NATO : america's imperial instrument.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Russia’s Red Lines: How Far Will NATO Go? | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Henry Kamens
Hapless NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg flew into Tbilisi last week, to wave his hands about like some kind of puppet while coming out with the same old pre-programmed message to the waiting Georgian public: “I cannot give the exact date of NATO membership as it depends on your progress”.

They always say the same old bullshit… just phrased differently. NATO’s new buzzword for prospective members is “instruments”, and you could be forgiven for thinking that NATO’s internal strategy meetings have been spent seeking inspiration in old movies, such as Woody Allen’s wonderfully embarrassing comedy of social ineptitude “Play it again, Sam”.

Perhaps the Georgian public would get more out of this process if they began greeting such celebrities at the airport with a load of banners saying “WHEN, THEN?”. But “When” will certainly not be during Stoltenberg’s tenure. Perhaps the next carefully selected Scandinavian spokespuppet for American foreign policy will have something positive to say, or perhaps not.

The timing of these remarks of Georgia’s membership coincides with events in Turkey which have led that country to abandon some of the responsibilities of being a full NATO member. Many have questioned in recent weeks what would happen if Turkey left NATO altogether, and whether or not the threat of Turkey leaving is a redline for the US, as it would mean that NATO would cease to exist as a functional entity, given the country’s strategic location and the size of the Turkish army.

For now this is beside the point, as Turkey is still key to many things and President Erdogan is exploiting the current situation for his immediate gain. But he is not playing this game in isolation – NATO is now threatened from many directions, with Erdogan playing his newfound regional friends for puppets himself. NATO wouldn’t be a defence organisation if it didn’t fight back, and Stoltenberg’s latest blathering in Tbilisi is but the first stage in that process.

Well you should know

NATO’s current mission is simply to try to survive until it rediscovers an actual purpose in the post-Cold War world. Increasingly however the only way it can justify its existence is to push Russia to the edge of its own redlines and thus leave us all on the verge of WW3. Georgia may simply be being used as the latest card, given its unresolved conflicts with Russia, known history of compliance with criminal US schemes and location right next to Turkey.

Stoltenberg’s latest way of saying “no” was this: “We have approved additional measures to make our strong cooperation mechanisms much stronger. As an aspirant country, Georgia has all necessary instruments to prepare for NATO membership. NATO remains devoted to providing Georgia with assistance on the path.” The instrument that comes to mind is a drum: it makes lots of noise but is empty inside.

“I cannot give the exact dates, but recognise the progress that Georgia has made and assess the close relationship between NATO and Georgia at the highest level,” Stoltenberg said at a joint press conference with Georgian PM Kvirkashvili. “At the Warsaw conference we decided to confirm the Bucharest summit decision that Georgia will become a NATO member. But for this Georgia should meet standards and membership requirements. Therefore we are working with Georgia in terms of conducting reforms,” he said.

What are these reforms which are now so urgent? “We have already seen it – I mean serious progress and reforms in terms of elections and press freedom, as well as in the defence sector.” These are reforms Georgians have been crying out for for years, which have not taken place because the US and NATO have refused to make the previous largesse dependent on their introduction.

Until now the Western powers have taken the racist line that Georgians are somehow less capable of introducing these things than other people, so what they have had to put up with is all they are capable of. Now the same “incapacity” is being used against them by those who created the existing misconduct.

It is high time that Georgia told NATO to put up or shut up, as the treaty organisation is starting to embarrass itself now. I am surprised that the Russian MSM and MFA hasn’t picked up more on this, as waiting for the West to compromise itself is exactly what Russian foreign policy is about, and gives Sergei Lavrov the easiest job in the world, which is why he has stayed in post for so long.

Tomorrow lasts forever

Much can be construed from how the alliance is actually goading tiny Georgia into accepting NATO’s terms for everything, when it needs such an incompetent country like a hole in the head. The presumption of eventual membership NATO has graciously given doesn’t actually mean anything.

Huge international industries are devoted to achieving things which are going to happen one day: a world free of hunger, or disease, or poverty, or inequality. But as the UN has demonstrated, if these industries came anywhere achieving these goals they would ensure they never could, simply to preserve themselves and their gravy train.

NATO has no intention whatsoever of the Georgia it knows ever becoming a member. Georgians like to tell themselves otherwise by citing the example of the Baltic States, which gained NATO membership almost immediately after achieving independence. Why not us too, after all this time?, they ask.

The difference is that in 1993 NATO was afraid that if it didn’t take that opportunity to control these countries Russia would recover and they would never get it again. NATO has no such fear about Georgia, all of whose politicians owe their positions to doing dirty deals with the US. Georgia has done itself out of membership by giving away the little leverage it had, by being too close to the West rather than too far away.

Georgia has consistently supported US actions in Ukraine because it has been told for several years that Ukraine and Georgia are seen as a package, and will be accepted into NATO together. As the US-engineered regime change there has not brought either country closer to membership there is now talk in Georgia about allowing NATO to build bases there, hoping this will be a preliminary step.

However, with Erdogan playing games with NATO the alliance’s main goal is to try and show Turkey that it can be replaced, and its continued membership is no longer needed for greater good of the organisation. Turkey would take no notice if bases were built in unstable Ukraine. NATO bases in Georgia may threaten Turkish control of various Georgian ports, guaranteed by the Treaty of Kars in 1922, but is nothing to do with offering Georgia NATO membership.

The instrument with the “human” face

Jens Stoltenberg is one of a succession of Scandinavians appointed to senior roles in NATO and other Western organisations. The attraction of Scandinavians is that they are boring – they can be relied upon not to say anything out of turn because they never say anything anyone wants to listen to. Most of Scandinavia is also nominally neutral, enabling NATO to say that “whoever is not against us is for us, due to the logic of our cause”.

But NATO is now in a position where it is trying to keep three balls in the air at once: threatening Russia, preventing Georgia and Ukraine (and other aspirant countries) actually joining NATO and yet offering them just the right concessions to get them to do what NATO wants. Any step it takes has to further each one of these sometimes contradictory goals. We are rapidly approaching the point where Georgia and Ukraine won’t be bought off with simple promises, and Russia won’t care if they are.

Georgia and Ukraine both have more dealings with NATO than many of its actual members. Indeed, Georgia prides itself on sending more troops per capita to NATO operations than any other country. Therefore the obvious next step for these countries is to not only contribute to NATO but to be allowed to command and direct NATO troops – and play a part in NATO’s internal operations.

NATO is one of the dumping grounds where former Western Prime Ministers and Presidents go to try and convince themselves they still matter. Their electors or party colleagues may not want them anymore, but the international community still does, so they can ignore this minor difficulty and earn a good salary in the process. This is the reason why the UN thinks it is perfectly reasonable to employ Tony Blair as a “peace envoy” after his role in the Iraq War.

There is one former political leader with deep connections to both Georgia and Ukraine who now has no real job and is highly offensive to Russia. If he were involved with NATO, as a spokesperson like Stoltenberg, Russia would be bound by its own previous statements to see his appointment as a perceived threat, without NATO having to use any actual weapons. His appointment would also be a very effective carrot for Georgia and Ukraine, who would feel they had what amounted to member recognition, even if the actual governments of these countries were still excluded.

So is Mikheil Saakashvili being lined up for a role in NATO? I have suggested previously that he will end up dead when he has outlived his intelligence usefulness, and we must be getting near that point. Giving him a NATO job and then bumping him off in Tbilisi, and using this to keep Georgia out of membership, would kill several birds with one stone, as it were, and Russia will be left wondering who NATO will turn to next, if they are prepared to give Mischa a place at the table.

Far-fetched? Saakashvili was put in Georgia, and then removed, in exactly the same way by exactly the same people for exactly the same reasons. As NATO is talking about using “instruments” to get its own way, who better?

Jokes aside

NATO is just another colonialist enterprise being used to force colonialism and dependency on sovereign governments. If you are not with them they will try to squash you and put leadership in your place that can best serve their interests as middle men/subjects, so to better manipulate the in-country people (natives) out of their money and resources for the colonialists.

They put in middle managers like Porky in Ukraine that report to them and manage/manipulate the people to give them everything/enable them to steal it all. They pay the middle managers and others who follow them well while they take from the people.

As translated, as local Georgian media describes Stoltenberg’s remarks,

“Today there is more NATO in Georgia, more than ever has been and more Georgia into NATO. But, we need much more of it on the road and one day Georgia will be ready to join the Alliance.”

Why does Georgia need to join NATO? What are they hoping to gain? Is it worth the effort to become yet another Ukraine? How much are Georgians prepared to give up?

Sovereignty is the key. Georgians fought so hard for independence, and now want to trade that for membership in an organization that has outlived its usefulness. It does not need to be a member as it will only create more problems for itself and the region.

Henry Kamens, columnist, expert on Central Asia and Caucasus, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The Atlantic Widens | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Deena Stryker
Since the end of World War II, Europe (its Western half, in any case) has been tied to the US via the Atlantic Alliance, forced to turn its back on the rest of the Eurasian continent of which it is a part. Originally, it was because of Communism, but since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, it’s because Russia has more resources than any other nation, that the US has maintained Europe in a state of readiness to respond to its ‘aggression’!

In my book Une autre Europe, un autre Monde, published in France on the day the Berlin wall fell, I opined that Western Europe could not afford to have two enemies at once: Germany and the Soviet Union. The former had initiated three wars in one century, while the latter was merely a bogeyman incarnated by Ghengis Khan and Ivan the Terrible. Divided between East and West, Germany had posed no threat for over forty years, and France agonized over the prospect of its reunification as the crucial line of defense against Russia. Perhaps it was that secular fear of Germany that determined President Mitterand’s acquiescence to NATO’s relentless move beyond its eastern border to counter the distant threat.

Europe’s post-war dependency on a country situated an ocean away began with the Marshall Plan, which led to an ‘economic miracle’ and the ability to provide safety nets for everyone: a true worker’s paradise. By the nineties, when France joined a 35 hour work week to six week vacations, and the countries of Eastern Europe lined up to join the European Union, Wall Street began to worry that American workers might demand the same benefits. Accordingly, it enrolled the World Bank and the IMF in a decades-long battle to impose neo-liberalism, which is ’liberal’ only to a chosen few, over social democracy, that guarantees a decent life for the many. Ironically, in ‘Where to Invade Next’ Michael Moore is amazed to discover European workers’ perks, just as they are being being flushed down the drain.

Several decades after Margaret Thatcher’s ‘there is no alternative (TINA)’ to austerity, neo-liberalism reigns triumphant across the European Union, taking down old members Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, France, and preventing the East from ever catching up. Having failed to shake its colonial mindset, the 1% participated in US wars across the Middle East, until it saw Muslim men, women and children traipsing across its fields. Cell phones having made it possible for hundreds of thousands to leave their war-torn or exploited countries for a chance at a better future, Europe’s leaders realized too late that they had been had by Uncle Sam.

As businessmen realize what sanctions against their neighbor are costing them (but not Washington), they also notice that Russia protects its own in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. In a conclusion that is decades overdue, they realize that their survival requires them to cut the umbilical cord that stretches across the Atlantic. The announcement by Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, that Europe needs its own military system, is the first, timid step toward a 180 degree turn from an alienated West to a home with the East, and the return of the Atlantic Ocean to its original function: that of separating the US from Eurasia.

Deena Stryker is an international expret, author and journalist that has been at the forefront of international politics for over thirty years, exlusively for the online journal “New Eastern Outlook”.



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
No way Georgia will be accepted into NATO. Any "attack on Georgia" - if that was how the west interpreted it, would then put pressure on NATO to respond... because an attack on one is supposed to be an attack on all. The whole premise of NATO's constitution is a relic of the cold war.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
No way Georgia will be accepted into NATO. Any "attack on Georgia" - if that was how the west interpreted it, would then put pressure on NATO to respond... because an attack on one is supposed to be an attack on all. The whole premise of NATO's constitution is a relic of the cold war.

it's probably oversimplifying it -- but to me: what NATO is besides that article which i agree with - is that little detail:

it's really a''jobs program" for elitists who , by rights would probably have to actually WORK in productive careers. without all that ..
the over-the-top conferencing, meetings, buildings, infrastructure, money, money, money salaries, perks privileges.

count how many families really it supports -- all that trillion dollar worth expense from taxpayers of usa AND european countries? the subsidies and shareholders of the manufacturers, ..uniforms to be made, buttons, sign boards..just imagine all that MONEY flowing - like a complete economy all its own..and for what really?

''the russian wolf?" the russian bear? is going to swallow baltics, tiny little lands whose economies are collapsing for LOSS of exports to russia, or loss of revenue from servicing russian gas, oil, exports? (they're even complaining about russia no longer using their railways , their warehousing..but then who started it all?..because russia instead increased the use of st petersburg for exports these same countries need? -- i've seen those ports by the way, you can't believe the commerce going

so - really for what/ and for WHOM?

IT'S essential countries have a military defense of some sort - ''just in case" which is a stupid thing in itself if not for the fact that countries do make wars but that's another issue for the future ''dreams" of everyone...

and they do have to deal with this consequence of their own collective policies for decades and centuries -- migrants and refugees, among them criminals and terrorists of those who simply refuse to assimilate or at least make adjustments RESPECTFUL of the host countries...which ought to be the case.

but beyond that - who are their enemies unless they made it themselves -- primarily russia?

and for how much does it cost the ORDINARY european, the ordinary Brit? where towns and beautiful buildings they once were - are now ABANDONED? (you can find an article by a photographer in Sputnik - about britain's abandoned beauties -- it brfeaks the heart!!) -

and THAT'S money the ordinary folks and countries need
and in the meantime - who is sitting pretty - unscathed largely by the sanctions tied to this NATO thing? it's uncle sam of course.
so - europe is ''fighting" what really IS america's war against russia , or anyone else - including europeans themselves - who dare to say"no". or even as they say ''yes" - it's still war against them - because it's THEIR MONEY that is being spent AGAINST their own best interests.

when are they going to wake up? or actually do something about it and THROW these shiny suit BUMS out of those parliaments and conference rooms? britain is supposed to buy what? 20 or so F-35'S ? how much is that gonna cost the ordinary Brit who's worrying about what the kids will do after middle school? and who will end up STILL paying in taxes what THIS generation of adults ''bought?" for ''british security from the big bad russian bear?"

which is, of COURSE, going to respond at what it sees as a THREAT to itself since IT has been the target of invasions by europeans rather than the other way around ..

PUTIN was so amused by the suggestion of 'russia invading the baltics TONIGHT" by some stupid NATO general --
and responded:

"invade them? look at the map -- my flight from Vladivostok at the east asia economic conference we sponsored took 9 Time zones to is about the same from moscow to New York...we are a very large country .and they say we need more land?"

only IDIOTS or those with the EXACT MOTIVES of grabbing land which they PROJECT onto someone else they paint as a ''threat" - will talk about 'russia wants to invade".

and they are these TINY EUROPEAN countries -- well -- basically -- that's BEEN the history of europe anyway. lol. they hate and 'fear'

what they WANT but CAN'T have.

t's not very complicated to udnerstand - and all one has to do is

""look at the map"..or -- goodness gracious -- just ask an ordinary russian -- who will say

"are you crazy? - what do we need more land for?..if you leave us alone to do as we do HERE we won't bother you.."

but there's one thing i really learned is a VERY, very russian thing:

YOU DO NOT THREATEN THEM -- for anything...NOT with NATO , not with sanctions, not with 'isolation' - not with anything. they will simply go


stoltenberg..juncker, tusk, -- who exactly are these BUMS? lol.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
No way Georgia will be accepted into NATO. Any "attack on Georgia" - if that was how the west interpreted it, would then put pressure on NATO to respond... because an attack on one is supposed to be an attack on all. The whole premise of NATO's constitution is a relic of the cold war.

WOULD you believe the UN -- whichever body it is -- has now come up with a 'suggestion' with EU TO ''limit visas to russian citizens?"

where is THAT coming from? lol

but russians have already been polled about it, apparently -- and they actually do not

as for sanctions by europe --

get this :

poland which produces PORK and is one of the biggest suppliers in europe as well as TO russia before sanctions -- will be waking up very soon that it will likely have permanentlyLOST a large share of its own exports on meat to russia..why?

russia has now successfully opened up some southern siberia lands for massive pork production..ooopps...

that's iiiiiitttttt europe -- have some more NATO and sanctions - go ahead!!! and see where that gets ya! and all because they let themselves be led by the nose by uncle sam.........
coz IVAN AND MARIA won't KNEEL to uncle sam..........oh booohoooo...


BUT From my trip 2 months ago to st petersburg in that music event? you know what stood out to ME as i observed the russians in how they were so hospitable and friendly to us?

there were 2 british guys, one english and the other scottish - an engineer, a retired accountant, -- who , i learned went there every single year for many years now - like they were coming home...and why? it's because the russians - they told me "aren't what we've all grown up to believe...there's nothing but friendship from them considering how we in the west painted them to be".

now - isn't THAT sad?