west and east on russia --

"what WESTERNERS will never understand about RUSSIANS is this: the russian peop;le are made of a very, very strong stock who have such a tie to the harsh environment of their country that they can and will endure DEPRIVATIONS and challenges the WEST can not even imagine -- and which will DESTROY any western country if they faced such deprivations...

"this is why WE chinese have ALWAYS admired the RUSSIAN PEOPLE".


BUT ONE OF THE BEST exampled is that of the last ''letters" of a young russian - SOVIET -- solider

in world war 2 as the GERMANS were coming in to take the village and there was no help to come their way...

they were trapped int he cellar and could see the germans creeping closer and closer surely they will die soon>
and so he scribbled with his knife on the walls:

""they are coming -- we wil surely die - we can understand no help can reach us now ..we have no food, no water, just the few bullets we have left...we must try and take some of them down at least...

"but we will NEVER SUBMIT...

"I must go and join my comradeS now and defend MOTHER RUSSIA...GOODBYE MY BELOVED RUSSIA....".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Federberg, I appreciate your balanced view toward Russia (something severely lacking from both Republicans and Democrats in the United States). However, moral impetus is a huge driving factor in U.S. foreign policy. The American governing class is morally fanatical both domestically and internationally. Both sides of the aisle talk about spreading gay rights and women's rights as far and wide as possible. One of the main reasons the U.S. ruling class dislikes Putin is that he does not glorify gay marriage like they want him to. Also, the neoconservatives are advocates of the "proposition nation" belief and they truly do believe that it is America's job to spread democracy far and wide. They said it over and over to justify the Iraq war. Why not take them at their word?

CALITENNIS..well put.

let's simplify it to this:

putin is HATED by teh western leaders BECAUSE HE IS PRECISELY WHAT THEY ARE NOT.

he HAS the MASSIVE, OVERWHELMING support of his people (WHO JUST happen to be among the mos teducated mind you and HAVE a history of struggles and know what they are talking about in realism) -

despite what the american/british western propaganda (germany's top journalist ADMITTED ''we do get bags of CASH from the CIA , literally , to write what they want...and to my shame i was among them") - say.


AS A FORMER COLONEL AMERICAN -- said to SPUTNIK in some interview last year:

"i was assigned in MOSCOW during the dissolution times of the USSR, and through the 1990's before i retired in the 2000's..

"we DID try to sabotage russia - it was never russia that did the other way adn they only watned to defend their territorial integrity and sovereignty -- at least those of them that STOOD against US"..

"THAT'S why MY speciality was SURVEILLANCE AND PSCYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE...to get those that we knew were sympathetic to us be in power.. as the USSR was dissolving...

"one of THESE THAT STOOD with HIS people was PUTIN...so we watched him very closely ever since.."

I"i can tell one thing for sure: PUTIN is the GREATEST THING that ever happened to RUSSIA in the last 100 years..

"he is FLUENT in languages (German, ukrainian, kazakh, armenian, some french, learning english since 2007, ) -

fluent in Diplomacy in a real way . and has mastery of the areas of a proper leader, be it economics or engineering or culture and arts...

"WHEREAS we have leaders like obama and bush who can only GO around the world DISPLAYING NOTHING BUT ARROGANCE AND IGNORANCE about other countries -- and demonstrating OUR SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT THAT THE WORLD MUST BOW BEFORE US".

"IMO -- there is NO leader in the world today that has GREATER LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE AND HIS COUNTRY THAN VLADIMIR PUTIN".

that is the difference.

some -- including HERE - are cynical enough to think PUTIN is actaully LIKE

THEIR OWN WESTERN LEADERS -- like obama, cameron, bush, etc...who CARE NOTHING for their people or the world

but that's a FAILURE of ther own perceptions and realities AND the cultures they come from

and shows THEY UNDERSTAND VERY LITTLE of the russian people and WHY they have SUCH A LEADER as VLADIMIR PUTIN and those that help him

defend russia against foreign , american, british, western efforts to '" SLICE UP RUSSIA INTO SMALLER MANAGEABLE PIECES" ...

they project the UTTER MEDIOCRITY of their OWN leaders ''unto" putin thinking they UNDERSTAND a damn thing about RUSSIA at ALL!


""WHAT DOES IT MEAN -- this thing we call being RUSSIAN? being of the Russian World? - we are a country that is not only slavs of course -- but we are a country that has many ethnicities, cultures, religions and races - we have peoples who are in the far east of korean and mongol and chinese languages and histories , we are tied with our historical neighbors with whom we shared experiences in central asia - our siberians are of a turkic origin who embraced the orthodox faith..

but we are all of the Russian world..why?

"t is this , imo...we are russians - because - YES like everone on earth we like to have comforts, we want good lives, wealth, success, raising fam.lies, we want cars, and ease and good eating ...BUT ABOVE ALL -- we are tied by a national sense of

LIVING WITH CONSCIENCE...that there is a limit to what we can desire if it means to live wthout conscience..."..

"we can NOT be a country that just trades people around like commodities - as if they are just corn or copper or gold ..in order to make the pockets of a few private people and bankers happy -- sure wealth is what many want -- but that is not what makes RUSSIA - RUSSIA -- we uindestand these things but they are not what rules our destiny...

and if we FOLLOW that path as the west seems to want us to do -- we are finished as a country".


Apr 22, 2013
"you really don't get informed enough about russia to say such things as your last 2 sentences."

the presumption on these forums never cease to amaze me! :D


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
"you really don't get informed enough about russia to say such things as your last 2 sentences."

the presumption on these forums never cease to amaze me! :D

good that you know how to define yourself..since that is what it is...some of you make opinions about matters in the world about country this and that -- about which you know NOT MUCH of the correct information...

why ELSE did i say "not know ENOUGH? "

in response to your remark "russia is on her knees?"

because FACTUALLY -- she ISN'T.

SYRIA matters alone;;to sum up in short:

USA/WEST tried to push an invasion to take over - just lke they did with iraq, libya, ukraine, etc...ALL on false premises -- soon enough EXPOSED as the frauds they are --

even YOU know that ...

russia stepped in -- COMPLETELY under international legal norms - stating the RIGHT of nations to defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity that the WEST, led by the USA have REPEATEDLY violated...

with the glorious results of TERRORISTS arising and growing out of the DESTRUCTION the west have brought -- to libya, yemena, iraq, afghanistan ,etc..

which the WEST the PRETENDs TO FIGHT ''terrorists'\ -- even going so far as to RENAME them as ''MODERATE REBELS" to give a veneer of ''human rights" -- beore -- AGAIN -- being exposed as the FRAUD that it is...

RUSSIA was declared by obama and west as ''GOING into a quicksand -- they will lose"

EXCEPT THEY WON -- nad helped syria regain her sovereign RIGHTS that the USA AND WEST tried to DESTROY ...through terrorism proxies they NOW are forced to admit THEY have been training (and continue to do so , despite THAT exposure -- tells yuou a LOT as to how LOW the WEST wll descend, doesn' tt--

it's like a thief and murderer getting caught in th eACT -- AND THEN proceeding to EXTEND his harms to STEAL some more anwyay -- he CAN'T HELP HIMSELF - just lke the west).

KERRY has gone to moscow in the space of a few months HAVING ABSOLUTELY NO LEVERAGE after HIS AND OBAMA'S attempt to destroy syria -

FOR WHAT EXACTLY? TO insist OR try to ''convince" moscow that the ''end of the process of GOVERNMENT TRANSITION IN SYRIA -- HAS TO BE -- assad must go".

BACK TO WHERE THEY TRIED that was , first of all , ILLEGAL meddling .

so he LEAVES moscow -- 3 times in separate occasions getting the SAME ANSWER: AS MOSCOW started with which was the CORRECT ONE --

"WE maintain that the SOVEREIGN NATION OF SYRIA - AND ITS LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT" (WHICH IS correct -- only assad - with EVEN the NON-ARAB KURDS WANT HIM to remain ) -

''are the only ones who can decide -- not ourselves -- not any foreign governments...
"we went to syria under syria's legitimate rulers' request to help save their country from the TERRORISTS -- sometimes branded as moderate rebels but are - nothing more than TERRORISTS -- IN order to create the conditions where TALKS BETWEEN THE SYRIAN PEOPLES can proceed with further meddling by foreign powers...that objective has been achieved -- but we are ready to RETURN and maintain order IF syria requires it in a matter of a few hours

SHOULD ATTEMPTS TO start destabilizing again be made".

russia ''on her knees?"

i think not...
but perhaps you did not update yuurself:

it is ALSO russia that is helping DE -MINE the palmyra and territory of syria so that

syria's peoples can RETURN to their villages and cities..and RECONSTRUCT WHAT THE USA. UK, WEST DESTROYED with their proxy ''rebels" who are TERRORISTS.

NOW -- some here might cynically say "'this is russian self-interests"


COMPARED TO THE USA/UK/WEST 'self-interests"

THAT'S correct way of practicing self-interests -- "to DESTROY THE RUSSIAN CITIZENS WHO HAVE GONE OVER TO THE TERRORIST SIDE and never let them come home if they bring back their terrorism".

''to continue our trade and commerce with syria that has been there for centuries".
"to continue our historic relations in faith -- in islam, in christianity which we share with the christian orthodox of syria".

and SYRIA had -- before the ATTACKS by the USA/UK, WEST AND THEIR VASSALS SINCE 2007 at least when ASSAD refused THEIR ''prescriptions" to BYPASS russia in trade and pipelines as PART of THEIR ''choking russia" --

long ago already made plans with russia for improving syria's commerce and infrastructure...

and TODAY -- yesterday came the announement by SYRIA'S COMMERCE MINISTRY:

"AS WE secure the country slowly -- and try to create the conditions so our people can come home -- and our soldiers can go back to their careers and families and schools they had to abandon to defend ourselves from teh WESTERN ASSAULTS --

''we are now establishing the necessary connections and plans to REBUILD our country -- and

''WE HONOR THE RUSSIANS for their help - for wthout them -- there would be no syria standing...it is the RUSSIANS that hold the place of honor as FIRST PRIORITY in all contracts of rebuildoing our country -- followed by CHINA AND IRAN who have been supportive of our defense of opur country".

self-interests? you BET!


TO REBUILD AND CONTINUE FROM where they left off with the SILK ROADS, EURASIAN INTEGRATION and its thousands of years of existence

that the USA/UK/ WEST tried to RULE OVER and if they couldn't make syria or russia or iran or china KNEEL -- they tried to DESTROY!

ANYBODY that thinks -- of the ''west" -- they have ANY BUSINESS making OPINION FROM THEIR addled ''western" views" that they think IS INFORMED

IS A FOOL. and only shows they are tryng to defend the indefensible:

the western idea -- led by AMERICA AND THE ANGLO\ \\''WEST" -

THAT SOMEHOW the world and its regions,countries , peoples and cultures

are their SUBJECTS.

SORRY -- they're NOT.

and they've just been BUTT-WHACKED by RUSSIA AND SYRIA in the middle east.

WHILE THE USA -- the real author of TERRORISM to justify ITS nsertion into countries and pretend it is a ''LIBERATOR" which it is NOT -- against ITS OWN TERRORIST SCAM creations

NOW goes HUCKSTERING around in northern syria and western iraq

TRYING TO LOOK like ''fighting isil"

while IRAQIS continue to EXPOSE that it MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT -- but attempts to AIR-DROP armaments to ISIL some more........

and trying to ''find a BIG VICTORY" LIKE syria and russia did in the highly symbolic and mportant city of PALMYRA in northeastern syria..

so they can -- MAERICANS -- look like they are RELEVANT AT ALL!

even if they are NOT -- an are nothing but the MEDDLERS that they really are.


Apr 22, 2013
Russia is most definitely on its knees mate. By any measure it's economy is in a depression. You can spin it any way you want, but that's the bare bones of it. This isn't about morality, about whether it's actions have been justified or not, it's just what is. Ironically sanctions have been less of an issue than the collapse in oil prices. Russia has had a few decades since the post-Soviet collapse to get its economic house in order but unfortunately this hasn't been done. You might say that Russia is experiencing an even more extreme version of the crushing of the middle class in America that has opened the way for Trump. How it all plays out in the end is open to question, but I'm not sure US strategic self interest will be served in the end by what they're doing, but as we all know America has a long history of catastrophically bad strategic initiatives that may have served it well in the short term, but have caused blowback. You only have to look at Iran and Iraq for recent examples
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Russia is most definitely on its knees mate. By any measure it's economy is in a depression. You can spin it any way you want, but that's the bare bones of it. This isn't about morality, about whether it's actions have been justified or not, it's just what is. Ironically sanctions have been less of an issue than the collapse in oil prices. Russia has had a few decades since the post-Soviet collapse to get its economic house in order but unfortunately this hasn't been done. You might say that Russia is experiencing an even more extreme version of the crushing of the middle class in America that has opened the way for Trump. How it all plays out in the end is open to question, but I'm not sure US strategic self interest will be served in the end by what they're doing, but as we all know America has a long history of catastrophically bad strategic initiatives that may have served it well in the short term, but have caused blowback. You only have to look at Iran and Iraq for recent examples

Maybe on it's knees by western measurement... but probably not Russia's. They've been in far worse predicaments and you can't overlook the incredible Russian resolve to endure pain. Russia won't blink first, they'll just wait it out and slowly recover on their own terms.
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Apr 22, 2013
I made no assertion about the implications of the reality Russia's economic situation. I merely presented the facts. They have a limited window in which they can hold out, if anyone thinks otherwise you only have to look back to the fall of the iron curtain and then more recently the debt default in 1998. You might talk about an ability to endure pain, but twice in the last few decades we've seen capitulation
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I made no assertion about the implications of the reality Russia's economic situation. I merely presented the facts. They have a limited window in which they can hold out, if anyone thinks otherwise you only have to look back to the fall of the iron curtain and then more recently the debt default in 1998. You might talk about an ability to endure pain, but twice in the last few decades we've seen capitulation
Largely with a drunken idiot at the helm.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Maybe on it's knees by western measurement... but probably not Russia's. They've been in far worse predicaments and you can't overlook the incredible Russian resolve to endure pain. Russia won't blink first, they'll just wait it out and slowly recover on their own terms.

THIS IS WHAT i mean also .

we all know russia ISN'T ANYWHERE near the 'eocnomic size" of USA .. NO COUNTRY is -- excpet china with a more powerful purchasing power which IS what really matters for anyone that REALLY understand economic matters...

i mean -- what use is it to have a ''HUGE HOUSE" with lots of activity, parties, servants, members, etc... TEN TIMES the size of another household --

when that HUGE HOUSE is actually LIVING ON DEBT? sooner or later it is ALL going to come crashing down -- no matter what magic is being made that has ''previously and so far" have allowed it to live ON THE HOCK off other's backs

namely -- including BORROWING from the OTHER houses.

who know that while THEY may have smaller houses, fewer workers and fewer amenities as signs of ''success"

have SMALLER DEBTS! AND WHEN THEY BUY -- they buy with REAL money..

USA - DEBT TO ITSELF -- meaning americans borrowing from each other --

at 10 trillion --
10 trillion or a bit less -- borrowed from OTHERS by means of ''DOLLAR TREASURY DEBT HOLDINGS " by governments and countries and investors worldwide as ''trade currency" --

with the USA unable to pay interest - (twice last year the USA DEFAULTED -- on interest payments) -

and as the OTHER households begin to REFUSE to ''use the dollar" (that is :

spending their OWN currencies and savings to BUY ''dollar reserves" into their central banks to sell back to the commercial banks and industries to PAY for purchases abroad in trades which is WASTING their savings that should instead be put into domestic spending and investments or direct currency payments)

the MORE the ''over-spread" dollar is EXPOSED as having progressively LOST real value -- AND WITH NO MATERIAL COLLATERAL to match THE HUNDREDS of trillions of DOLLAR'' promissory notes"

and the DOLLAR SCAM of ''having value better than gold"


AS OF NOW -- teh BIGGEST HOARDERS OF GOLD - ARE CHINA AND RUSSIA...CLEARLY PREPARING THEMSELVES for complete ''backing in gold| which puts DISCIPLINE On money printing -- and eventually , likely the MOVE towards

SOVEREIGN CURRENCY monopoly which is the proper way of central bankng (unl.ike the US AND LONDON and other ''central banks" that are just owned by PRIVATE FAMILIES and hold hostage entire nations and the world)
and then likely INVEST AND FUND THEMSELVES WITH SOVEREIGN CREDIT issuance without dependence on the privatge bankers of the western ''central bankers".

russia has ''external debt" amounting to -- down to since last year -- 90 billion dollars

one of the HEALTHIEST economies arpound in reality. overstripping her FOREIGN TRADE (not just in oil and arms - but increasingly in agriculture - food AND machinery) -

by tens of billions. WHILE now signing deal after deal of foreign investments from the ASIAN ''economic tigers" n the FAR EAST. at the very least

not to mention even larger ones with INDIA , iran, china, and soon -- RECONSTRUCTION OF syria -

where syria YESTERAY officially announced


|(China , we can be confident , likelyu p[rovided a ''check read to use" IF russia ever needed for quick procurements of the arms modernization as needed - which probably was not necessary anywa -- but i susepct THESE matters WERE made knownt o ASSAD BEcause THAT HAS been a clear stated principle of china for eyars no wsne the sanctions against russia began :

"we must be ready to give russia any assistance she needs if russia requests it - especially creating a firm fnancial FLOOR UNDER the pressure russia is experiencing from certain western countries".

CLEARLY russia did not need to go that far. the oepration in syria was sufficient and cost russia

"1 percent of our CURRENT military budget = 500 million dollars worth".

NOT BAD for SAVING A COUNTRY - AND WITH the chance to demonstrate russian arms that now amount to GAZILLIONS IN LINES waiting to buy.......

so - no -- russia' isn't exactly ''on her knees".
ONE amazing RESULT of sanctions

apples not from poland anymore - adn russia gets them from elsewhere anyway - including lebanon, etc..oranges from elsewhere - NO BIG DEAL.

wine? russia RESURRECTED her domestic wine production -- CRIMEA is now ''the palce to go". lol. with the ITALIANS demanding to let go of sanctions
because they want to do business in russia!

nope -- russia isn't exactly on her knees.

as RUSSIANS today -- when asked about ''more sancations by the eu /usa"

simply shrug their shoulders -- and say:

:;;'''there they go again -- fuck them"...in other words

the PEOPLE WHO SURVIVED FAR WORSE -- who survived sieges of st petersburg and moscow -- who THREW 20 MILLION of themselves from as far away as the far east to the western front and destroy HITLER -

and who ATE WALL PAPER TO SURVIVE another day to defend ''mother russia"

AREN'T GOING TO BE IMPRESSED by what THEY (and i've talktd to some in email privately) --

call "what's a FEW SANCTIONS? let them -- sure ' it's harder for us -- but so what? we have to do what we have to do "

i asked a few "how can you manage these things? tightening belts for the moment until your country firms up the ALTERNATIVES?"



lol. doens't LOOK like people on their knees..............


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I made no assertion about the implications of the reality Russia's economic situation. I merely presented the facts. They have a limited window in which they can hold out, if anyone thinks otherwise you only have to look back to the fall of the iron curtain and then more recently the debt default in 1998. You might talk about an ability to endure pain, but twice in the last few decades we've seen capitulation



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
well the first one was Gorbachev, but yes Yeltsin was an alchy :D


they really do not -- GORBACHEV AND YELTSIN are truly considered like persona non grata in russia -- that's why GORBY even barely travels there -- ..

and WHO are the funders of HIS ''think tanks?"

it includes some of the very people who tried and ''carved up " russia in the 1990's

GEORGE SOROS and his ''open society" responsbile for regime change everywhere -- even responsbile fopr tanking the BANK OF LONDON 2 decades ago, remember?

that;s the kind of VAMPIRES gorbache played with . against HIS own country.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
There's no question that self interest rules in US foreign policy, and anyone who believes the propaganda of a moral imperative is naive. I'm not sure too many people in this forum are that gullible. I remain convinced that Russia was conned when the iron curtain went down. I think part of the understanding was that while countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia would be allowed to move westwards, Russia would still have a buffer zone with no attempts by NATO to encroach on it's buffer zone, specifically Ukraine and Belarus. History has shown that to be a false assumption on the part of the Russians. The irony is that the US would never tolerate a situation like this in their own hemisphere (and it's precisely for this reason I believe the US would have made such an agreement with the Russians). I shake my head at anyone who simply applies a moral standard regarding Russian actions in Crimea, all the great powers jealously guard the approaches to their territory. This has always been the case throughout history. The problem for Russia is that what they need is to develop rapidly on the economic front, but the settlement that ensures stability in Russian politics is a constraint on unfettered economic development. The oligarchs need to get their slice of the pie, before anything else and thus the dependency on the energy economy, and with oil prices much lower, Russia is now on its knees.

n Zero Hedge (http://www.zerohedge.com)

Home > Blogs > George Washington's blog > Federal Reserve Bank President: The American Dream Has Moved Abroad
Federal Reserve Bank President: The American Dream Has Moved Abroad
By George Washington
Created 04/11/2016 - 15:20
Submitted by George Washington [1] on 04/11/2016 15:20 -0400


We reported in 2010 that the American Dream has moved abroad. [9]

We provided additional details in 2013 [10] and 2014 [11].

Today, a very powerful insider - the President of the most powerful Fed bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Bill Dudley - confirmed [12] that the American Dream has left the house:

The United States has always prided itself on being “the land of opportunity.” Parents hope that their children can achieve more than they did. Over the course of our history, immigrants have journeyed to America in search of a better life, a chance to live the “American Dream.”

What defines the American Dream? President Reagan thought that one element of the American dream is “the opportunity to grow, create wealth, and build a better life for those who follow,” while President Obama has described it as follows: “A child’s course in life should be determined not by the zip code she’s born in, but by the strength of her work ethic and the scope of her dreams.” One’s destination in life should not depend on where the journey begins.

Equal opportunity does not imply equal outcomes—some people may work harder, be more fortunate in terms of their disposition and endowments, or just be luckier in how their lives evolve. But it does require that income mobility—in particular, upward mobility—be widely evident and remain part of the fabric of the nation.


I don’t think the issue of income mobility receives the attention it deserves. It is a foundational element for a well-functioning democratic society and provides evidence about the ability of an economy to provide opportunities for its citizens.


While income mobility in the United States has been relatively unchanged, it remains well below several other nations. According to Stanford economist Raj Chetty, the probability of moving from the bottom quintile to the top quintile is 7.5 percent in the United States, as compared to 11.7 percent in Denmark and 13.5 percent in Canada—two countries with relatively high levels of intergenerational mobility. [13] So effectively the chance of achieving the American Dream is not the highest for children born in America.

Dudley recommends policy changes that will increase mobility in America:

Some kinds of public policies may exacerbate, rather than lessen, the tendency of the housing market to price some families out of good neighborhoods.


I believe that safe, reliable, affordable and efficient transportation to job locations should be a crucial element in an effective housing policy.


Access to affordable credit is yet another pillar of a policy program that promotes housing affordability. We at the Federal Reserve have long worked to ensure that credit flows equitably and that financial services are available to all U.S. citizens.


The Federal Reserve has the twin objectives of maximum sustainable employment and price stability.

Ironically, Federal Reserve and government policies of the last 8 years have exacerbated all of these problems and decreased income mobility.

Bad government policy is responsible [14] for the medieval [15], king-and-serf [16] levels of inequality and social mobility which are destroying our economy [17] (and see this [18]).