

Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Extraordinary events in Turkey with a coup attempt by sections of the military.

Soldiers and tanks on the streets.

In the country's biggest cities, Istanbul and Ankara, there have been reports of gunfire and casualties. In Istanbul, bridges were blocked by a group of soldiers and military vehicles.
The U.S. Embassy reported low-flying military jets.


Interested to hear @Murat Baslamisli 's take on proceedings!
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Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
It seems that the attempted coup has failed. The military vs the police. Times of utmost unrest.
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Murat Baslamisli

Apr 14, 2013
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Tough times. Seems like a small rogue group of the military was not happy with the status quo and wanted to take over. But the military in general is not behind this. I have been listening to a lot of different generals and others in higher positions and they are saying they did not know this was being planned and they are not behind it. President, Prime Minister, they are all OK and they are talking live on TV.
Still, 50-60 casualties , mostly in Ankara , close to the parlement.

On another note, my sister and the family was supposed to come and visit me tomorrow, but their flight has been cancelled. That blows.

But it looks like, this will be over pretty soon. Lame attempt. %50 of the country voted for this government, like it or not. They were not going to sit still and they aren't. Everyone is on the streets, jumping on tanks and stuff.

Horrible nonetheless. The world is a crazy place these days.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 17, 2013
Poor Turkish people, after the attack in Istanbul's airport, now that coup attempt
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Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
A perfect opportunity for Erdogan to get rid of the opposition openly. And he is doing a great job of it.

Murat Baslamisli

Apr 14, 2013
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
A perfect opportunity for Erdogan to get rid of the opposition openly. And he is doing a great job of it.
This was actually the first time in a long time Erdogan and the opposition were on the same page, condemning the attempt, looking all chummy. Nobody wins when a coup happens. A coup takes away the voice of the opposition as well as the ruling party. Turkey had the lamest, weakest opposition parties in the last 10 years and that is not going to be any different going forward. The reason Erdogan's party gets the majority all the time is not because he is the best thing since slice bread, it is that he has no reasonable alternative. I have said this for years: Turkey has no Erdogan problem, she has an opposition problem.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Extraordinary events in Turkey with a coup attempt by sections of the military.

Soldiers and tanks on the streets.

In the country's biggest cities, Istanbul and Ankara, there have been reports of gunfire and casualties. In Istanbul, bridges were blocked by a group of soldiers and military vehicles.
The U.S. Embassy reported low-flying military jets.


Interested to hear @Murat Baslamisli 's take on proceedings!

this was a CIA- USA attempted coup -- that ran smack into trouble.

you heard it from me here - FIRST. just watch -- that is what it was.

USA was lining up the ''replacement" ''moderate islamic cleric living in pennsylvania -- quietly funded by the saudis - " and a KNOWN CIA ASSET for years already --

because or ''in case" erdogan the ''tyrant" (which he has become, but tha'ts another issue) -

becomes too ''uncontrollable and uncooperative" according the american empire's wishes.

the USA - clearly -- panicked in this case -- as ERDOGAN -- against 'empire's wishes"


SWALLOW HIS PRIDE and APOLOGIZE to RUSSIA -- ADMITTING that TURKEY was in the WRONG -- when -- it literally waited in ambush with USA built F-16 s EXACTLY for the time period and course of flight ALREADY given by russia prior to the USA --

and SHOT DOWN the Russian Sukhoi jets in syria -- causing the death of two russian pilots.

AND WITH THAT move by erdogan -- the beginning of the reconstructing of TURKISH- RUSSIAN relations - meaning the SOUTH STREAM ENERGY PROJECT that the USA FIERCELY and is deathly afraid of becoming reality.

among other things.

so folks -- do you guys REALLY think this is some ''erdogan faked the coup to gain more power" thing?

or because he KNEW HE was already being set up by his ''ally USA" FOR REPLACEMENT by his bitter rival - ''IMAM GULEN" --the CIA asset that had been cultivate by the USA for over a decade now as a ''just in case" alternative?


say what anyone wants about ERDOGAN -- and he IS A SON of a bi tch -- especially in his attempt to recreate the ''ottoman empire extending to syria and ukraine" -- (dream on erdogan) -- BUT HIS REAL usefulness to the USA - along with the ''pro-west" military -- supposedly -- as members of NATO -

WAS as a NOOSE around RUSSIA -- WHICH IS THE REAL TROPHY for the USA TO encircle by means of destroying iraq, syria, pushing turkey towards crimea -- and using turkey's islamic influence in central asia for more destabilizing in the under belly of russia.

BUT THIS TIME -- THE american attempt to STOP last week's renewal of relations between turkey and russia -- FAILED in the clumsiest of ways...

CURIOUS -- but not to me -- the USA waited -- WAITED until AFTER it was clear the coup had failed to PRETEND to say "we support the current government" -- but said NOTHING during the unfolding of the coup -

only to be listening to erdogan warning the USA --

"ANY COUNTRY that harbors the traitor GULEN is no friend to TURKEY"

and literally taunted OBAMA "WE Have requested the return of gulen for months and years -- but USA has refused -- ".

and this coup just gave erdogan the opp'ortunity -- not without tacit approval from the majority of turkish population -- to PURGE the military of ANY ''pro-americans" from among WHOSE ranks the COUP plotters came --

so -- NOW the USA is in a serious bind.

it NEEDS INCIRLIK BASE where the USA'S nukes aimed at russia are lodged...as well as launching pad for USA air force...
but is in SERIOUS trouble should erdogan decide completely - true or false -- that THIS COUP had ''american fingers" anywhere in it.



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
it should also be clear by now -- tha tTURKEY -- having HOSTED THE ISIL TERRORISTS that had nearly destroyed SYRIA as the foot soldiers of the USA EMPIRE -- while the empire PRETENDED for 2 years to ''bomb terrorists" who somehow kept ENLARGING their territory on the way to DAMASCUS to take down ASSAD -- which had been the REAL target of the USA to take syria as ANOTHER noose around russia;s ''underbelly" --

turkey -- erdogan anyway -- partly for his own personal agenda of ''recreating the ottoman empire" including over syria -- but also with THAT ambition allowing turkey to be USED by the USA against syria and russia eventually

has realized that THIS AMBITION will NEVER succeed and instead has caused the implosion of the turkish economy -- (but that doesn't matter to uncle sam - just like EU imploding under uncle sam's ''let's gang up on russia" project has done) --

now realizes he BETTER make up with russia - on WHOSE trade turey's economy GREATLY depended !! --

AND HE DID - OR is beginning to. starting with his apology in public.
the arrest of the TWO GUNMEN who killed one of the russian pilots parachuting down (another of russia's conditions for re-establishing ties) -
apologizing to the families and restitution to them of the dead pilots..
ENDING turkey's support or enabling of the ISIL terrorists which teh USA AND SAUDI ARABIA CREATED ..(the ones the USA keeps insisting are ''moderate opposition against assad because assad must go" ) -

and guess what erdogan has done else?

called IRAN to promise or coordinate better relations and REALLY fight ISIL terrorists for REAL --
AND in BACK CHANNELS -- approach SYRIA'S ASSAD -- presumably to fulfil another condition by russia -- NO TOPPLING of the legitimate leader of sovereign syria.

in other words -- the AMERICAN PROJECT of destroying syria with terrorists -- and replacing assad with an obedient servant to 'kick out the russians from latakia air base and nval base in the mediterranean"

is now DEAD in the water.

IT also means the SOUTH STREAM GAS ENERGY PROJECT FROM RUSSIA through turkey that the USA ferociously tried to stop and did for a while -- WILL proceed -- and that is a GOOD thing for the SOUTH AND CENTRAL EUROPEAN COUNTRIES to get their energy rather than be dictated TO by WASHINGTON that has NO DOG in the fight at all. to begin wtih.

when will EUROPEANS LEARN THAT their greatest enemy is NOT russia? it's not EVEN turkey and its blackmailing of EU --

it's the USA dear europeans - it's right there sitting in your living rooms OCCUPYING YOUR COUNTRIES under NATO and that other CREATION of the USA since after the world war --

THE EUROPEAN UNION ITSELF -- is a creation of the united states to ENSURE that EUROPE will be enslaved by the USA!


and for ONCE the PEOPLE OF UK -- VOTED WELL -- TO LEAVE THE EU - AND begin their road BACK to independence FROM brussels WHICH IS NOTHING MORE THAN AN ADMINISTRATIVE extension of WASHINGTON DC run by UNELECTED officials like DONALD TUSK, STOLTENBERG and the whole sorry lot of them!



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
i can just imagine washington dc shaking right now -- trying to make calls to erdogan to PLEASE NOT REVEAL the connection between washington , cia , special ops -- with the coup plotters - who just happen to come from army factions closer TO the USA and 'unhappy with erdogan" --

because should erdogan -- in his current PURGE and mass arrests trace the exact connections TO THE USA -- make no mistake about that - this IS an american attempt that failed --

HAS the power to cut off all access to the INCIRLIK base where 40 american nukes are -- (erdogan can't really fly them because final control codes are in the usa anyway) -

and where american personnel and planes are --

and erdogan just demonstrated that the empire's base of operations in the mediterranean -- is something that comes as a double edged sword...

it WAS supposed to be for showing the power and reach of american empire..deep in the environs of ASIA...

but it also has proven to be VULNERABLE to denial of access, entry and exit , to america itself SHOULD turkey decide it - demonstrated by the CUT OFF OF ELECTRICITY and entry/exit by american personnel.


now -- the question is -

MEMBERSHIP IN EU -- which turkey has wanted for so long (why -- it is beyond me what is the big DEAL abotu being counted as a ''european countrY" when europe is showing itself to be such a nest of cowardly degenerates anyway) - has always been predicated on a country ''following humanitarian principles" such as NO ''torture" (even if POLAND hosted the USA torture program, ahem, but never mind) -

or ''no death penalty" which erdogan is tempted to reinstate against the coup plotters...

so what to DO? since NATO has TURKEY as one of the LARGEST military force MEMBERS --and always USEFUL as a ''bottle neck'' pressure against russia? plus of course as a base for the USA empire which is after all the REAL overlord of NATO?

MY my my -- decisions , decisions -- and choices as to what HYPOCRISY is the better choice between hypocrisies of europe and USA concerning this ''hard to control turkey"...

my my my........

but-- once again -- CONGRATS BRITISH PEOPLE -- or at least the core of ENGLAND that voted for BREXIT -- i knew you had it in you to have the BALLS to get out of EU - the american administrative arm that has been STEALING europe's sovereignty from its countries disguised as ''EU/NATO".

Maybe britain can YET accomplish ONE MORE THING --

DISOWN that monstrosity YOU created calling itself the united states...

you should know by now -- IT is probably the WORST THING that ever was birthed by the british people --

severe your ties -- it is NO friend or even 'relative' to you - which cares NOTHING for england, or scotland, or wales or ireland --



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
OH I would like to add a little detail.

months ago -- when the russian fighter jet sukhoi was downed by TURKISH F-16's -

that clearly were waiting in ambush at the precise seconds the russian plane was to pass that tiny area claimed by turkey as ''territory" (but is really a contested area that turkey years ago entered which was originally SYRIAN) -

AS russia was doing its runs to bomb the ISIL terrorists (THAT The USA PRETENDED to bomb before the russians came but somehow isil terrorists kept claiming MORE territory - proving the USA IS THE PROTECTOR of isil terrorists in order to topple ASSAD) -

those PRECISE COORDINATES...exact minutes, height, trajectory, destination, even FLIGHT SPEED of the passing russian planes

were information that the RUSSIANS PASSED ON TO THE USA prior to the actual flight --

and a day later as the planes passed -- they were shot down by the WAITING F-16s of turkey -- very likely from factions of the military that are LOYAL CIA assets -- who are NOW the very same ones erdogan is PURGING.

it's a miracle that RUSSIA -- always very circumspect and calm and not given to the HYSTERIAL rhetoric habitually coming from the west and washington -- has not openly ACCUSED the USA of passing on the information of russian flights to the turkish airforce PRECISELY to shoot down the russian jets that were DECIMATING the

ground assets of the CIA -- namely the ISIL terrorists washington insisted were 'moderate rebels" -- but NOW EXPOSED AS NOTHING OF THE SORT -- BUT JUST PLAIN TERRORISTS!

it is ALSO A fact that as russia has shared intelligence with the USA on terrorists in syria -- so that russia always INFORMS the USA where russia will bomb these terrorists so as to avoid any misunderstanding...(RUSSIA IS THE ONLY ONE PERMITTED BY INTERNATIONAL LAW and by the sovereign law of the legitimate government of SYRIA under ASSAD -- to OPERATE flights in syria -- the USA , UK, FRANCE are ILLEGAL trespassers there) -

the USA on the other hand REFUSES to share ''where the moderate rebels are that russia should not bomb" -- when russia asks for them so as to NOT bomb them as the USA ''insists" - but they are NOWHERE to be found..........

someone is hiding something - and it AIN'T RUSSIA -- ............


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
It will be interesting to see if the US give Gullen up to Turkey. As they are both in NATO then an attack on one party is deemed an attack on all - even if only by lip service.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
It will be interesting to see if the US give Gullen up to Turkey. As they are both in NATO then an attack on one party is deemed an attack on all - even if only by lip service.

heh...the self=styled ''exceptional nation and leader of the free world" USA..(not!!) -

''does not give in to blackmail" they always say -- (after all the USA is the world's greatest blackmailER - LOL) -

but whether or not they give back this so-called ''moderate cleric" (financial times quickly comes up with a ''he's really a gentle old soul" profile, - know like the USA'S 'Foot soldier" clients ISIL in syria and iraq are just ''moderate rebels" -- do you not notice the constancy of ''definitions" by now?) --

matters little really.
the point is the USA -- whatever erdogan the backstabbing conniving idiot that he is -- is by THE DAY the one that is identified from out of its own claims of high morality and ''authority" --

as the SINGLE great conniver against countries. THE single GREATEST THREAT to countries, their economices, their stability, their relations with each other...

anyone that keeps denying that out of some lingering sentiment about how NICE the USA IS just because it has succeeded so well for so long to POINT FINGERS at others as ''the great threats" (whether it's the communists , or russia, or china, or iran, or iraq, or terrorists, or this and that -- the socialist leftist french, ''old europe", EVEN at time britain whenever britain doesn't EXACTLY obey washington's diktat --- is a FOOL.

every single day that comes just PERFECTS the definition of the USA - BY GENERAL SMEDLEY BUTLER JR. 1933

"i lef -- i was the CHIEF muscle enforcer of our imperial project in 3 continents for over 30 years -- OUR MONEY AND WAR RACKET -- and our gangsterism for our Big Boss: our super nationalistic capitalism and our cultural and economic assault upon others -- suspending my own conscience KNOWING that what we do is EVIL".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
It will be interesting to see if the US give Gullen up to Turkey. As they are both in NATO then an attack on one party is deemed an attack on all - even if only by lip service.

OH -- I'D just like to say that i couldn't follow with everyone here -- wimbledon!!

though of course just tv news -- and am SO happy MY DEAR GIRL SERENA GOT HER 22 !!!! YAY -- now she matched MY previous dear girl STEFFI!! AND now serena can go for 23 and 24 and 25!!! yay!!!

and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy also for ANDY MURRAY for his second WIMBLEDON

too bad for GREAT GREAT NOVAK as he was on his way to a grand slam too -- but that's OK -- NOLE -- you'll get MORE!!!



just followed it in sports news in RUSSIA TV - because i was in ST PETERSBURG RUSSIA for a couple of weeks.

and i just have to say -- RUSSIANS ARE NOT -- - i repeat -- NOT what the USA and BBC AND western media PROPAGANDIZE AND LIE about.

GRANDEUR AND BEAUTY is what describes ST petersburg.

MAGNIFICENT gigantic buildings everywhere so beautiful and artistic..and monumental churches everywhere...
and museums, museums museums -- that russians visit all the time -- they are a TRULY cultured people who teach their children -- to appreciate culture...posters everywhere about artistic and education programs for children -- they seem to be SO devoted to their children and very family oriented..i saw it daily right there from my hotel window or outside the hotel just watching them walk by ...

and OFTEN i saw TEENAGE BOYS holding their mothers' hands very protectively- the fathers holding the girls' hands...completely without any sign of ''embarrassment" from the teen boys like is the case elsewhere...

THEY ARE -- just to highlight:

WONDERFUL, wonderful, very HELPFUL people -- not a single day i was there did russians on the street or place FAIL to offer help to a stranger..even walking with me blocks to make sure i found my destinations...every single day, whether they spoke english or not! young or old person did that...

My first bus ride -- not knowing how to count their money and coins in my hands --
when i was waving my map so the bus driver could see me -- by the time he stopped the bus -- the door was already opening quickly and he was already smiling -- like amused...

and pointed to back where an older matronly woman with a belt purse came rushing to me - likely they all saw me already as a stranger -- and excitedly talking in russian -- ''da, da' '' yes yes" -

and proceeded to ''instruct' me in russian how to count money - one two, 3, four..rubles.etc..

with the little ticket she gave..and gesturing 3 streets more and go left - to my destination ..and gestured to sit next to her -- and HELD MY HANDS! with everyone else just nodding and smiling at me...

5 days later -- same bus -- same matron -- and she recognized me -- and gave me a HUG!~ telling others about probably the previous time1

That's just one of MANY such experiences...

they -- i observed closely -- are VERY EFFICIENT workers - who move like lightning - and then they relax -- but whatever work they did -- they always got right down to it - QUICKLY and efficiently -- in restaurants, laborers on the street, store keepers, bus drivers...offices, stores...ferry boat workers fixing their boats or ropes or helping tourists or passengers...

st petersburg is ULTRA clean - not a single time did i ever see a russian just throw cigarettes or pieces of paper on the street but always walked to the many small garbage cans in front of every establishment ...

they have weddings, weddings, weddings, every where -- they are making BABIES, in other words...they have a habit of holding hands a LOT, hugging a LOT..friends, groups, couples, children, families...

FOOD IS INCREDIBLE -- so good and sooooooooooooo cheap...all stores are PACKED with food -- food food - so delicious and NO GMO's allowed!!

college students EVERYWHERE - studying agriculture, technology, science, economics, philology is very popular it seems, and so is art and history...

russians WILL stop on the street to help a person ..i actually fell on the street once hurrying to an address with my face on the map and hit my head right smack on the pavement -- and in an instant a russian young woman and two men were on me picking me up - gathering my stuff -- before making sure i was OK -- AND I WAS insisting i was inspite of my scratch...

bought from a pharmacy that is always easy to find with its 'light green cross" - four bandages for 9 Rubles (which is like 5 cents in dollar terms.) ..
They are AFRAID of WAR -- because they have a deep memory of what hitler did in invading them....but they are NOT afraid of NATO if nato tries something funny...

in fact they are a bit AMUSED at the constant painting of them as ''aggressive" --

they are -= everywhere you look -- EXTREMELY HEALTHY AND VERY, VERY ATHLETIC -- it was SO shocking to see it...
EVERYTHING THE USA AND BBC say about russians is a LIE.

i say that from my PERSONAL experience.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
It will be interesting to see if the US give Gullen up to Turkey. As they are both in NATO then an attack on one party is deemed an attack on all - even if only by lip service.

i will add also abotu russia...

signs and language -- everywhere -- menus, posters, important street signs..hotels, stores - right next to russian cyrillic is chinese...far more so than english now...in other words

the PROJECT by PUTIN AND XI JINPING to MERGE their countries -- in the ''EURASIAN INTEGRATION" is already deeply well on the way - they will NOT be detached from each other by the USA or the west...

it is also a highly MIXED culture -- with multi ethnics, multi cultures, multi religions. and all living peacefully together.


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
This was actually the first time in a long time Erdogan and the opposition were on the same page, condemning the attempt, looking all chummy. Nobody wins when a coup happens. A coup takes away the voice of the opposition as well as the ruling party. Turkey had the lamest, weakest opposition parties in the last 10 years and that is not going to be any different going forward. The reason Erdogan's party gets the majority all the time is not because he is the best thing since slice bread, it is that he has no reasonable alternative. I have said this for years: Turkey has no Erdogan problem, she has an opposition problem.

Well this whole thing is frankly so suspicious. Who then wanted Erdogan ousted if he truly doesn't have opposition? Nobody wins when violence happens, no matter what kind it is. I am sure that if the attempted coup succeeded, they would have been as ruthless as Erdogan if not more. Revenge is a terrible thing. I understand getting rid of military personnel but thousands of judges, prosecutors, university professors?

Did your sister arrive safely?
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Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
OH -- I'D just like to say that i couldn't follow with everyone here -- wimbledon!!

though of course just tv news -- and am SO happy MY DEAR GIRL SERENA GOT HER 22 !!!! YAY -- now she matched MY previous dear girl STEFFI!! AND now serena can go for 23 and 24 and 25!!! yay!!!

and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy also for ANDY MURRAY for his second WIMBLEDON

too bad for GREAT GREAT NOVAK as he was on his way to a grand slam too -- but that's OK -- NOLE -- you'll get MORE!!!



just followed it in sports news in RUSSIA TV - because i was in ST PETERSBURG RUSSIA for a couple of weeks.

and i just have to say -- RUSSIANS ARE NOT -- - i repeat -- NOT what the USA and BBC AND western media PROPAGANDIZE AND LIE about.

GRANDEUR AND BEAUTY is what describes ST petersburg.

MAGNIFICENT gigantic buildings everywhere so beautiful and artistic..and monumental churches everywhere...
and museums, museums museums -- that russians visit all the time -- they are a TRULY cultured people who teach their children -- to appreciate culture...posters everywhere about artistic and education programs for children -- they seem to be SO devoted to their children and very family oriented..i saw it daily right there from my hotel window or outside the hotel just watching them walk by ...

and OFTEN i saw TEENAGE BOYS holding their mothers' hands very protectively- the fathers holding the girls' hands...completely without any sign of ''embarrassment" from the teen boys like is the case elsewhere...

THEY ARE -- just to highlight:

WONDERFUL, wonderful, very HELPFUL people -- not a single day i was there did russians on the street or place FAIL to offer help to a stranger..even walking with me blocks to make sure i found my destinations...every single day, whether they spoke english or not! young or old person did that...

My first bus ride -- not knowing how to count their money and coins in my hands --
when i was waving my map so the bus driver could see me -- by the time he stopped the bus -- the door was already opening quickly and he was already smiling -- like amused...

and pointed to back where an older matronly woman with a belt purse came rushing to me - likely they all saw me already as a stranger -- and excitedly talking in russian -- ''da, da' '' yes yes" -

and proceeded to ''instruct' me in russian how to count money - one two, 3, four..rubles.etc..

with the little ticket she gave..and gesturing 3 streets more and go left - to my destination ..and gestured to sit next to her -- and HELD MY HANDS! with everyone else just nodding and smiling at me...

5 days later -- same bus -- same matron -- and she recognized me -- and gave me a HUG!~ telling others about probably the previous time1

That's just one of MANY such experiences...

they -- i observed closely -- are VERY EFFICIENT workers - who move like lightning - and then they relax -- but whatever work they did -- they always got right down to it - QUICKLY and efficiently -- in restaurants, laborers on the street, store keepers, bus drivers...offices, stores...ferry boat workers fixing their boats or ropes or helping tourists or passengers...

st petersburg is ULTRA clean - not a single time did i ever see a russian just throw cigarettes or pieces of paper on the street but always walked to the many small garbage cans in front of every establishment ...

they have weddings, weddings, weddings, every where -- they are making BABIES, in other words...they have a habit of holding hands a LOT, hugging a LOT..friends, groups, couples, children, families...

FOOD IS INCREDIBLE -- so good and sooooooooooooo cheap...all stores are PACKED with food -- food food - so delicious and NO GMO's allowed!!

college students EVERYWHERE - studying agriculture, technology, science, economics, philology is very popular it seems, and so is art and history...

russians WILL stop on the street to help a person ..i actually fell on the street once hurrying to an address with my face on the map and hit my head right smack on the pavement -- and in an instant a russian young woman and two men were on me picking me up - gathering my stuff -- before making sure i was OK -- AND I WAS insisting i was inspite of my scratch...

bought from a pharmacy that is always easy to find with its 'light green cross" - four bandages for 9 Rubles (which is like 5 cents in dollar terms.) ..
They are AFRAID of WAR -- because they have a deep memory of what hitler did in invading them....but they are NOT afraid of NATO if nato tries something funny...

in fact they are a bit AMUSED at the constant painting of them as ''aggressive" --

they are -= everywhere you look -- EXTREMELY HEALTHY AND VERY, VERY ATHLETIC -- it was SO shocking to see it...
EVERYTHING THE USA AND BBC say about russians is a LIE.

i say that from my PERSONAL experience.

Hi Teddy. I am glad you had such a nice time in Russia. Yeah, they are great people. You know I learned Russian for 8 years and could speak it really well. I still can a little bit, but when you don't practice you lose it. And this was ages ago anyway.:D Glad to have you back.:yesyes:
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Hi Teddy. I am glad you had such a nice time in Russia. Yeah, they are great people. You know I learned Russian for 8 years and could speak it really well. I still can a little bit, but when you don't practice you lose it. And this was ages ago anyway.:D Glad to have you back.:yesyes:


it was a wonderful experience..one i will treasure as among the very best in my life.

being that i was clearly not native -- since i tended to hold my map and study it on the street ...

it was not a few times only that a russian that could speak some english - would actually walk to me or stop as they walked by -- and ask:

"do you need help? are you lost?"
more than a few times that happened to me.
an old man crossing a street that i asked while showing my cell phone -- and power plug from NYC - to indicate i was looking for a shop to get the local electric plugs -- speaking only in russian the man didn't stop walking back and forth with me along the loooong street until he saw from one of the many store or address signs something that indicated some electronic repair shop perhaps -- and just as an iron gate open where a young guy in his 20's was about to come out to perhaps smoke or cross the street -- understood my signs too and the old man explained -- and i could hear and guessed them saying to each other ''thank you" (spasibo?) -- and the old man waved bye to me...and the young man beckoned me to folloow him to the courtyard inside the huge building --

to his little shop in the back -- where he and his friend had that small repair business...and they turned over their small shop, cabinets, drawers, shelves, displays -- until they could find a couple of plugs to fit my cell phone and my electric hair cutter --

testing and testing different cables until we found the right ones...

and through their cell phone ''translate" where they' would type and let me read in english or i would talk and it reads to them in russian ..
they said , when i indicated i wanted to pay them --

"so sorry -- maybe this is too expensive? -- 3,000 rubles?"

which was big earning for them in russia of course -- but for my dollars was really just around 7 - 8 dollars...

and in nyc that would be 20, 30 dollars ...plus their time, etc..and coffee they offered because they were drinking coffee...

and i gave them 20...

but the young man didn't stop there -- when i indicated i needed to have 2 week internet SIM coverage -- he brought me to a cellphone internet shop 2 long, long blocks away -- that gave me coverage for 4 dollars a month as their basic.

and i got greedy and indicated i really needed to change dollars to ruble -- he brought me to SBERBANK another long block away -- took a customer number - and walked me to the special currency exchange window -- and i got my currency exchange...

and THEN he asked if i needed to go anywhere else and he could ride with me in the bus if necessary...and that's when i said he did so much already ...and thanked him..and he said in his phone translate "please don't worry -- we are happy we could help..we want you to enjoy your visit and be safe".

can you imagine?

and that was just ONE of daily acts of helpfulness by russians in my two weeks there.

and the CULTURE -- the russian devotion to CULTURE -- families, children, youth, college age people, even people who clearly are just laborer class or ordinary workers -- going to THEIR museums -- countless museums -- to learn MORE culture -- MY GOD!! i could see them in groups, friends, families -- alone -- just habitually stopping and reading the plaques explaining what building this was, what building that was, what museum this is and that -- what arts or education or history institution this and that -- before they walk on or go in...it's incredible...

people hugging and holding hands everywhere -- they are a people who are AT PEACE among each other...was my impression...and in a VERY mixed environment - among the slavs were so many of asiatic mix or origin clearly -

my hotel alone had slavs, and kyrgyz, armenians, indian chef, a portuguese , etc...and all of them just working with each other so smoothly and effortlessly...

and an amazing scene...

one of the DAILY wedding groups outside my hotel window overlooking a big river where there were river boats for parties -- (weddings are EVERYWHERE in the city ) - was this wedding party waiting and gathering until they boarded their own ferry they rented --

and they were standing waiting for others in their group obviously -- on the sidewalk next to the river...

there was a car and a work truick from the city -- with that ladder that goes up and carries two men up to reach and fix the electric cables over the streets --

so there were lots of cables on the ground as these city workers FISHED OUT A downed electric cable from the river -- because there was a strong windy rain the day before...

these city workers just went about their business working AROUND and AMONG the wedding party group -- who NEVER even were bothered by the workers -- and the workers didn't get bothered either -- they actually would just chat along -- as if nothing was the matter...

the BRIDE herself was standing RIGHT among the cables and right UNDER that ladder drinking wine and laughing --

point is -- they ALL went ahead with their business with neither group being bothered by the other at all...like it was normal...no problem!!

and i began to tell myself: they have a way of 'live and let live" that was so admirable.

and the city workers fixed the cables -- everyone waved goodby -- and in less than an hour --

and the wedding party was still there just right where theywere standing when the city workers first came -- like nothing was the matter at all...still laughing and chatting and hugging...

now i'm e mailing all my friends that they MUST visit russia too!! or i will be disappointed in them!!
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Murat Baslamisli

Apr 14, 2013
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Was Gullen behind this @Murat Baslamisli ?
The guy's reach is beyond belief. Schools, government, military...I know a couple of businessmen in Turkey that used to get government contracts and they told me that the minute they would secure a deal, a couple of the Gulen guys would show up at their office, all dressed up nice and ask for their %10 cut. Imagine this for a minute...and nobody could say no.
So, I would not be surprised at all. of course, I have no proof.
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